Start with an Archangel

Chapter 593 Four Knights

Looking at the attributes of the Destruction Knight, Daliang really didn't expect that a slight blessing from the God of Death would have such a significant impact on this transformation.

The divine power of the God of Death inspired the extremely evil energy hidden in the power of fear. In the contest between divine power and divine power, the weak divine power of Death was finally defeated by the extremely evil energy. This terrifying knight was finally transformed by the extremely evil energy. Transformed into a purgatory creature, instead of a half-undead, half-demon species.

Daliang has seen purgatory creatures in the abyss of purgatory. These mutated creatures under the influence of divine power have a more advanced power system than ordinary creatures.

The attributes of the Destruction Knight are still in the category of a level 13 creature in terms of basic four-dimensional values, but in terms of military characteristics, they have faintly surpassed ordinary level 14 creatures.

Curse Attack and Knowing Blow inherit the special skills of the Terror Knight. The Terror Knight relies on these two special skills to occupy the title of first in its class. The Destruction Knight who continues to have these two special skills must be very powerful; but evolution represents this Creatures still have great potential that can be tapped. As long as they absorb enough extremely evil energy, they can evolve into level 14 destruction knights.

The Knight of Destruction, as you can tell from the name, is not a simple character.

Just what is all-terrain mobility?

Then Da Liang saw the way the Knight of Destruction moved that violated the laws of physics. He rushed out of the evil prison and ran in the meeting hall. The hall echoed with the sound of horse hooves. The war horse ran very fast, and his momentum was unstoppable, even if there was a face in front of him. The wall also showed no intention of stopping.

Then under Da Liang's gaze, the Destruction Knight turned around and rushed up the wall. The horse continued to run on the wall as if it was stepping on flat ground, and then rushed up to the ceiling.

At this time, the Destruction Knight was completely upside down on top of Da Liang's head, but there was no intention of falling down.

Rushing back from above Daliang, the knight ran down the wall on the other side and came to Daliang's front.

He wore eye-catching bright red full-body armor, with black and purple stripes all over the armor. The barrel-shaped helmet obscured his appearance, and only the deep purple eyes shone in the "T"-shaped gap in front of him.

The knight jumped off his horse and knelt on one knee in front of Daliang: "Lord, Destruction Knight Jones pledges his allegiance to you..."

Hero Specialty: Immortality.

Daliang saw in Jones the power of divine power, and as the ancestor creature of a new race, Jones, the Destruction Knight, gained the attribute of immortality.

The only people in this world who can survive are level 16 creatures who understand the power of the law.

In other words, in the future, Jones can rely on his immortal skills to make waves at will, and his potential can really be said to be unlimited.

Feeling the powerful power of the Destruction Knight, Da Liang couldn't wait to drive the other terrifying knights who had been blessed by the God of Death into the evil prison one by one.

Sure enough, they all aroused strong reactions from the prison.

But when the flames dissipated, the result was constant failure, failure, failure...

There are no hints.

However, even if it fails, when other biological transformations fail, there is at least one sacrifice to increase the success rate.

After the transformation of these terrifying knights failed, nothing happened.

The successive failures made Daliang's heart feel cold.

These terrifying knights who have been blessed by the God of Death must have a very low conversion rate due to the influence of weak divine power, and there will be no cumulative success rate due to failed conversions. Jones was able to successfully convert in one attempt, which was definitely a stroke of bad luck.

If Jones had not succeeded first, Da Liang, who had failed several times without receiving any prompts, would never have been willing to throw the precious Terror Knight into the evil prison again.

Under pressure, Da Liang continued to put the terrifying knight into the evil prison.

Finally, when the seventh Terror Knight was thrown in, another Destruction Knight was finally transformed.

Edge: Destruction Knight (Level 13 Infernal Creature)

Attack: 18

Defense: 18

Kills: 300-400

HP: 1500

Characteristics of the unit: all-terrain movement (including water), 20% curse attack, 20% knowing strike, ignores fire, evolveable (absorbing extremely evil energy can evolve into a level 14 destruction knight)

Hero Unit: Level 1

Attack: 11

Defense: 11

Intelligence: 10

Knowledge: 10

Hero Specialty: Rebellious General (attacks have a chance to cause the enemy to betray, the chance is related to the intelligence ratio of both sides, and the duration is related to the knowledge ratio of both sides)

Hero stunts:

Hero Special Skills: Intermediate Offense, Intermediate Fire Magic

Skills: Destructive power (ignores 50% of the opponent's defense and hits a fatal blow), collision...

Another powerful hero specialty.

Continue to transform...

After Da Liang threw all the Terror Knights into the Evil Prison, he obtained four Destruction Knights.

Jones, specialty: immortality;

Front, specialty: rebel general;

Isa, specialty: evasion (increases the hero's agility and has a chance to invalidate the opponent's attack);

Turner, Specialty: War Spirit (every time you kill an enemy on the battlefield, you can increase your lethality)

Four red-armored destruction knights stood in front of Da Liang, and then a system prompt appeared.

[You have gathered heroes with the four hero specialties of immortality, betrayal, evasion, and fighting spirit at the same time, and triggered the combined magic skill-soul-gathering coffin: the souls of all creatures killed by the four heroes will be gathered in the coffin. When the soul-gathering coffin is opened, war, plague, death and famine will come to the earth. Soul power 0/10000, use effect: enemy morale -1, luck -1, fatigue accelerated by 20%, automatic casting of master-level curse possession (lethality is minimum damage, then reduced by 10)]

Da Liang was speechless.

This is a strategic-level hero. On the battlefield, he releases a combo skill - Soul Gathering Coffin, which directly turns the enemy into a flock of sheep.

We must focus on cultivating and cultivate with all our strength.

In Daliang's mind, he quickly formulated an upgrade route for the four Destruction Knights. In the early stage, he would follow Kuka on territorial missions to get through the early stage safely and gather soul power for the Soul Gathering Coffin.

With the Soul Gathering Coffin, it will be much easier to attack the eighth-level undead territory in the mission.

Then, these four Destruction Knights all went to the Purgatory Abyss.

At that time, the personnel of the Judgment Legion had already launched an investigation into the Purgatory Abyss. The weaker purgatory creatures are left to the Destruction Knight to kill, while the slightly stronger ones wait for Da Liang's super attack team to kill them.

This troop transformation was really a surprise. Not only did they get the Vampire Sword Guard, a powerful troop that can be used on a large scale in the future, but they also got four Destruction Knights and a top-level strategic skill. This allows the Black Fire Army, which is now dominated by low-level soldiers, to take more initiative when facing a war.

The satisfied Daliang returned to the Kingdom of Death with his newly transformed army, and the Destruction Knight led the vampire sword guards to report to the Kuka attack group.

Da Liang returned to the foggy area.

Then the priest of the Church in the Mist Area sent news... Will, the leader of the Immaculate Holy See Knights in the City of Sighs, came, and he also brought a coffin.

The dead send coffins...

It's a little awkward, but there's nothing wrong with it.

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