Start with an Archangel

Chapter 594 Military Expenditure

Daliang returned to his church. At this time, the enchanter hired by Tokugawa Nobunaga had begun to enchant the church's outer wall.

These enchanters are all residents of the foggy area employed by Daliang's alchemy shop, and all enchanting materials are provided by Daliang's alchemy shop. The prepared alchemical potions were put into glass bottles. The enchanter used solidification magic to carve the magic circle on the wall. Then he carefully filled various alchemical potions into the magic circuit, and finally used chromium. Iron sealed magic circle.

Chromium iron is also an alchemical material. Although its magic conductivity is not as good as fine gold and thorium, it is cheaper and stronger. It can also protect the magic circle inside when assisting in transmitting magic energy.

After the enchantment is completed this time, the church's defense capabilities can be greatly improved. If an anti-magic device is installed again...

The enchantment of the church had just begun, and Da Liang was already thinking about how to make the place stronger next.

Under the leadership of the priest, Da Liang entered the church, and then met Will, the head of the Holy See Knights, and a coffin he brought.

This coffin is made of very thick materials and is completely black. It is one meter high, two meters long, and one and a half meters wide. It is hard to tell that the material is made of wood, but although the style is ordinary, the workmanship is very exquisite.

Will stood tightly next to the coffin. After seeing Da Liang, he took out a letter and said: "On the order of the monarch, I will hand over this coffin and a letter written by the monarch to the Eviscerating Cult of the Mist Area." Zong."

Daliang took the letter, looked at the seal on the letter, and then asked: "Why did the Lord, Commander Will, give me a coffin?"

Will said: "The monarch didn't say it, and I didn't ask and I wouldn't read it. As for why the monarch gave the eviscerated pope this coffin, I think he should have written it in the letter."

Seeing that he couldn't get anything out of Will, Liang took out his papal badge and pressed it on the seal of the letter. The seal was unlocked, and Daliang took out the letter from inside and read it.

Of course, it started with the sad monarch’s words of encouragement to Daliang, and then he turned to the main topic.

"You know that I captured a wizard from the Wizards Guild. Although I didn't get any important information from him, I can confirm that he should have a high status in the Wizards Guild and would know some of the Wizards Guild's research on becoming a god.

The research of the Wizards Guild will definitely be of great help to us.

It's just that the identity of this wizard is very sensitive and is not suitable for being imprisoned in a cathedral or other places. The only place in the world that reassures me is the first Protestant church.

His power has been banned by me. You are responsible for interrogating him. Perhaps your human methods can bring me more useful information.



The coffin contained Anthony!

The Sad Lord couldn't get anything out of Anthony, so he sent him to the Misty District Church and asked Daliang to be responsible for the interrogation.

This is very embarrassing.

Da Liang used magic to summon flames and burned the letter in front of Will, then walked to the side of the coffin and walked around to see if there was any sign that it had been opened.

Seeing Daliang's worry, Will said: "I sent the coffin immediately after I received it from the monarch. No one opened it along the way, and the coffin was also sealed by the monarch. Except for you, whoever opens it by force will know it." .”

No one has opened it, which means no one knows what is inside. Things would be easier to handle. They could bury the coffin in the ground without telling Jonathan and the wizards. By then, no one would know where Anthony is as long as the Sad Lord doesn't tell him.

As for the interrogation?

Even the monarch can't ask for something, why can I ask for it?

Therefore, Daliang didn't have any idea of ​​opening the coffin. He didn't know whether Anthony's energy inside was sealed and whether he was mentally alert. Even if his appearance was covered, Daliang couldn't be sure whether Anthony would recognize him from the details. After all, the undead Very sensitive to the scent of other creatures.

After thinking about it, Da Liang smiled at Will and said: "I have received the things. Please reply to the monarch, the leader. I am very grateful to the monarch for trusting me. I will definitely not let down the trust of the monarch."

The coffin has been delivered, and Will, who has completed his duties, walked away from the coffin, and then said to Daliang: "The mercenaries sent by the City of Sighs to the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce have begun to bring benefits to the monarch. The monarch is very happy. The money has been a lot for the monarch. It provided funds for what it wanted to do, and also gave the Holy See Knights more military spending to recruit more Holy See knights and soldiers.

As Master of the Order of the Holy See, I express my gratitude to the Eviscerated Pope. "

Daliang replied: "As the Pope of the Immaculate Holy See and a senior knight of the Holy See Knights, I have the obligation to share the worries of the monarch and the leader.

If you feel that the military expenditure of the Holy See Knights is insufficient, I can make a free donation to our Knights.

Please don't refuse, sir. I can see that the monarch is worried about the future. The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce can easily hire troops from the City of Sighs. The main reason should be that the monarch is accumulating strength to prepare for a possible war.

I don't know who can threaten the City of Sighs and make the self-cultivation undead become nervous, but this city is also my city, and the safer it is, the safer I am.

The Knights of the Holy See are the most powerful army in the City of Sighs. You need money to become stronger so that you can crush all our enemies. "

Daliang's words touched Will's heart.

Although the expatriate mercenaries brought millions of gold in income to the City of Sighs every week, once the war preparation mode was started, the Sorrowful Monarch realized that money was really being spent everywhere. The diversion of funds and the division of limited military expenditures by factions. The funds allocated to the Holy See Knights became very small.

So when it came to military spending, Will was very angry.

"Originally, the monarch planned to allocate 500,000 gold per week from the funds earned by this group of mercenaries to our Holy See Knights for the formation of a new army.

However, Speaker Yalgu actually led the bishops to interfere with the monarch's allocation of military expenditures. They abruptly took away 300,000 gold from the 500,000 gold.

This is money earned by the monarch, why should the parliament divide it. "

The City of Sighs is composed of 13 districts. Each district belongs to an independent parish and has an Immaculate Church. In the center of the City of Sighs is an Immaculate Cathedral, which is a church directly under the Melancholy Monarch.

The Melancholy King ruled the city through cathedrals and churches.

But just like a country, although the supreme ruler has the power of life and death over his subordinates, his power is also checked and balanced by his subordinates.

Thirteen bishops formed the Unsullied Holy See Council in the City of Sighs. They assisted the Sad Lord in managing his ruling area. At the same time, the council also had the ability to influence the decision-making of the Sad Lord.

Now due to the lack of bishops in the Mist District, the number of members of the Holy See Council is now 12, and Bishop Yalgu of the Shadow District Church serves as the Speaker of the Council.

After the twelve church knights led by the parliament united, they were enough to compete with Will's papal knights.

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