Start with an Archangel

Chapter 595 Brotherly Troops

The armies under the Sorrowful Lord are roughly divided into three parts.

The strongest and most elite are the Holy See Knights commanded by Will. They belong directly to the Melancholy Monarch and are similar to the Praetorian Guards.

Followed by the Knights of the Church in 13 urban districts, they are affiliated with 13 bishops and guard the entire City of Sighs. If the Melancholy Monarch wants to mobilize the Knights of the Church on a large scale, he needs to issue orders to the bishops through the Holy See Council.

The largest and most diverse army is the army of the undead territory scattered throughout the area ruled by the Melancholy Monarch. Unless there is a major war, these armies cannot be commanded by the Melancholy Monarch.

Therefore, the Sad Monarch with new financial resources must first expand the Holy See Knights who are closest to him. However, the Holy See Council does not seem to want the Holy See Knights to enjoy the exclusive favor of the Sad Monarch. They are also clamoring for military expenses.

The Sad Monarch still has relatively strong control over the Knights of the Church under the Parliament. They are all armies that can be commanded. Therefore, the balance system between the direct line and the non-direct line must also be grasped. Since the Knights of the Church also need money, the Sad Monarch will not So that all the new military expenditures can be given to his own Holy See knights.

So he was supposed to receive 500,000 gold, but 300,000 was suddenly robbed.

Of course Will was very angry.

Da Liang was also very angry...

They are also members of the Knights of the Church, and the Misty District is also one of the 13 urban areas. The Holy See Council has been allocated military funds, so why does no one send over the share belonging to the Knights of the Church in the Misty District?

Needless to say, it must have been divided among the 12 church knights.

With more than 20,000 gold a week and not even saying hello, you really don't take the Mist Zone seriously.

We are a model parish.

But although Daliang was performing the duties of a bishop, he did not have the status of a bishop. The Holy See Council can't even get through the gate, so there's probably no chance of getting the money back.

I can only endure it.

Daliang followed Will and said angrily: "This is really bullying. Captain Will, please rest assured that in this matter, the Knights of the Church of the Mist District are definitely on the side of the Holy See Knights.

We have nothing in the foggy area except money!

We in the Mist Zone will make up for the part of the military expenses of the Holy See Knights that was divided by the Parliament. Isn't it just 300,000 gold per week? Commander Will can just send someone to come to me every week to take away this military expenditure. "

Will did not expect that Daliang would be so generous. He would give him 300,000 gold a week in military expenses without blinking an eye, and on time every week.

Sure enough, he is a rich human being who brings the monarch an income of several million per week or even tens of millions in the future. He is too rich.

But Will was still a little bit embarrassed when he showed off so much money. He said: "This is not good, the money for the Eviscerating Pope is also hard-earned."

Daliang said: "Commander Weir said this is too outrageous. You are the monarch's closest and most trusted guard, and I am now the monarch's most trusted and entrusted foreign minister. We are the monarch both internally and externally." His right-hand man, this is his true self.

I think the Knights of the Holy See and the Knights of the Mist Zone should be fraternal knights, and my Knights of the Church of the Mist Zone were first established. Knights and soldiers are easy to talk to, just dig them out of the ground. Although the strength is not good, at least the knights The shelves are set up.

The only thing that makes me dissatisfied is that the equipment of those undead who have been buried underground for who knows how many years has long been completely rotten. The scraps of metal hanging on their bodies really hurt the face of my church knights in the foggy area. .

If Captain Will recognizes our Knights of the Church in the Mist Zone as a brotherhood, he will give us some equipment that has been eliminated or is useless in stock, so that they can look like Church Knights. "

Eaters have short mouths, and takers have short hands.

The weekly military expenditure of 300,000 gold coins, coupled with a loud "brother", made Will feel that his already cold heart was actually warm.

Besides, what Daliang wants is only the obsolete equipment and useless things in stock...

It made Will feel even more caring.

Who is the Eviscerating Pope? He is a well-known rich man in the entire City of Sighs. He casually talks about big business worth millions of dollars. Donating 300,000 gold in military expenses a week without blinking an eye, would you look at your unused equipment?

Obviously, he was taking care of his own face and gave himself a way to accept this military expenditure.

This kind of brother is worth keeping.

Will, who was full of gratitude, did not use too many excuses: "From now on, my Knights of the Holy See and the Church of the Misty Region will be brotherly troops. If the Knights of the Church of the Misty Region need anything, tell me as soon as possible, as long as I can provide it with absolute priority. For the Brotherhood of Knights. The equipment that the Eviscerate Pope long as the Church in the Mist Area deems it useful, the Pope can just go directly to the Holy See Knights' warehouse to pull it out."

Daliang, who had collected the rags from Joyce in Shangjiang City, certainly knew how much exploitable value there was in the army's scrap warehouse.

Will's Knights of the Holy See are the direct troops of the Sorrowful Monarch. The hero unit alone maintains a scale of more than 30,000, and the 800,000 standing soldiers do not include the low-level soldiers who can be recruited in large numbers at any time. And as the most elite force, the Holy See Knights have always maintained a certain level of training, and have to fight against disobedient lords and invading elven armies from time to time, so a lot of equipment has been eliminated.

At the same time, because the standing force of the Holy See Knights is relatively high-level, the eliminated standard equipment is also high-end goods that cannot be produced by the ordnance factory in the player's territory. After repairing it, you can exchange it for money from the player.

Of course, selling these refurbished equipment may not earn back the weekly donation of 300,000 gold, but Daliang’s fundamental purpose is not to make these small amounts of money.

At this time, the foggy area has already gained a reputation among players, and the alchemy bombs and special style have indeed attracted many players. A large number of players promoted the development of this foggy area, and Daliang also discovered many shortcomings.

It’s just that the products in the foggy area are too high-end. Alchemy bombs and alchemy potions cannot be purchased by ordinary players, and hidden tasks can only attract some high-end players. And more low-end players came here because of the reputation, and soon found that the things here were unaffordable, and the tasks were too advanced to complete, causing these players to come and go in a hurry, unable to stay.

Now that there are eliminated products from the Knights of the Holy See, Da Liang can use these refurbished equipment to flood the low-end market, increase the types of products, and keep low-end players here with cost-effective equipment.

More players will naturally attract businesses, and a diversified business structure will attract more players, allowing the development of the Mist Zone to enter a virtuous cycle.

Collecting taxes and rents is where the bulk of the money is made.

At the same time, another purpose of Daliang is to be able to enter and exit the Holy See Knights freely without causing others to doubt what he really wants to do.

The most important thing for Da Liang now is to solve Julian's troubles. He must collect six pieces of angel equipment to open the passage to the crystal wall of the god plane, and find a way to obtain the divine power that can neutralize the extremely evil energy. The six pieces of angel equipment are on In the hands of the Holy See Knights.

The Prophet's Sword in Will's hand is one of the six pieces of angel equipment. The whereabouts of the other five pieces of equipment still need to be investigated.

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