Start with an Archangel

Chapter 596 Small Treasury

With this weekly donation of 300,000 gold, Da Liang can go to the various military camps of the Holy See Knights at any time in the name of pulling out obsolete equipment, and secretly investigate the whereabouts of the other five pieces of angel equipment.

There has been a major breakthrough regarding Julian.

Daliang then turned to ask about the sale of rare resources. In his opinion, the Sad Lord seemed to be very interested in the sale of rare resources. There should have been news about this business a long time ago. Why has there been no news for so long?

Taking advantage of the rapid heating up of the relationship with Will, Daliang asked: "The last time the church in the foggy area was bombed, Captain Will and a priest came to investigate. During this period, we talked about the sale of rare resources in the City of Sighs. , I wonder if the monarch has made up his mind? I also want to buy some rare resources on the spot to supply the consumption of the alchemy factory.

Anyway, buying from others is also buying, and buying from your own home is also buying. Of course, you have to add bricks and tiles to the City of Sighs. "

Will sighed and said: "The monarch is very much in favor of selling some rare resources, but his proposal was opposed by the parliament. Those bishops believed that rare resources are strategic resources, even if they are mined and buried underground Reserve and cannot be sold outside.

As an outsider, the Pope could easily tell that the City of Sighs was facing a serious war, and tried his best to relieve the monarch of his worries. These short-sighted guys only know how to stick to the old rules. If we don't spend enough money to prepare for war, won't all the rare resources belong to others once we are defeated? "

Sure enough, someone was blocking it.

Daliang's Black Fire Lord has an inherent disadvantage in finding and defending resources compared to other lords who have a large number of players' support.

Therefore, if Daliang wanted to obtain resources, he would have to find another way. Originally, he thought that as long as the Sad Lord nodded and agreed, the management rights of rare resources should be easy to obtain, but he did not expect that he would be attacked by the Holy See Council. stop.

It's just a matter of intercepting our military expenses in the foggy area. I don't need that little money. But I can no longer bear to stop my brother from getting rich and acquiring rare resources.

Daliang said: "In this regard, the parliament has gone too far. Those bishops are short-sighted and say that the monarch is selling his own things, so why should they point fingers?

If it were me, I would directly assign my subordinates to sell things in their name, and the money earned would nominally belong to my subordinates. Then let my subordinates set up a private treasury. I want to withdraw the money and spend it directly, and the bishops won't be able to get a cent. "

Daliang's words made Wilmouth suddenly open.


If you buy rare resources in the name of the Holy See Knights, all the money earned will nominally belong to the Holy See Knights. Then a treasury was opened within the Holy See Knights, and the Sad Lord directly allocated gold coins for war preparation expenses.

All property accounting procedures only go through the internal finances of the Holy See Knights, and the Parliament has no right to investigate or interfere.

In this way, the monarch can sell rare items without the permission of Parliament. The City of Sighs has added a major financial resource, and the Knights of the Holy See can allocate more military expenses without having to worry about being diluted by the Knights of the Church.

After thinking about it, Will was overjoyed: "Sure enough, the human race's business acumen is the envy of all races. This time I came to the Mist Zone, not only did I get funding from the Eviscerating Pope, but I also helped the monarch solve a big problem.

I will go back immediately to report this method to the monarch. I believe there will be news soon.

The Eviscerating Pope should also start preparing to export rare resources. You are the only one in the entire City of Sighs who controls the vast trade routes, and you are the most trusted person by the monarch. If the monarch leaves the matter of exporting rare resources to the Holy See Knights, I can only ask the Pope to help convert those rare resources into gold coins as soon as possible. "

For Will, the gains from coming to the Mist Zone this time are really too great, and he must rush back immediately to tell the Sad Lord about this good idea.

Da Liang sent Will out of the church door.

The newly built Church in the Mist District has added a landmark building to this urban area. It, along with Destiny Manor and Snowfield Manor, are known to players as three absolutely mysterious and inaccessible places in the Mist District.

Mystery means that there are hidden tasks that ordinary players cannot access at all, and conquering these three mysterious buildings has become an important goal for some advanced players and guilds.

There are players squatting in these three places at any time. No matter what kind of people come out, they must come forward to talk about what tasks they hope to trigger.

However, the Church in the Mist Area, Destiny Manor and Snowfield Manor are all owned by Daliang. Daliang also explicitly prohibits anyone from leaking the information inside, so although the players try hard, it has no effect.

However, players have already determined that there are tasks here, and the harder the tasks are to trigger, the more valuable they are. Therefore, even if they hit the wall repeatedly, there are still players taking turns to garrison in these three places for a long time. I hope that I can be lucky enough to get deep into these three places. Opportunity.

The church in the Mist District is also garrisoned, and big figures have frequently appeared here recently. Even when the church was built, ghost dragons came from the sky, and some people rumored that the owner of the City of Sighs, the Sorrowful Lord, had arrived in person.

Some people also said that they saw two shining golden dragons of unknown species, pulling a large cart of jewelry to congratulate...

There are various signs that Sigh City should focus on cultivating the foggy area.

Looking at this urban area that is prospering every day, it is obviously different from other urban areas. Does it mean that the foggy area will become a special economic zone?

A city that is fully developed will definitely inspire more value and wealth, and if you can establish a relationship with the ruling class of the foggy area early, you will undoubtedly be able to get on the fast track to becoming rich and powerful.

The foggy area, which has always been well exposed, has attracted the attention of more player groups this time. Some player guilds with a keen sense of smell have begun to focus on developing the foggy area. More and more players are squatting outside the church doors in the foggy area. .

Today, a group of ghost dragons landed outside the church in the foggy area again. A group of undead heroes who looked incredibly powerful carried a large coffin into the church.

Soon, the Pope from the foggy area also came from outside and entered the church.

Obviously something big happened again.

The squatting personnel of each player organization immediately contacted their superiors, and soon some mission experts rushed to the door of the church in the foggy area. They only waited for important people to come out, and then immediately stepped forward to look for opportunities to trigger the mission.

The church in the Mist District is heavily guarded, and the Knights of the Church guard the entire church area tightly. The undead sentries do not need to rest or change guard. They stand there motionless as if they are dead. However, as long as any player tries to approach, they will be expelled immediately.

In the past, there were also players with high self-esteem who attacked these church defenders. As a result, they soon attracted a group of powerful church knights. The terrifying knight hero at the head was very violent. No matter how strong the player was, he would not be able to defeat them all in one fell swoop. Instant kill.

Therefore, players who have experienced hardship will be much more honest when staying in the future, and will easily avoid entering the warning area of ​​the church.

However, there are exceptions. When the Pope of the Church in the Fog Zone came out accompanied by a terrifying knight hero, players who had been waiting for a long time rushed forward and wanted to force a conversation.


"Hula la..." A group of church knights blocked the players from outside. All the terrifying knight heroes, black-armored horses formed an isolation circle, and the sabers were lined up in front of the outside.

The leader of the terrifying knight hero shouted: "No one can disturb the Pope and... Captain Will, otherwise they will be killed immediately!"

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