Start with an Archangel

Chapter 597 The church being attacked

Whenever Will comes to the Misty District Church, Daliang is most worried about Jonathan going berserk.

Will personally directed the Immaculate Holy See's siege against the Sigh City branch of the original Wizards Guild and led the Holy See Knights to attack the branch base. At that time, countless wizards died under his sword, directly disintegrating all the defense forces of the base.

As a surviving wizard, Jonathan naturally hated Will.

But Daliang also reminded Jonathan many times, "Due to Frank's betrayal and the siege of the Unsullied Holy See, the Wizards Guild is now in a very difficult period. The City of Sighs branch is still very weak. If you are not careful, you will be attacked." A devastating disaster.

All hatred must be buried in the heart, and the forbearance at this time is to accumulate strength, and then kill Will when he is able to take revenge. "

Although Jonathan was a little reckless, he was not unreasonable. He had fought against Will and knew that he was no match for Will. Attacking Will at this time will not only kill him, but also affect other companions, as well as the elders...

Jonathan admires the current Elder Eviscerate greatly: he united a group of wizards who were like lost dogs at the beginning and completed the almost impossible task of killing Frank. Now, facing Will, the enemy who killed his best friend, Elder Quentin, he can still welcome him with a smile, just to save the remaining wizards.

The elder is willing to serve as the pope of the Unsullied Holy See for the Sigh City branch. What reason do I have to undermine the elder's hard work?

Jonathan suppressed his hatred and led the knights of the Church Knights to block the harassment of players for Da Liang and Will.

The terror knight exuded power and had a reputation of murdering people if they disagreed with Jonathan, frightening players so much that they did not dare to approach.

This opportunity to get close to the Pope of the Church in the Mist District seems to have failed again.

Driven by the church knights, the players had no choice but to retreat, and a player standing still was highlighted.

It was a little girl with an Asian face, dressed like a Japanese ninja.

Very experienced players began to mourn for the girl. The Knights of the Church in the Mist Area are famous for being difficult to contact. They don't listen to a warning and directly kill people the next time.

That girl was young and inexperienced, and she was probably going to die once.

However, the players were surprised to find that the Church Knights in the Mist Zone did not attack the girl, and the girl actually dared to move forward. Under everyone's gaze, she passed through the warning circle of the Church Knights and came to the Church Knights in the Mist Zone. Zong's side.

No one stopped him during the whole process.

The important NPC, the Pope in the foggy area, was unexpectedly captured first.

check! Immediately find out who the suspected Asian player is. If she has not joined a player organization, recruit her; if she has joined another player organization, grab her.

At this time, the Mist District is in an early stage of development. If you can come into contact with such an important figure like the Pope of the Mist District so early, your future future will definitely be unlimited.

Tokugawa Nobunaga thought so too.

Especially after the Misty District Church was built, the scene really shocked the entire Misty District. It's just that the Church Knights completely blocked the surrounding area of ​​the church at that time, and no players were allowed to get close, including Feng Moying, who was not able to enter the church to see what big shot was coming to congratulate them.

But judging from the sight of ghosts and dragons filling the sky at that time, it is estimated that only the Lord of Sighs, the owner of Sighing City, could display such a large ceremony.

The status of the Pope of the Mist Zone was once again elevated in Tokugawa Nobunaga's heart. If the Sad Monarch came at that time, does it mean that the Sad Monarch attaches great importance to the Mist Zone! The important thing is that there is no bishop in the Mist District. The highest clergyman is the Pope. That is to say, the church that the Pope presided over the reconstruction was personally congratulated by the Melancholy Monarch. This in itself shows that the Pope has officially entered the Melancholy Monarch. vision and was recognized.

The future of the Pope in the Mist Zone can be said to be limitless, and Feng Moying, who is on the line with the Pope, also has a limitless future.

The relationship with the Pope must be maintained well. At the same time, Tokugawa Nobunaga also needs to confirm whether his guess is correct, whether it was the Sad Lord who came when the Misty District church was built, and whether the Misty District received strong support from the Sad Monarch.

Tokugawa Nobunaga assigned Feng Moying the task of investigation.

Feng Moying knew that the Pope was often not in the church, so she sent someone to stay outside the church and notify her immediately whenever the Pope showed up.

When Daliang returned to the church, Feng Moying knew it immediately and rushed over. But when she wanted to enter the church, she was told that the Pope was meeting an extremely important guest and no one was allowed in.

Therefore, Feng Moying could only guard outside with other players.

Until she saw the Pope coming out, Feng Moying was afraid of missing this opportunity, fearing that the Pope would not be able to see him after leaving the church, so she immediately got close to him, not realizing how much turbulence she had caused among the players.

Being able to make friends with a ruling person in the main city of the base camp plane is not as valuable as making friends with a ruling person in the main city of the main world.

This represents the highest level of power in the game world. A main city controls much more territory and strength than a main city in the main world.

This is why as soon as players find out that the Mist Zone may be taken seriously by the Sad Lord, they sharpen their heads and try to get in touch with it.

Feng Moying walked through the guard area of ​​the church knights and walked to Da Liang. At this time, Will had already mounted the ghost dragon and led the church knights to fly into the air.

"Your Holiness, I want to report to you on the progress of road paving in the foggy area, as well as the progress of enchanting the church..."

Da Liang watched Will ride away on the ghost dragon, then turned to Feng Moying and said: "Those hateful adventurers are very annoying. If you have anything to say to me in the church, tell me."

After Daliang said that, he turned around and walked into the church. Feng Moying followed closely and watched the changes in the church.

The first is that there are more priests here.

Before the church was destroyed, Feng Moying saw what it was like here. It was really miserable, and the priests were also crooked.

Now that the new church has been built, there is a gloomy and solemn atmosphere everywhere. The church also seemed to have resumed its function of spawning monsters, and there were newly spawned undead priests wandering around everywhere. In addition, many high-quality undead priests have been added, including many undead heroes with high intelligence and potential such as vampires and corpse witches.

It seems that the Church in the Mist District really has a big opportunity.

While following Da Liang, Feng Moying asked cautiously: "Master Pope, who is the knight who just left? He can ride the ghost dragon and has so many powerful subordinates. He must be a very important person."

Daliang said casually: "Yes, he is a very important man. He is also the most trusted subordinate of the Sad Lord, and the leader of the Holy See Knights, Will."

Feng Moying didn't expect to obtain such important information so easily.

The head of the Holy See Knights is regarded as the most senior military officer in the City of Sighs, and the commander of the Guards of the Sorrowful Monarch must be the most trusted person of the monarch.

Such a figure is much higher than the pope of a diocese in terms of status and power. His personal visit to the pope of the Mist Zone can already allow people to analyze enough information.

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