Start with an Archangel

Chapter 598 New Doctrine

Reporting on the progress of road construction and church enchantment in the foggy area is just an excuse for Feng Moying. Her real purpose is to find out whether the development strategy of Sigh City in the future is here in the foggy area. In addition, it would be better to get some early benefits.

Entering the church, Feng Moying introduced the construction progress to Daliang while asking about any important guests arriving at the completion ceremony of the church in the foggy area.

After listening to Feng Moying's report, Daliang said: "The Mist Zone will remember your contribution to this place. I have always admired your ability very much. At least when you hunted down the skeleton mage who attacked the church last time, you proved that you are very capable." Good at hunting.

Now I have a big mission on my shoulders, but I find that I don't have many trustworthy and outstanding subordinates available.

If you really want to serve the Church of the Mists and the Sorrowful Lord, I intend to make you take on more responsibility. "

The plot mission finally has a major breakthrough!

And it is a task that involves the sad monarch, which is definitely a super event.

Although he knew that this mission should be very dangerous, and that it was likely beyond his capabilities, he would encounter a stronger hero than the last time the Skeleton Mage.

But how could the taskmaster resist the temptation to complete the task? Feng Moying immediately put the principle of "not talking about ideals, only talking about money" behind her.

She immediately knelt on one knee and said sincerely: "I, Feng Moying, am willing to offer my loyalty to the Pope and swear to follow the Pope and the monarch to the death."

Seeing the middle school girl who was so deeply involved in the drama, Daliang couldn't help but get excited. He said in a pleased tone: "Get up. Before I assign you a new task, you need to know about the Wugou Holy See in the City of Sighs." , know who our enemy is.”

At this time, Feng Moying was extremely excited. Wasn't her strategy for the Pope in the Mist Zone just to penetrate deeply into the Holy See? This is the highest governing body of the Kingdom of Death. As long as the mission progress can be deepened into the Unsullied Holy See, the benefits in the future are really unimaginable.

Feng Moying stood up and continued to say respectfully: "Sir Pope, your enemy is my enemy."

The highlight nodded: "Now there are two factions in the Immaculate Holy See in the City of Sighs. One is the reformist faction headed by my Mist District and Captain Will's Knights of the Holy See. We believe that the City of Sighs, which has not changed for thousands of years, should have a brand new faction. For changes, the City of Sighs should introduce commerce and more foreign races to make our city prosperous. A rich economy and strong foreign dependents can make the area ruled by the Sorrowful Monarch more powerful.

It’s just that the changes we proposed triggered opposition from another faction. The bishops of each city, with the Holy See Council as the core, were extremely conservative. They believed that since the City of Sighs has been like this for countless years, it should continue to be maintained. Like this.

Although Captain Weir and I had the support of the Melancholy Lord, the old-fashioned Parliament used their influence to make our reforms impossible to implement. I even suspect that the destruction of the church in the Mist District was done by the Council.

However, the efforts of Captain Will and I still paid off.

On the day of the church's rebuilding ceremony, the Melancholy Lord arrived in person to announce my new appointment. "

Sure enough, I guessed it right. On the day of the completion ceremony of the church in the Mist District, the Sad Lord came in person. No wonder the security was so tight and the troops arriving together were so solemn.

At the same time, Feng Moying also obtained important information, information involving the internal struggle of the Wugou Church in the City of Sighs.

The battle between reformists and conservatives is definitely the best news for third-party players. Because if the Holy See in the City of Sighs is monolithic, players who want to improve their status in it can only do tasks rigidly and slowly climb up from the bottom. When they reach a sufficient status, they don’t know how far the game has progressed. It is very likely that It’s a lot of investment and little return.

However, if there is a struggle within the Immaculate Holy See, it means there is an opportunity to take a shortcut to get to the top. Of course, it is also possible to take the wrong side, and in the end all the investment will be lost because of the failure of the struggle.

At this time, there was an internal struggle within the Holy See in Sigh City. It seemed that the reformists were weak and the conservatives were strong. But the potential of the reformist faction is huge. The head of the Immaculate Holy See Knights, a close confidant of the Sad Lord, is the leader of the reformist faction, which originally represents the attitude of the Sad Lord.

The reformists are now in a weak stage. If we provide help to the reformists at this time and stand firmly on the papal team in the foggy area, it will undoubtedly be a help in times of need. When the Pope makes achievements and makes the Sad Monarch fully support the reformists, that will be the time for her to flourish.

"Your Holiness, I am willing to do my best to support His Holiness's reforms. The City of Sighs needs His Holiness to bring it to glory."

"Yes, the City of Sighs ranks seventh in the Kingdom of Death. We have been in this ranking for too long and should be closer. For the new goal, I have been appointed by the Sorrowful Lord as the Internal Pope of the Mist Zone and concurrently as the External Pope. , who governs the Knights of the Church.”

A bishop without the title of bishop. Feng Moying knew that she had embraced him. The Pope had already obtained the military and political power in the Mist Zone from the Sad Monarch. As long as he stood firmly under the Pope's banner and defeated the conservatives, the Pope would become the Sad Monarch. The first person to get off.

"I am the number one person under the Pope...becoming the most powerful player in the game. Come on, I know you can do it, Feng Moying!"

Feng Moying said quickly: "Congratulations to the Pope for gaining the trust and promotion of the Sad Monarch. I wonder what tasks the Pope has entrusted to me. I will definitely complete the task and realize the ideals of the Pope and the monarch."

What kind of mission, Daliang has already thought about it for Feng Moying.

At this time, Da Liang had just come into contact with the ruling class of the City of Sighs, and received the task of developing Protestantism from the Sorrowful Lord - to promote the ultimate faith.

It's okay to promote the ultimate faith in your own church. After all, Daliang has taken office as the internal pope, and the church has begun to refresh the new novice priests. The Sad Monarch's newly compiled Immaculate Doctrine has also been sent. These new novice priests are all believers of the Protestant Church. . Even the junior priests who were sent became Protestant priests under the inspiration of the sad monarch.

The foundations of Mistland Protestantism have been laid, becoming the first church of the Melancholy Monarch Protestant Church.

How to expand the influence of Protestantism is more troublesome. If you go out to promote it so straightforwardly, you will definitely be attacked by the old religion. The 12 churches with the Parliament as the core are the first obstacle to the Protestantism.

Therefore, Daliang needs someone to help him promote the ultimate belief. Even if the Holy See Council discovers the existence of the ultimate belief, Daliang can get rid of it at any time.

The priests in the church in the foggy area cannot be used, nor can the wizards. The residents in the foggy area are not trustworthy, so they can only rely on the players.

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