Start with an Archangel

Chapter 604 Lucas Arrives

Daliang, who returned to the foggy area, started a new round of construction.

Daliang, who was personally appointed by the Melancholy Lord, gained jurisdiction over the Mist Zone both in fact and in name.

Within the church in the foggy area, Daliang exercised his teaching duties and strictly prohibited any priest from preaching to non-undead residents in the foggy area.

"These residents will naturally return to the God of Death when they reach old age, so you don't need to worry about it. Read the newly compiled "Unsullied Doctrine" more often, experience the ultimate faith in it, improve yourself, sublimate yourself...

If someone disobeys orders and preaches to non-undead creatures without permission, don't think about the church avenging you if you are killed. "

For the foggy area, Daliang let the planned war material production factory turn pieces of land into construction sites.

There are also those alchemy material production buildings, which are rising quickly one by one.

The lives of residents in the foggy area have undergone earth-shaking changes due to the arrival of Da Liang. The series of alchemy workshops built and owned by the mysterious human tycoon Mr. Eviscerate all require magical heroes to maintain their operations, which provides jobs for many residents of the Fog Zone.

More and more players are resident in the foggy area, giving residents of the foggy area many opportunities to make money. Whether through legal or illegal means, players are always willing to contribute gold coins to the residents of the Mist Zone.

Mr. Eviscerate fulfilled his promise, and kept the supply of normal staple food at low prices. The gradually prosperous market began to appear some ingredients from all over the main plane. Although the prices of these ingredients were much more expensive than the staple food, the residents of the Mist Zone who made money I don't mind the luxury of improving the food once in a while.

Food attracts non-undead creatures scattered in the Kingdom of Death to settle in the Mist Zone, and the increased population brings more material needs. The business in the Mist Zone enters a virtuous cycle and continues to expand.

Daliang made an overall plan for the development of the Mist District, and then developed blocks one by one in the name of churches and Ebony.

Ebony mainly deals in food, war supplies, high-end alchemy industry and some gray businesses. These industries can allow Daliang to firmly control the foggy area. All the taverns in the foggy area have been handed over to Polly. As a native of Shangjiang City's Flea Street, Polly is very comfortable with the gray industry. The interior of the tavern was transformed into a gambling hall and an underground mercenary market. If this intelligence network can be successfully established, it will allow Da Liang to know everything that happens in the foggy area at any time and monitor everyone.

The church is responsible for taxation and business management. Except for some important materials related to the rule of the foggy area, which are in the hands of Daliang, Daliang plans to outsource all other small business operations to players and NPC merchants. Then, we can obtain funds for the church by collecting rents and taxes. This fund can maintain the basic operation of the entire parish, increase church priests and expand the church knights.

We also need to get equipment from the Holy See Knights...

When Da Liang remembered the agreement with Will from the busy planning work of the foggy area, it was already three days later.

And this was also the day he agreed to meet with the three tauren and snow orc tribe leaders.

But when Da Liang was about to leave, he planned to first let the tauren into the foggy area to meet the orc leader, and then go to the Holy See Knights military camp to collect equipment and investigate the whereabouts of six pieces of angel equipment.

Minya is back.

Also coming with him were Motto, the former deputy elder of the City of Sighs branch, and Lucas, the president of the Wizards Guild.

Lucas is here... It seems that although the Wizards Guild has isolated him, it has not restricted his movements.

This is Daliang's introducer and mentor when he enters the Wizards Guild. He is a must-see.

So Da Liang immediately left the church and returned to Destiny Manor, and then met Lucas in the room designated for wizard activities.

At this time, Lich Lucas was standing in front of the window looking at the vibrant manor, the thriving foggy area and the magnificent church in the distance. Everything has changed drastically from what he saw the last time he came here.

And he had already learned from Minia's mouth that all this was brought about by Evisceration.

His original purpose of accepting Daliang as his disciple was to quickly stabilize the Sighing City branch, which was in danger. At that time, the Wizards Guild was under a comprehensive attack by the Immaculate Holy See, and the Guild had no time to take care of the Sighing City branch. Appointing Daliang as the elder was really a helpless move. Even if the Sighing City branch fell into a dormant period after being severely damaged and was unable to develop, it would be more final than internal fighting. Good to perish.

In Lucas's imagination, Daliang was unable to manage the City of Sighs branch. The City of Sighs branch was controlled by Miniya and Jonathan respectively despite being unified on the surface. After this extraordinary period, he will be able to resist the attack of the Holy See and have a chance to breathe. He will properly handle the affairs of the City of Sighs.

But now it seems that the wizards of the City of Sighs branch don't seem to mind Da Liang giving them orders. Moreover, the current state of the City of Sighs branch seems to be more suitable for a wizard guild with the goal of researching and becoming a god.

All research funds are earned by oneself, and there is no need to solicit investment from lords. Some lords with ulterior motives can use the Wizards Guild to fight against the Unsullied Holy See.

With enough funds, you can conduct closed research, strictly control the quantity and quality of wizards, and focus all your energy on the research of witchcraft, instead of constantly expanding your own power and putting yourself in conflict with the Immaculate Holy See. in an opposing position.

This was the purpose of establishing the Wizards Guild in the first place, to study the witchcraft of becoming a god with curiosity about gods. However, under the influence of Yunzhong City, the Wizards Guild turned into an organization that attempted to replace the Holy See.

Now, Yunzhong City, which has ulterior motives, has put the Wizards Guild on a chariot. All branches of the entire wizard guild are actively preparing for war in order to avenge their dead companions. Angels descend in groups in the Kingdom of Death, and the Super War Cross Fortress from Cloud City has spread its wings in the gray sky.

The army of the Wizards Guild and the Angel Legion of Cloud City formed the cyan coalition, but he, the founder of the Wizards Guild, was powerless.

When Lucas was worried about the future of the Wizards Guild and the Kingdom of Death, Minia came to the General Assembly and reported to him the situation in the City of Sighs.

At this time, Lucas still believed that the City of Sighs branch was struggling for survival, but Minia told him that the City of Sighs branch had restarted the study of witchcraft.

This situation was not what Lucas expected.

From Minia's narration, Lucas could hear that the wizards in the City of Sighs recognized their new elder and were willing to obey his orders.

For a newly appointed elder, it is very good to be able to lead the Sigh City branch to settle down and get on the right track so quickly, not to mention that Eviscerate is just a new member of the Wizards Guild, and he is still a human.

Lucas was very curious about the situation in the City of Sighs. Anyway, the Wizards Guild was out of his control. He just happened to come to the City of Sighs to see the changes here and think about the future of the Wizards Guild.

"Perhaps my disciple can bring me some good suggestions."

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