Start with an Archangel

Chapter 605 Persuading Lucas

When Daliang saw Lucas, he immediately saluted him: "Hello, dear mentor, I hope everything in the foggy area can satisfy you."

Lucas withdrew his gaze and turned around, with a cyan light shining from his pupils. After seeing Da Liang, he said with a joyful tone: "My disciple, you have given me a great gift again." What a pleasant surprise. I didn’t expect that the City of Sighs branch would start researching witchcraft so quickly, and in such a stable environment.

The funds and supplies you have are beyond my imagination.

The Melancholy Lord thought he had wiped out the City of Sighs Chapter, but our elders in the City of Sighs Chapter were in charge of his church, giving the chapter the best possible cover.

Moreover, all the funds used for research are earned by you, there is no need to accept funding, and there is less chance of exposure.

If other branches can come to study with you, I think the Wizards Guild will have a lot less trouble. The wizards can concentrate on studying witchcraft instead of spending most of their experience dealing with the Unsullied Holy See. "

It can be heard from Lucas's words that he is a relatively pure wizard and believes that wizards should concentrate on studying witchcraft and not waste their minds on the struggle of the Unsullied Holy See.

Being able to hide in an unknown place and concentrate on studying witchcraft is probably Lucas's biggest wish.

Daliang asked Lucas to sit down, and then said: "Thank you for the compliment, mentor. As an elder of the City of Sighs branch, everything I do is what I should do.

I heard that something has always happened. It seems that the Wizards Guild has formed an alliance in Yunzhong City and plans to use war to seize a piece of land belonging to the wizards from the death monarchs. "

Speaking of the war that was about to break out, Lucas couldn't help but sigh: "Yunzhong City has been secretly supporting the Wizards Guild for their own selfish reasons. They want to use wizards to attack the Unsullied Holy See. In fact, under their influence, the Wizards Guild Been doing this.

This time they took advantage of the fact that the wizard's guild was severely hit by the Unsullied Holy See and persuaded most of the wizards to launch a war.

This would be an absolute disaster for the Wizards Guild, and countless promising wizards would die in this war.

I've been trying to figure out how to stop this war.

Today I saw what the City of Sighs branch looks like. This is what I imagined as a wizard guild dedicated to the study of wizards. If other chapters knew that we could study wizards without fighting the Unsullied Curia, perhaps they could be persuaded to give up the war.

The City of Sighs branch is one of the seven branches of the Wizards Guild. As the elder of the City of Sighs branch, you have a very strong say in the Wizards Guild. You should follow me back to the club to lobby the wizards who are preparing for war. "

Persuading the Wizards Guild not to fight?

If there is no war, to whom will the war materials I produce be sold? My factories have already begun construction, and various follow-up development plans have been prepared, just waiting for you to start.

Not only must we fight, but we must fight hard. The war materials produced in the Mist Zone must be sold not only to the Unsullied Holy See, but also to the Wizards Guild.

Daliang replied: "Dear mentor, have you ever thought about whether we can really stop this war?"

Lucas was startled when he heard Daliang's words, but then he realized something: "You mean this war can no longer be stopped."

Daliang said: "Teacher, as a bystander, I can see many things that you don't know.

The wizards have accumulated enough hatred in the overt and covert battles with the Holy See. Just like the wizards in the City of Sighs, they have actually regarded the Holy See as a mortal enemy that they are not happy to eliminate. If I want to open a battlefield in the City of Sighs, They are all willing to pay their lives for this war, and death is not a terrible thing for the undead.

The Wizards Guild and the Unsullied Holy See have actually reached the brink of war. Frank is just a trigger point. Even without Frank, the war will still break out.

And I also think wizards must have a land of their own. "

Daliang's words aroused great doubts in Lucas. From what he saw and heard at Destiny Manor, he felt that his disciple seemed to have the same ideas as himself and tried to avoid conflicts with the Wugong Holy See.

"Do you also think that only war can solve the problems the Wizards Guild is facing now?"

"Yes," Daliang nodded and said, "Instructor should know that the Holy See calls us exiles who have abandoned the God of Death. That's because the research we insist on has launched an impact on the Holy See in terms of belief. Using witchcraft Pursuing higher power, becoming a god, a life equal to the God of Death, and God is real. If we succeed, the God of Death will no longer be supreme, and why should the Unsullied Holy See maintain their rule?

Therefore, regardless of whether we have the intention to overthrow the Immaculate Holy See, from the moment the idea of ​​becoming a god sprouts in our minds, we are the enemies that the Immaculate Holy See must eliminate. No matter how deep we hide, as long as this thought exists, the Holy See will turn over the entire Kingdom of Death to find us.

This war is not something we decide whether to fight or not. It is a matter of survival that forces us to fight. "

Lucas fell into deep thought. The history of the development of the Wizards Guild was a history of constant struggle with the Unsullied Holy See. It was indeed a bit natural for him to want other branches to learn from the current model of the City of Sighs branch. As long as the Wizards Guild exists, it will definitely be noticed by the Unsullied Holy See. The struggle at that time just changed its form.

"Does it have to be a fight?"

Daliang advised: "Teacher, since we can't stop it, we should do our best for the Wizards Guild to win. If the Wizards Guild can return to your leadership, it will definitely gather the power of all our wizards. We can win and get the land." The probability will be greatly increased.

And if you continue to hesitate, mentor, some wizards, including me, will definitely take your will as their will and refuse to participate in this war. The power of the Wizards Guild will be greatly reduced, and it will only suffer more heavy losses in the war against the Unsullied Holy See, and will eventually fail. "

The war is already underway and will not stop because of anyone. Since it cannot be stopped, as the president of the Wizards Guild, he cannot abandon the entire guild because of personal discord.

Lucas knew that he still had great influence in the guild. As long as he stayed away from the war, there would definitely be many wizards following him, and the wizards guild would not be able to concentrate all its power.

This is a war that determines the future and destiny of the Wizards Guild. If the wizards fail because of my persistence, no matter whether my idea is right or wrong, I will be the sinner of the Wizards Guild.

After thinking things through, Lucas said to Daliang: "It seems that my decision to come to the City of Sighs is very correct. The endless quarrels with the wizards of the General Association have obscured my eyes. Since I can't stop the war, I must Do your best to help the guild win and reduce losses.

Now the Wizards Guild has united with the Death Lords who are preparing to revolt and Yunzhong City to form a cyan coalition, which will launch an attack on the southern territory under the control of Yongye City. When launching an attack, the cyan coalition forces will form an alliance in the Ashes City in the southern part of Evernight. As the elder of the seven branches of the Wizards Guild, you must attend on time. Whether the Wizards Guild can take command of the cyan coalition requires the joint efforts of all wizards. "

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