Start with an Archangel

Chapter 606 Expulsion

From Lucas's mouth, Da Liang learned more about the cyan coalition.

The armies that make up the cyan coalition are divided into three parts:

The Wizards Guild, an organization that has been specializing in the study of witchcraft, has just been severely hit by the Unsullied Holy See, but they still retain most of their strength. The wizards in the Wizards Guild are all powerful heroes. Among them, Lucas has understood the law and belongs to level 16.

The death lords who want to break away from the rule of the Unsullied Holy See are headed by Boswell of Ash City. Boswell's Ashes City is the largest city in the southern region under the rule of Eternal Night City. At the same time, Boswell has also understood the law and been promoted to a sixteenth-level creature. He wants to be independent from Eternal Night City and form his own Holy See. Become the eighth death monarch in the kingdom of death.

But he was rejected by the ruler of Yongye City, Lord Aiyin.

So Boswell took the independent route and became the largest sponsor of the Wizards Guild. This time the Wizards Guild prepared to use force to resist the Unsullied Holy See, and received the first response from Boswell. With Boswell's contact, many southern lords of Evernight City led their troops to join the cyan coalition.

In Yunzhong City, the angels knew that the power of the Wizards Guild alone was no match for the Immaculate Holy See. This time, Yunzhong City did not continue to hide behind the scenes, but sent a large-scale angel army as mercenaries. Come to the kingdom of death.

In order to ensure the victory of this war, Yunzhong City invested a super war cross fortress in the kingdom of death, and an angel commander - the 16th-level angel Gabriel.

Among the three members of the Blue Alliance, the Angel Legion is commanded by Gabriel, while the Undead Army needs to elect a commander.

Both the Wizards Guild and the Death Lord want the command of this undead army. Before that, Boswell, who was level 16, obviously had a great advantage. But now that Lucas has decided to respect the Wizards Guild's choice and take over the Wizards Guild again, the Death Lords cannot be allowed to take away the command of the undead army.

The first thing the cyan coalition forces have to do when they gather in Ashes City is to determine who should command this undead army.

As an elder of the Wizards Guild, Daliang must support his mentor Lucas.

"I understand, mentor. On the day of the Guild Alliance, I will definitely go to Ashes City to participate in the Guild Alliance."

At this time, Daliang has been recognized by Lucas. Lucas is very satisfied with the current Sighing City branch and no longer regards Daliang as a temporary elder. He can't help but have some ideas in his mind to fulfill his duties as a mentor.

Lucas said to Daliang: "I need to leave immediately to return to the General Assembly. As the elder of the City of Sighs branch, you need to stay here. You cannot follow me to learn the witchcraft I have mastered. Therefore, I can only teach you many things. Some basics, whether you can master them or not, you still need to enhance your own ability to master magic.

Now I will teach you a skill that I am good at using, and its name is ‘Expulsion’. To fully master 'Expulsion', you need to master master-level earth magic, but now you only master advanced earth magic, so I have made some simplifications of 'Expulsion'.

When you understand master-level earth magic, you can truly master 'expulsion', and when you understand law-level earth magic, you will see the true power of 'expulsion'.

Now let’s start learning…”

When Lucas was taught, Daliang received a simplified version of the expulsion.

Expulsion is not a kind of magic. It is a derivative skill of the hero's stunt like various space spells.

A hero can master up to eight heroic special skills, such as earth magic, water magic, navigation, etc. When a certain hero's stunt reaches the master level, you can learn some derived specialized skills. For example, Joyce specializes in space spells derived from master-level air magic, and Holy Bella specializes in master-level fire magic. of holy flame.

Expulsion is a skill derived from master-level earth magic, and then simplified by Lucas, who has mastered the power of laws, so that Daliang, who only knows advanced earth magic, can use some of the effects of expulsion skills.

Expulsion (simplified): prerequisite skill, advanced earth magic. Passive, immune to all negative states. Active, expelling units within intelligence Plane (random).

This is still a simplified version. If you learn master-level earth magic, can even heroes be directly expelled to other planes?

But... I don’t know how long it will take before I want to learn master-level earth magic.

In short, after learning a powerful and very practical skill, Daliang was naturally very happy. He expressed his gratitude to his mentor and his determination to carry forward the Lament City branch of the Witchcraft Guild.

Although Lucas wanted to know more about the City of Sighs branch, time was really tight and he needed to rush back to the General Assembly immediately to take over the Witchcraft Guild again.

Daliang respectfully sent Lucas out of the manor.

When Lucas left, he said to Daliang: "I heard that Elder Anthony was attacked and disappeared in the foggy area. Anthony is my deputy, and I know his strength very well. No one in the entire City of Sighs except the Sad Lord can Easily defeat him, and now he is likely to be in the hands of the Melancholy Lord.

I know this may be very difficult for you, but please rescue him if you have the chance.

Although Anthony disagreed with me this time, he has always been my most trusted friend. "

Daliang muttered in his heart: Lucas guessed correctly, Anthony and the others were attacked by the Sad Lord. But Anthony is now in my hands, buried in Eastern Siberia.

Should we dig him out again and release him?

But it’s easy to let people go. What if the Sad Lord asks me if I want someone one day?

You can't tell Lucas this in advance. Anthony can let go if he has a chance, but bury him there if he doesn't.

Daliang said to Lucas: "If it is true that Elder Anthony was captured by the Melancholy Monarch as his mentor said, it would be difficult. However... I will definitely try my best to rescue Elder Anthony."

Lucas also knew that this matter was not easy to handle: "Do your best. Remember, you and the City of Sighs branch cannot be exposed by rescuing Anthony. Your mission is to do what you are doing now with peace of mind. This war does not require If you join the City of Sighs branch, you don’t need to tell any wizards your identity even if you go to the City of Ashes to form an alliance. In case we are defeated, this is the new starting point for the Wizards Guild."

Daliang replied: "Yes, mentor, I understand."

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