Start with an Archangel

Chapter 608 I need a warg

Daliang's brain flashed and he decided to build a big project.

So he said to Lan Er, the leader of the Snow Wolf tribe: "I'm really sorry. Now the food problem in the foggy area has been solved, and other supplies have entered the foggy area through more convenient trade routes. I think we can no longer cooperate in business in the future. .”

The foggy area has not opened the portal to the snowfield for such a long time. Blue Ear has already guessed that the new ruler of the foggy area no longer needs them to provide the goods of the main world. However, after hearing it from Da Liang, Blue Ear still cannot help but wonder. A bit disappointed.

"It's really such a shame. Maybe I should take the tribe south, where I might be able to find food that can sustain the tribe."

At this time, Daliang smiled and said: "Blue-eared leader, although I said that we cannot cooperate in business, it does not mean that we cannot have other transactions.

I know that wargs tamed by orcs can run in snowfields and mountains. If I wanted to hire one of your wargs to find something for me, how many wargs could you provide me with? "

After Daliang closed one door for the Snow Wolf Tribe, he opened another.

It would be really a good thing for the Snow Wolf Tribe if they could rent wargs in exchange for remuneration. There is still some time before summer arrives, and the tribe's food reserves are already tight. If the Snow Wolf Tribe cannot obtain enough funds, the entire tribe must undergo a large-scale migration.

The snowfield is full of dangers. Blue Ear has calculated that if he decides to move the tribe, he must be mentally prepared to lose 20% of his tribe. If he is attacked by a large-scale powerful monster, the tribe will lose even more.

Blue Ear quickly thought about the wargs owned by the Snow Tribe, and then said to Daliang: "200. Our Snow Tribe can Eviscerate, Mr., you can provide 200 wargs for transporting supplies. These wargs are unique to our place." The snow wargs are more cold-resistant and can run on both snow and ice. Our requirement is that in addition to the hiring fee, Mr. Eviscerate will supply the food these wargs consume every day during their employment."

Wargs are the largest consumers of food in the orc tribe. Although these domesticated wargs have very mixed tastes and can eat all raw meat and rotten meat and dry food, and can survive by chewing tree bark when they are extremely hungry, the size of the warg is there, with two heads and two tails. Their length determines that they are all big eaters.

There are no flying units in the early stage, and orcs generally have short legs and rely heavily on the mobility of wargs. Therefore, no matter how much wargs eat, an orc tribe must raise a certain size of wargs if it wants to survive. Moreover, the wargs cannot be allowed to chew the bark of the tree. The nutrition of the bark can only sustain survival. If you want the warg to run, you must feed it a mixture of meat and refined grains.

For the Snow Wolf Tribe, even if Mr. Eviscerate doesn't pay him wages, they are still willing to work to raise these 200 wolves for them. As long as it lasts until summer, food becomes plentiful, and the well-fed beasts will not attack large groups of orcs at will, the Snow Wolf tribe can migrate.

200 wargs are half of the wargs in the Snow Wolf tribe, but for the project that Daliang has in mind...

"Too few!" Daliang said: "There is no problem in providing food and remuneration to the wargs, but 200 wargs are too far from the number in my mind. Chief Blue Ears, I want to build a city here, right? Wargs are in great demand and are employed on a permanent basis.

In the early stages of city construction, I need to build lumberyards and quarries nearby. These heavy things require wargs to transport. I think at least 1,000 wargs can ensure the normal construction of the city. "

Blue Ear didn't expect that this human named Eviscerate would actually build a city here. Shouldn't the city be built on the seaside? There are no roads in the hinterland of this snowfield. Only by the sea can merchants come. The city can convert the special products obtained from the snowfield into money and then invest in the development of the city.

"Mr. Ebony wants to build a city here? I think the hinterland of this snowfield is not suitable for building a city."

Daliang said: "I have the final say on whether it is suitable for building a city. The only obstacle that hinders me from building a city now is that there are too few wargs you can provide. 1,000 wargs can only meet the initial construction of the city. Waiting for my city After the initial shape, I still need more wargs.

I need to build forts around the city to protect against attacks from powerful enemies, mines further out, and roads to connect them. By the way, we also need to open up a communication line to the southern coast. My maritime fleet can deliver food to this city.

All material transportation requires wargs. In my mind, there must be at least 10,000 wargs to serve my city. "

10,000 wargs!

Lan Er can tell from Daliang's words that he is not joking, nor is he building a small city with a radius of less than one kilometer. Once such a city is built, it will definitely be the largest city in this snowfield.

If the Snow Wolf Tribe can participate in the construction of this city, it will definitely become the most powerful tribe in this snowfield in the future.

But where to find 10,000 wargs?

10,000 wargs, not to mention how to feed them, to control so many wargs would require 10,000 orcs. Counting all the old, weak, sick and disabled in the Snow Wolf tribe, there are only less than 1,000 orcs. Not to mention ten thousand wolves, even the 1,000 wolves needed in the early stages of city construction, they couldn't come up with.

But is this opportunity just missed in vain?

Blue Ear suddenly made up his mind and said to Daliang: "Mr. Eviscerate, are you willing to lend me an army?"

Borrow the army? Want to fight?

Daliang said: "If I can help you get wargs, there is no problem in lending you an army. But you have to tell me first who you want to attack and what benefits you can get from me."

Blue Ear pulled out a branch from the fire, used the blackened end to draw a simple map on the ground, and marked a few circles on it.

"We are not the only Snow Wolf tribe in this vast snowfield. In fact, we are just a medium-sized orc tribe. We only have 200 big-eared monsters, 400 wolf knights, 100 orc ax throwers and 50 combat troops. Ogre.

There are some large orc tribes living in the slightly warmer mountains in the south and close to the sea. They control wolf houses that can directly recruit wolf knights, and there is sufficient food to raise and breed wolf packs.

My original plan was to lead the tribe to move south and become a vassal of a large tribe.

If Mr. Eviscerate really wants to build a city here, he can only use the channels of the western river to connect southward to the sea. Then the orc tribe living in the lower reaches of the river will become your obstacle.

If sir is willing to join forces with our Snow Wolf Tribe, you can open a road to the ocean. We annexed these tribes to obtain wolf houses and wargs to serve the sir. "

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