Start with an Archangel

Chapter 609: Digging for Resistance

Daliang looked at the map drawn by Blue Ear and compared it with his own map. The terrain in the lower reaches of the river is relatively flat, and the climate is warmer for longer than the snowfield. In addition, fish in water sources, rivers, and oceans are very good food. In addition, it is indeed suitable for forming a large orc tribe.

This big river is an important passage from the newly planned Snowfield City to the outside world. Daliang must not let anyone threaten this road.

The orc tribes living in the river area must be eliminated. As for their living settlements, they must not be given to Blue Ears. The Snow Wolf tribe that controls the soldier recruitment points will slowly become stronger. Daliang didn't want to cultivate a powerful enemy for himself when building Snowfield City.

Daliang said to Lan Er: "I can send troops to attack the orc tribe downstream of the river with the Snow Wolf tribe, but what I get...the warg and the surrendered soldiers belong to you, and all the facilities in the orc tribe belong to me."

The Blackfire Territory owns these strongholds established by the orc tribes, and can rely on the facilities inside to build fortresses to protect the river channels and control the lower reaches of the river. Although the Snow Wolf tribe will become stronger in this war, the increased population means increased food consumption. This snowfield cannot even support their current population of less than 1,000, and they cannot control the lower reaches of the river. In the future, they will have to rely on Snowfield City for food.

As the leader of a tribe, Blue Ear can certainly realize that if the Snow Wolf tribe cannot obtain enough food from the south, the stronger they become, the more they need to rely on this human and his city.

"Mr. Eviscerate. I know you should have a very powerful army, but without our leadership, your undead army cannot defeat the orc tribe that has lived here for generations. This is a mountain forest and snowfield, and it is very difficult for you to find them. things, and they can ambush you from any place you don't think of.

You need our Snowfield Tribe as your eyes and scouts. We have an equal role as you in this war, so I ask that the spoils be divided equally.

We want half of all the captives, and all the orc tribes on the west bank of the lower reaches of the river belong to the Snowfield tribe. "

There are nine large orc tribes threatening the external roads of Snowfield City in the lower reaches of the river, and five of them are walking on the west bank of the river. With these five tribes, the Snowfield tribe can confront the four orc tribes controlled by Daliang across the river, and have its own space for survival and development.

But this situation is absolutely not allowed in Daliang.

Daliang smiled and said: "Chief Blue Ears, I can understand your intention to strengthen the Snow Wolf Tribe. You are a very competent leader. But it is completely meaningless for us to argue here. I am afraid nothing I can say can persuade you. Give up those unrealistic demands.

My army is currently fighting in the Kingdom of Death, and there will be a larger-scale war in the near future. As long as I win this war, I will immediately mobilize this army to the snowfields and start fighting against these orc tribes.

Now I sincerely invite you to come and stay temporarily in the Mist District of the City of Sighs, and see how my army fights when the war begins. "

Blue Ear thought that in response to his request, the other party would do everything possible to reduce the number of orc tribes controlled by the Snow Wolf Tribe, and then everyone entered into a long dispute and negotiation. However, in Blue Ear's heart, the Snowfield Tribe's bottom line of controlling half of the tribe will never be reduced.

Although the Snow Wolf Tribe is only a medium-sized tribe, the environment here has made the orcs of the Snow Wolf Tribe powerful warriors, and one-tenth of the clan members are heroes. Blue Ear is confident that even if this human threatens with force, the Snow Wolf Tribe can beat him hard and show off his strength.

But Lan Er did not expect that Daliang had no intention of quarreling with him, but instead invited him to the Kingdom of Death to watch his army fight.

Is this a trap?

The first thing Lan Er thought of was that Daliang wanted to lure him into the foggy area, and then launch an attack to catch him, using this as a threat to control the Snow Wolf tribe.

But this is another good time to understand the strength of this collaborator. Only by knowing the true strength of this human being can we grasp the right measures in future cooperation.

At the same time, if you dare not go to the foggy area, you will not only show your timidity and be looked down upon by the other party, but it will also make the cooperation between the two parties impossible. Eviscerating the bones and not building the Snowfield City would not cost him anything. If the Snow Wolf Tribe loses this opportunity, they will have to take the risk of migrating before the snow melts. Not only will they lose a large number of tribesmen, but they will also become the victims of a large orc tribe in the future. As a vassal, the life and death of yourself and your tribe are in the hands of others.

After weighing the pros and cons, Blue Ear said to Da Liang: "Thank you for the invitation, Mr. Eviscerate. If possible, I would like to go to the Kingdom of Death now to see the foggy area that has been trading with us and the battle scene of the army commanded by Mr."

Da Liang smiled and said: "I think the blue-eared leader will definitely gain a lot. Now I need to go to the cave to see three friends who want to enter the foggy area. Please wait here for a moment, leader, until I finish this matter. , let’s enter the foggy area together.”

"Mr. Eviscerate, please, I'll pack my bags immediately."

Da Liang did not waste any time arguing with Lan Er on the distribution of the spoils. Instead of wasting time negotiating and arguing here, he would rather show off his muscles.

When everyone understands their position in the cooperation, it will be much easier to discuss whatever they want to discuss.

Da Liang walked out of Blue Ear's leader's tent, and then turned into the cave.

Inside the cave, Daliang saw the three tauren and...

A coffin.

Why does it look so familiar!

Da Liang rubbed his eyes and looked at the coffin standing on the wall of the cave again, and couldn't help but cursed in his heart: Kao! Isn't this the coffin that my brother has buried nearby for three days? Brother personally watched the skeleton soldiers dig the pit, place the coffin, and bury the soil. He waited until the heavy snow completely covered the surface before leaving. No one saw him at that time.

How come they were dug out by these three tauren!


Da Liang approached the coffin and pointed at the open lid and yelled at the three tauren: "Who opened this?"

The Minotaurs were a little confused by the sudden roar, and one of them admitted: "We opened it together. Although a powerful hero placed a seal on it, the power was not very strong. The three of us broke it open with all our strength. "

Da Liang pointed at the empty coffin and continued shouting: "Where did the things inside go!"

The three tauren didn't know why Daliang was so angry, but they could only say: "After we dug out this coffin, we found that it contained an immobile undead, so we threw him into the pit and buried him again. Get up."

Buried again...

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