Start with an Archangel

Chapter 610 A Trouble

After careful questioning, Da Liang finally found out how the three tauren found and dug out the coffin. It was all because of the unique talents of underground creatures.

Underground creatures live below the surface. They use natural underground caves or dig their own gathering places for life. The underground structures are diverse and complex, and blind excavation is very likely to cause collapse. Therefore, they have a very keen perception of what is underground, and even created detection magic such as "see through the earth" to see through deeper rock and soil layers.

After receiving Daliang's mission, the three tauren immediately began to look for something that could be used as a gift. In their imagination, a gift that could be given to a city ruler must be valuable. However, when the tauren came out of the cave, they found that it was difficult to adapt to the extremely cold environment outside.

The temperature in the underground city never drops below zero, and the temperature even gets higher as you go deeper, so underground creatures are not tolerant to the cold. At the same time, the eye structure of underground creatures is adapted to low-light environments. The heavy snow weather makes the surface white, which greatly limits the Minotaur's field of vision.

Cold and tired eyes made the tauren return to the camp without going too far. Of course, they didn't find any decent gifts.

At this time, Daliang had finished burying Anthony and returned to the foggy area.

The tauren didn't know when the heavy snow would stop, so in order to find precious gifts in time, they wanted to see if there were any precious mineral deposits or treasures underground in the nearby mountains.

They collectively used "see through the earth" to view the underground objects in this mountainous area, and then saw a coffin buried underground.

"Mr. Ebony, the material used in this coffin is very precious. It uses the Forest of the Dead wood that is unique to the Kingdom of Death. Ordinary Forest of the Dead wood is the main wood in the Kingdom of Death. They grow by absorbing the dead air, and then become useful without If cut down, it will wither and turn back to death within twenty years.

However, in rare cases, the Forest of the Dead wood did not wither after becoming useful, but continued to absorb the death energy.

This coffin is made of this special forest of the dead wood. Although it looks like wood, it is actually a condensation of death air. A small piece of wood can turn a large area of ​​land into a place of decay. "

The rotten land is a beneficial environment for the undead. Some battlefields that are not cleaned up in time may become rotten places and begin to give birth to undead monsters.

The entire Kingdom of Death belongs to the rotten land environment. If non-undead creatures are not strong enough, they will be infected with plague and other negative conditions if they stay in the rotten land for too long. Therefore, Daliang equipped the non-undead soldiers who were transferred to the Kingdom of Death with a large number of medical tents to treat soldiers affected by the rotten land. At the same time, he also adopted a debate system, allowing the soldiers to take turns to rest in the elf farm built in the Forgotten Hills.

There is just such a big undead tree here, why hasn't the surrounding environment changed?

Regarding Da Liang's question, the tauren replied: "The death energy in the Forest of the Dead must be stimulated through special alchemy methods and magic arrays. Before the death energy is stimulated, this special Forest of the Dead will never decay, and at the same time, it will not decay. It will absorb the surrounding death energy. It is perfect for imprisoning undead heroes. The death energy on their bodies will be continuously absorbed by the forest of the dead, and it will be difficult for the injured body to recover.

The undead soul that we reburied in the ground must have been someone who wanted to imprison him permanently. Not only did he have an extremely powerful seal on his body to seal his power, but he was also imprisoned in a coffin made of this special forest of the dead wood. The undead will never have the strength to break free from the seal. "

Daliang did not expect that the sad monarch really went to great lengths to imprison Anthony. At the same time, it also verified what Lucas said. Anthony was very strong, and the Sad Lord even used such precious props in order to imprison him.

But the current situation...

The coffin made from the wood of the Dead Forest has been opened by the tauren. There is a seal imposed by the Sad Lord on the coffin. Any forced opening will be known by the Sad Lord. In other words, the Sad Lord now knows that the coffin has been opened, and the person who opened it is not his Eviscerating Pope, at least not using the Mist Zone Internal Affairs Pope badge to open it.

Anthony was then reburied underground.

How to explain to the sad monarch? And what to do with Anthony?

Two major problems were posed in front of Daliang because of the reckless actions of the three tauren.

Da Liang asked the Tauren: "Are the undead imprisoned in the coffin conscious? Does he know that you released them?"

The Tauren replied: "The undead was wrapped in sealing bandages from head to toe. He could not move at all, but his consciousness was clear. He also asked us who we were, but we know some powerful spell masters who can use names to perform Curse, so we didn’t say anything, just pulled him out, threw him into a pit, and buried him with soil.”

So Anthony didn't know what happened, so just dig him out, put a coffin in it, find a place farther away, and bury him.

But how to explain to the sad monarch that the coffin was forcibly opened?

If the Melancholy King had any doubts and took Antony back for questioning, Antony said that he had been buried, then dug up, buried again, dug up again and buried, and finally was dug out and sent back.

This process is so weird.

Even if I could explain clearly, it would only tell the Sad Lord that I had no intention of interrogating Anthony from the beginning.

Why doesn't the Pope, who is the Immaculate Holy See, interrogate Anthony of the Wizards Guild?

Is it because I don’t want to, or I don’t dare.

This matter does not stand up to scrutiny.

Therefore, the sad monarch cannot be allowed to see Anthony again.

When the Tauren saw Da Liang's reaction when he saw the coffin, and seemed to know what was contained inside, a bad thought came to their minds.

Recalling that when the coffin was dug, the soil was newly buried, and they had already guessed it.

This coffin was just buried by this eviscerator, but they dug it out again.

It's over, it's over... Before entering the foggy area, I offended its ruler first. This time there is really no way to escape.

The tauren were already disheartened, and they were already planning to leave. But where can I go? Through positioning magic, the enemy can roughly know their location. Except for the foggy area of ​​​​the Kingdom of Death, a place where wanted criminals are housed, they really don't know where else in the world can provide them with shelter.

However, at this time, the Tauren saw the ruler of the Mist Zone smiling: "I am very satisfied with this gift. You can enter the Mist Zone and become official residents of the Mist Zone. According to the rules of the Mist Zone, anyone who dares to enter the Mist Zone The people who are chasing you are the common enemies of all residents in the Fog District.

Now tell me your names and I will inform everyone that we have three new companions joining the city where we live together. "

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