Start with an Archangel

Chapter 611 Tauren

Lambert, Tiago, Fitley.

These are the names of three tauren. Although they are not biological brothers, they used to work in the same kitchen, and their relationship is no different from that of brothers.

Facing Da Liang, the three of them did not expect that they could dig out the secrets buried by the other party and still be allowed to enter the foggy area. Could this be a conspiracy?

He wants to lure us into the foggy area, and then concentrate his manpower to ambush us and kill us!

The fugitive tauren always like to think of the worst.

Seeing the tauren's hesitation, Daliang guessed what they were thinking: "Don't worry, although you have made mistakes, they are not unforgivable. Since I agree that you will become residents of the foggy area, I will not do anything to you. It is the rule of the foggy area. It is not because of personal grudges and infighting that everyone protects each other, which is why the foggy area is what it is now.

If I break the rules, even I will be abandoned by the Mist Zone.

The leader of the orc tribe outside the cave will also enter the foggy area with us. He is a very important partner of mine. You can go with him. Even if I intend to harm you, I will take his safety into consideration.

When you actually arrive in the foggy area, you will know that what I said is true. "

There are not many choices before the tauren. Leaving here means continuing to be hunted. Entering the foggy area is just a risk. And if you go with the orc leader and you are really in danger, you can use him as a hostage.

Hopefully that Orc boss is really important to Eviscerate.

The tauren saluted Daliang together and said: "Thank you very much, Mr. Eviscerate, for taking us in. After we enter the foggy area, we will strictly abide by the rules of the foggy area. We swear to the Dragon of Darkness that we will never tell anyone what happened today." "

"I believe in the oath sworn by an underground creature in the name of the Dark Dragon. Let's go now. I still need to settle my partners."

Daliang led the tauren out of the cave and met Blue Ear, the leader of the Snow Wolf tribe who had already packed his gear.

Blue Ear has already sent his men to the Snow Wolf Tribe to report the news. His tribe will first conduct a reconnaissance on the orc tribes in the lower reaches of the river. They can launch this annexation war only when the Black Fire Territory's army enters the snowfield.

Accompanying Blue Ear into the foggy area was his personal guard team, a bodyguard composed entirely of Wolf Knight heroes.

Da Liang asked the skeleton hero who stayed here to put away the coffin in the cave, and then entered the foggy area.

A group of people got into the prepared motorcade and returned to Destiny Manor.

Da Liang had no intention of killing the Minotaur from the beginning. Only he and the Sad Lord knew about the existence of this coffin. These three Tauren did not know and were not qualified to see the Sad Lord, so no one could understand them even if they wanted to say it. .

And in Daliang's next plan, he is not afraid that the tauren will actually break his oath and tell others about the coffin.

Sign employee contracts with the tauren and hand them over to Mike. From now on, Daliang will have his own personal chef in Destiny Manor.

The first banquet made by the tauren was shared by Daliang and Lan Er.

During the transaction with Gus, Blue Ear also entered the foggy area. However, the comparison between the current foggy area and the one in his impression was simply two different urban areas.

The Mist Zone was simply too poor at that time, and the food and goods provided by the Snow Wolf Tribe for the Mist Zone would take a long time to be sold out.

Now, all the way from Snowfield Manor to Destiny Manor, the Mist Area is full of old houses that have been knocked down, solid houses are being built one after another, and the streets are full of people working for various things. The supplies here are more abundant, and Blue Ear even saw a drunkard lying there on the street.

The changes are so great.

Blue Ear also finally knew why Eviscerate ended its trade with the Snow Wolf Tribe, because they simply did not have the ability to provide so many supplies to the Mist Zone.

Only when he arrived at Destiny Manor did Blue Ear truly see the wealth of the ruler of the Mist Zone.

The environment here is more comfortable than the summer in the snowfield, and most of the costumes here are things that Blue Ear has never heard of before.

No wonder Mr. Eviscerate dared to boast about building a city deep in the snowfield. He is indeed very wealthy and has the ability to manage the city, but I don’t know the size of his army. I really want to see it as soon as possible.

Da Liang and Lan Er dine together. In the spacious restaurant, the long dining table was filled with all kinds of exquisite food. Mike, the elf butler, and the waiters stood around to serve the two people dining. Everything was treated with high standards of aristocrats, which made Blue Ear, who came from the snowfield, feel flattered and at the same time have a better understanding of the gap in strength between the two sides.

The rich ingredients in Destiny Manor allow the tauren chefs to use them as they please. Not only is the food delicious, but the temporary buffs brought by the food also make Blue Ears once again shocked by the potential strength of the owner of this manor.

Blue Ear didn't know that tauren were good at cooking, so he didn't know that this feast was made by three tauren.

After a pleasant banquet, Da Liang asked Mike to arrange for Blue Ear to live in the manor, and then went to the wizards' activity area to summon Minia.

"Is there anything the elder has to say for inviting me here?"

As the deputy elder, Minia is responsible for the management of the back park of Destiny Manor. The back park of Destiny Manor is mainly an alchemy laboratory hidden in the woods, and there is also a six-story tower. The tower is where Daliang specializes in handling the affairs of the Sighing City branch of the Wizards Guild. workplace.

Out of evil intentions, Daliang arranged for Miniya to be the head maid in Destiny Manor...

Therefore, Minia always wears a maid outfit when she is active in Destiny Manor.

The aloof temperament of a vampire exudes a different flavor after putting on a cute maid outfit.

After taking photos and adding another collection to his gallery, Da Liang said to Minia: "How much do you know about the magic of sealing power?"

Minia replied: "Sealing power must use alchemy props and magic circles to block the recipient's energy growth and prevent energy from flowing in the recipient's body. It is a very complicated magic to seal a hero. Ritual, and the stronger the sealed hero is, the more complex the seal is and the easier it is to be destroyed."

Daliang thought of the evil prison in Yunzhong City where Ergos was sealed. It was a prison that could restrain the Hell Lord King internally, but was destroyed externally by Julian with just one sword.

So Daliang asked: "If a hero is now sealed by the Melancholy Lord, do you have the ability to release him?"

Minia thought for a while and said: "It depends on whether the sealed hero is strong enough. Unblocking the seal depends more on the impact of the sealed hero's power on the seal. The external force only plays a role in breaking the balance.

The hero the elder mentioned was sealed by the Sad Lord? "

The big point nodded and said: "Yes, do you still remember the mission that President Lucas gave me when he left the City of Sighs?"

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