Start with an Archangel

Chapter 612 Rescue

President Lucas was picked up by Minya from the General Assembly, and she accompanied Daliang to see him off. Of course she knew what Lucas said to Daliang before leaving.

Save Elder Anthony.

Although President Lucas gave Da Liang this task, he did not expect that the Sighing City branch could really rescue Elder Anthony. After all, according to Lucas's guess, the person who captured Anthony was the Sorrowful Lord, and he wanted to rescue Elder Anthony from the Sorrowful Lord. It was really difficult to rescue Antony from the monarch.

Miniya did not expect that when Daliang was here, he suddenly mentioned the task assigned by Lucas before leaving. She asked: "Does the elder know the whereabouts of Elder Anthony?"

Daliang smiled and said: "In fact, Elder Anthony is in my hands."

Miniya was shocked: "The elder actually rescued Elder Anthony."

"You can say that. As the president expected, Elder Anthony was indeed captured by the Sad Lord. However, Elder Anthony's will is very strong, and the Sad Lord did not ask anything from him. Recently, I gained the trust of the Sad Lord. , he handed Elder Anthony over to me for interrogation.

Now Elder Anthony has his power sealed by the Sorrowful Lord. If you are sure of lifting the seal, please let him go with me. "

When she heard that Elder Anthony was in the hands of her own elders, Minia was happy at first and then couldn't help but worry: "Elder, if we let Elder Anthony go, how will you explain to the Sad Lord? The president said your identity before leaving. More importantly than anything else, we should think of other ways to rescue Elder Anthony."

"There is no need to think of other solutions. Now follow me to free Elder Anthony. When the Sad Lord asks about it later, I will give him a reasonable explanation."

After that, Daliang took Minia away from Destiny Manor and returned to the snowy field.

The day has passed and darkness has enveloped the entire mountainous area.

Daliang and Minia led a small group of skeleton soldiers and walked all the way to the place where Anthony was buried under the moonlight.

After the Minotaur unearthed the coffin, they did not make any disguise here. The soft soil made it easy for the skeleton soldiers to dig out Anthony again.

Anthony in the seal was wrapped like a mummy, with complex magic circles drawn on layers of white cloth strips made from alchemy.

"Who are you? This is not the kingdom of death, but the main plane... What do you want to do?"

Although Anthony's power is sealed, he can speak. He was living a very strange life these days. He could feel himself being transported back and forth in a container that could absorb death energy, and then he was buried somewhere.

But he was dug out quickly, and he was violently pulled out of the container, put into a pit, and buried again.

Now it has been dug out again.

He could feel that he had left the kingdom of death and entered the main plane. The strange experience made him unable to guess what the skeleton mage who captured him wanted to do with him. But what is certain is that non-undead creatures were involved when he was dug out twice.

However, he also received no answer to his question.

Daliang signaled the skeleton soldiers to carry Anthony into the cave, then put on the clothes he saw Anthony in last time and covered his appearance with a hood.

The bonfire inside and outside the cave illuminated the entire cave. Anthony was laid flat on a stone platform, and Minia began to lift the seal.

Gray death energy clung to Minia's hand. She poured her magic energy into the seal, destroying the magic circle in the seal while slowly unraveling the cloth strips layer by layer.

Minia has very good attainments in alchemy and magic, and the impact of Anthony's own strength on the seal made the whole process very smooth.

When the last layer of cloth was lifted from Anthony's eyes, he never expected that the first thing he saw would be Minia, the deputy elder of the Sigh City branch of the Wizards Guild.

"What happened? How could it be you! Minya, were you also caught?"

After completing the work, Minia took a step back, saluted Anthony and said: "Elder Anthony, the seal on your body has been lifted. You will be very weak for a period of time in the future, but as long as you pay attention to your cultivation, your strength will be fully recover.

Also, I want to tell you that the one who attacked you was the Lord of Sorrow, and now you have been rescued by the elders of our City of Sighs branch. "

The one who attacked him was the Sad Lord...

Anthony had also had this speculation. The opponent was too strong. Level 16 creatures were extremely rare in any plane. Although the attacker looked like a skeleton mage, it is not ruled out that the Sad Lord used disguise to change his identity.

But the reason why Anthony couldn't be sure that it was the Sad Lord was because the other party had been asking about the Wizards Guild's research on the methods of becoming a god.

If he were the Sad Lord, why would he be so concerned about becoming a god? The wizards were listed as exiles by the Unsullied Holy See because they wanted to become gods, and were hunted down across the plane.

Now Anthony has confirmed from Minia that the one who captured him is the Sad Lord. Not to mention what the purpose of the Sad Lord is, just because the Sigh City branch easily rescued him from the Sad Lord, Anthony deeply understands what this branch has. energy.

The church of the Immaculate Curia can be blown up if it wants, and the people captured by the Death Lord can be saved if it wants.

Is this still the Sighing City branch that was almost destroyed just now?

A mysterious veil is shrouded in this reborn wizard's guild branch.

When Anthony faced the City of Sighs branch, he no longer had the contempt he had when he first came to the City of Sighs. He stood up and asked, "Excuse me, where is the elder of the City of Sighs branch now? He saved me, and I want to express my gratitude to him in person. "

"Our elder is here."

Minia stepped aside, and behind the firelight, Anthony saw the elder of the City of Sighs branch whom he had seen last time. So far, he still didn't know the elder's name or his appearance.

"Hello elders of the City of Sighs branch, there must be a reason why President Lucas has not revealed your name, and I will never guess your identity without permission. Although I don't know who you are, you saved Me. After being caught, I never thought I could regain my freedom so soon. You are my benefactor, and I will definitely repay your life-saving grace in the future."

Daliang said: "Elder Anthony, you are a friend of my mentor, President Lucas, and you are my elder. Serving you is what I should do.

During the process of rescuing you, due to some special reasons, my people acted a little offensive to you. Please don't mind. Those are all things that must be done to rescue you. "

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