Start with an Archangel

Chapter 615 Two-sided

Of course, Da Liang would not say that anyone else did this. He must take the credit for himself. He said to the sad monarch: "Since the Church in the Mist District is the first church established by the monarch as a new religion, I don't think it should be too early." It reveals that we already have a higher belief in death.

The ultimate faith is not something that all priests can easily understand. If we preach to priests one by one, there will be many stupid priests who cannot understand this sublimated doctrine. If the church in the foggy area is attacked by these priests, it will definitely affect the Protestantism. spread.

So I thought of a way to use this method of casting a net to tell every priest in the City of Sighs the existence of the ultimate belief. I thought there must be smart priests who could understand the spirit of the new doctrine given by the monarch and convert them into Protestant believers. .

As long as the followers of the Protestant religion reach a certain scale and are able to compete with the old religion, the monarch will definitely bring the entire city of sighs under the sect of the new religion. "

After listening to Daliang's explanation, the Sad Monarch recognized this missionary method very much. He first found enough Protestant priests and supported them to suppress the old religion. Then at the best time, he announced the establishment of the Protestant Immaculate Holy See, which in one fell swoop made Protestantism Put down roots in the City of Sighs.

The Sad Lord nodded and said: "Your method is very good. It can expand the influence of Protestantism as quickly as possible, and it also allows me to distinguish those pseudo-death priests who are stubborn and completely unable to understand the ultimate faith.

After you return, continue to distribute the new "Immaculate Doctrine" in every way you can think of, and be sure to let all priests see it.

Also, do you have any business coming to see me this time? "

Daliang looked around and then asked carefully: "Your Majesty, will others hear what you say here?"

The new doctrine was spreading widely, and the sad monarch was in a very good mood. He said: "Don't worry, there is no one in this world who can eavesdrop on our conversation."

Daliang pretended to be relieved and said: "Your Majesty... I have made an independent decision on something, please don't punish me."

"whats the matter?"

"I gave you to the wizard in my coffin and let him go."

The coffin made by the Forest of the Dead was forcibly opened. The Sad Lord knew about it, but he did not expect that the pope he trusted would let the important wizard go. But since Eviscery let the wizard go and still dared to come to the cathedral and reported to him truthfully, he should have something to say.

So the Sad Lord asked: "Tell me why you let him go. He is definitely an important figure in the Wizards Guild. He is probably an elder who was sent to re-establish the City of Sighs branch. It will be very difficult to catch him after you let him go. The Wizards Guild will rebuild the City of Sighs branch, so if I spend a lot of materials to annihilate the City of Sighs branch, it will be a useless effort."

Daliang confidently answered the sad monarch: "After the monarch handed this wizard to me, I have been thinking about how to interrogate him. In order to ask him about the situation of the Wizards Guild, the monarch must have used many punishments, but still nothing was asked. .

The undead have a very high tolerance for physical and mental attacks. Since the monarch cannot make him speak, my direct interrogation will have no effect.

So I chose another method..."

The sad monarch's curiosity was aroused by Da Liang, and he asked: "What method is it?"

"Let him go," Daliang said respectfully: "I did not open the coffin, but directly transported it to the snowfield in the far north and buried it, giving him the illusion that it would be permanently sealed. Then I asked the tauren in the underground city to put it away He dug it out and found that the creatures in the dungeon were good at finding treasures buried underground. The coffin containing the wizard was made of the immortal Forest of the Dead wood, which is a very precious alchemical raw material.

The tauren took the Deadwood away, and the wizard was reburied. But the tauren didn't know the identity of the undead in the coffin, so they buried it very casually. There were traces of something buried here everywhere, and then a human adventurer passed by.

The monarch must have guessed what happened next.

That's right, I am that human adventurer. That wizard would never have thought that the monarch would trust a human being, nor would he have thought that I was actually a pope of the Unsullied Holy See.

I rescued him and unsealed him.

The wizard who originally thought he would be buried forever was very excited when he was rescued. He was grateful to me for saving his life and told me a lot of useful information. "

The Sad Lord couldn't help but secretly praise the whole deception plan. The tauren dug up the wizard and took away only the coffin made of the Immortal Dead Forest Wood. It was a stroke of genius to leave the wizard behind. In order to facilitate the interrogation, the Sad Lord only sealed the wizard's power. The wizard's mind was clear, and he could feel everything he experienced. The Minotaur link not only paved the way for the subsequent real rescue, but also completely dispelled the wizard. Suspicions sparked by sudden rescue.

Looking at his appearance as the Pope, he must have gained the trust of the wizards. The Sad Lord was very much looking forward to what he could ask: "Do you know the wizard's name and his status in the Wizards Guild? ? Why did you come to Sigh City?"

Daliang replied: "His name is Anthony, he is the deputy to the president of the Wizards Guild, and his position is as an elder. He came to Sigh City to check the damage of the Sigh City branch of the Wizards Guild. Because the Sigh City branch was completely pulled out by the monarch, they were so angry that they destroyed it. Lost the church in the foggy area."

When he heard Anthony's name and his status and position in the Wizards Guild, the Sad Lord became obviously excited. He knew that this wizard had a certain status in the Wizards Guild, but he did not expect that he would seize such an important person. He is the deputy of Lucas, the president of the Wizards Guild, and his value is far beyond that of Frank.

However, he was let go by the Pope in front of him.

What a huge mistake!

But the Sad Lord quickly stopped his anger. Anthony didn't ask anything when he was in his hands. The value of Lucas's deputy is zero. At most, it will make the Wizards Guild lose one powerful wizard. There is not much practical benefit. significance.

And if you can get Anthony to speak, it won't make any difference whether you catch him or not.

Instigating the rebellion of a deputy elder of the Sighing City branch of the Wizards Guild has already given the Sad Lord a taste of the sweetness. Now that his confidant, the Pope, has rescued the deputy to the president of the Wizards Guild, it is equivalent to having the opportunity to place a leader at the highest level of the Wizards Guild. Eyes and ears.

This is definitely a major victory in the fight against the Wizards Guild. What's ridiculous is that Anthony still doesn't know that he was deceived.

"Hahahaha..." The sad monarch was in a really good mood after he figured it out. There were two enemies of the New Religion, one was the strength of the Old Religion and the other was the Wizards Guild. Now that the Ultimate Faith is spreading far and wide, Protestantism will soon lay its foundations in the City of Sighs. As for the Wizards Guild... after wiping out the City of Sighs branch, another major breakthrough is about to come.

And these two major good news were brought to him by the Eviscerate Pope whom he trusted. It had been such a long time since he had encountered such a capable subordinate. Although Will is loyal, he is too rigid and can only do what I ask him to do, and has no ability to share my worries.

And those bishops in the Council...

They are the biggest obstacles to my ultimate belief.

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