Start with an Archangel

Chapter 616 Infinite

The Sad Lord seemed to have seen the day when he would overthrow the old religion and eliminate the Wizards Guild. He asked Daliang: "What else did you ask from Anthony's mouth?"

Daliang replied: "Since this was the first time I had contact with Anthony, I was afraid that asking too much would arouse his suspicion, so I didn't talk much about the Wizards Guild. But Anthony was very eager to return to the Wizards Guild's general meeting. , it seems that the Wizards Guild will have a big gathering in the near future and gave me an address to invite me to attend."

The meeting of the Wizards Guild means that they have made a big move, but what makes the Sad Monarch puzzled is that under the comprehensive attack of the Unsullied Holy See, it is good that they can protect themselves, but what can they do?

"What was the address Anthony gave you?"

Da Liang took out a prepared note and handed it to the Sad Lord: "The address is in Yongye City. He taught me a secret code. As long as I speak the secret code at this location at a specific time, a wizard will come to pick me up."

The Sad Lord looked at the address, but it didn't give him much information. He handed the note to Daliang again and said: "You did a very good job on this matter. It can be said that it greatly exceeded my expectations. The Wizards Guild's The general meeting is in the territory of Yongye City. The land controlled by Monarch Aiyin is really too large. For so many years, he has not been able to find the exact location of the wizard guild general meeting.

This meeting of the Wizards Guild is an opportunity. As long as you know the location of their meeting, you can completely eliminate them. "

But Daliang said: "Your Majesty, now that the Wizards Guild's branch in Sighing City has been completely pulled out by us, why do we still help other monarchs to eliminate the Wizards Guild?"

After listening to Daliang's words, the Sad Lord fell into thinking.

That's right, the City of Sighs no longer needs to consider the threat from the Wizards Guild. The first priority at this moment is to establish the Protestant Holy See. If the City of Sighs publicly converts to the ultimate faith, the Sad Lord doesn't know how the other monarchs will react. The worst result will be a war.

If you annihilate the Wizards Guild, wouldn't you be helping future enemies?

"You are right. Although the wizards of the Wizards Guild have blasphemed the God of Death, the false believers who cannot understand the ultimate faith are even more hateful.

They are all our enemies. Enemies fight with their enemies, and we just have to watch from the sidelines.

But I must know what the Wizards Guild wants to do with this gathering.

Get ready and head to Yongye City as soon as possible. "

Daliang said respectfully: "Yes, Your Majesty. My army will launch an attack on Liutu City in the near future. After this war is over, I will immediately go to Yongye City to find out the purpose of the Wizards Guild meeting."

"Go on... If this mission is completed well, you can take on more responsibilities in the City of Sighs. In the Council of the City of Sighs, the seat in the Mist District has been vacant for a long time, although I can't promote you yet. Bishop of the Mist District, but I can still give you a seat as a council member.”

Enter the Council of the City of Sighs!

Daliang immediately understood the sad monarch's intention.

The Immaculate Council of the City of Sighs was the institution through which the Melancholic Monarch centralized the territory, and now the bishops representing the old religion had become an obstacle to the spread of the new religion. There may be individual bishops who recognize the ultimate faith, but they will never dare to admit it before the Sad Monarch expresses his stance. Therefore, the parliament must still be controlled by the ideas of the old religion.

The Sad Monarch did not dare to easily announce that the Wugou Holy See in Sigh City had converted to the ultimate faith before receiving enough support from the bishops.

The main role of the Melancholy Monarch in arranging the opportunity for Daliang to enter Wuguo was to give voice to the Protestant religion. If the strength of the old religion is too great, then believing in the new religion is a personal act of the Holy See in the Mist District. Whether it is to protect or punish the parish in the Mist District, the initiative lies in the hands of the Sad Monarch.

And if enough bishops convert to the Ultimate Faith, then the Sorrowful Monarch declares that he is also a believer in the Ultimate Faith, putting a heavy weight on the balance and promoting the establishment of Protestantism.

Anyway, as a subordinate, you must be prepared to sacrifice yourself for your superiors at any time and take the blame.

With this scapegoat, Daliang had no choice.

"Thank you for your trust in me. I will definitely get information that is useful to you from Yongye City."

The matter is settled, and Anthony's matter has been covered up. As long as Da Liang, Minia and Anthony don't tell the truth, the Sad Lord will never guess that the pope he trusts is the wizard's guild even if he tries hard. Elder of the City of Sighs branch.

All that’s left is…

Go to the warehouse of the Knights of the Immaculate Curia to move things.

The Knights of the Unsullied Holy See are the largest and most powerful army in the City of Sighs. Their stations are scattered throughout the land ruled by the Melancholy Monarch, and their headquarters is right next to the cathedral.

Entering the military camp of the Immaculate Holy See Knights, the first thing you see are rows of dragon tombs. In each pit that is ten meters long and five meters wide, there is a bone dragon and a ghost dragon.

Then there is a square tomb with a length of one thousand meters. Inside, the terrifying knights stood neatly like the terracotta warriors and horses.

Then in the same grave pit were corpse witches standing neatly.

...Vampires standing neatly.

The headquarters of the Immaculate Holy See Knights is a very large cemetery. They are really like the burial objects in a mausoleum, surrounding the cathedral in a semi-circle, guarding the monarch they are loyal to.

At this time, Will was not in the camp of the Holy See Knights. The visiting Daliang was informed that Captain Will was leading a team of Holy See Knights to patrol the territory of the City of Sighs. However, before Will left, he had already told an officer who stayed behind what he had agreed with Daliang.

Now Da Liang is the military sponsor of the Immaculate Holy See Knights in the City of Sighs, a senior Holy See Knight personally conferred by the monarch. The Holy See Knights are very happy about the arrival of the Mist District Church Knights.

The officer who stayed behind was a vampire hero. He saluted Daliang and said: "Dear Pope, I am Karl, a knight of the Holy See. Welcome to the military camp of the Holy See Knights. Captain Will told us when he left, Misty The Knights of the District Church are our brother knights, and the Holy Father of the Mist District is our most noble friend.

According to the order left by Captain Will, you can choose any weapons and equipment in the spare warehouse of the Holy See Knights, even if you take them all away, it doesn't matter.

In addition, the rare resources that we, the Holy See Knights, entrusted to the Church in the Mist Zone to sell on their behalf have been prepared. As long as the Pope contacts the merchants, they can be transported at any time. There will be no problem in sending people to transport them to the Mist Zone in the future. "

This time Da Liang came here just to transport away the equipment that had been agreed to be eliminated, and to see if he could find any clues about the angel equipment. Unexpectedly, Will acted so quickly and had already brought rare resources to his military camp. It seemed that selling rare resources outside the parliament was in line with the sad monarch's wishes, so he approved the deal so quickly.

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