Start with an Archangel

Chapter 617 Want them all

Under the leadership of Karl, Da Liang came to the backup warehouse of the headquarters of the Holy See Knights.

The warehouse is built underground, and the discarded weapons and equipment are piled up in a huge space. Some of them have been completely damaged with the passage of time. The damaged equipment will be buried with earth. The missing space only needs to be moved in the other direction. Digging can replenish it.

In order to facilitate the transportation of the church in the foggy area, Will has ordered his soldiers to select the lightly damaged weapons and equipment, which can be used as long as they are repaired.

Among the supplies, you can actually see the Terror Knight's full-body armor and the Corpse Witch King's staff, which are relatively advanced soldier weapons. These are standard soldier ordnance that cannot be made in the player's territory. Advanced players who own Corpse Witches and Terror Knights who want to replace damaged weapons and equipment for their soldiers can only purchase them from the system undead city at a high level. The price naturally adheres to the system The product is expensive.

If the Mist Zone can introduce cheap high-end soldier ordnance, even if it is a refurbished product, it will definitely attract many players.

Not to mention that there are various kinds of ballistas, catapults, ladders, rams, medical tents, supply trucks, and a large number of war equipment here.

Although he didn't see any artillery inside, Daliang felt relieved when he thought that his relationship with Will was not as close as Joyce's. No city in any system would easily let artillery, such a powerful siege weapon, escape on a large scale.

Seeing the supplies provided by the Holy See Knights, Daliang felt that the weekly donation of 300,000 gold was not in vain.

"Knight Carl, thank Captain Will for his help to our Church Knights in the Mist Area. I think these supplies can greatly improve the combat effectiveness of our Church Knights."

Karl replied: "Our leader said these things are really inconspicuous compared to your support for the Holy See Knights.

Lord Pope, these supplies are only part of the inventory of our Holy See Knights. Captain Will patrols the territory and will notify the military camps in other stations to inventory their respective reserve warehouses. All valuable supplies will be inventoryed and then transported here. .

If supplies arrive in the future, we will send someone to notify the Church Knights of the Mist District to come and select them. "

Daliang said: "Please express my gratitude to Captain Will on my behalf.

In addition, I would like to ask if there are any weapons for the human army in the Knights of the Holy See. In addition to the Church Knights, I also have a human private army. It would be too troublesome to transport their weapons from the main world. "

Karl replied: "Human soldier ordnance? I'm very sorry, Lord Pope. Our armory factory in the City of Sighs does not have the ability to produce human ordnance."

Daliang chuckled and said: "It doesn't matter. The last time I saw the weapon in the hands of Captain Will came from Yunzhong City, it seemed to be called the Prophet Sword, so I thought the Holy See Knights owned human weapons."

"The Prophet Sword in the hands of the leader was captured in the battle against the Sigh City branch of the Wizards Guild. The Wizards Guild is funded by Yunzhong City, so they have a large number of Yunzhong City's treasures. Some of these seized treasures are distributed It was given to a senior Holy See knight with military merit, and the rest is the private collection of Captain Will."

Daliang pretended to be curious and asked: "Does Captain Will like to collect treasures?"

As for Will's preference, which is well-known among the Knights of the Holy See, Karl said it without any scruples: "To be precise, our leader likes to collect the equipment of the enemies he defeated. He has a special collection room. , which contains all his collections. I was lucky enough to enter and observe them once.

It has to be said that each of those collections has witnessed a great battle, representing the death of a strong man under the sword of the regiment leader. "

Daliang said longingly: "Listening to what you said made me very curious and wanted to take a look at Captain Will's collection room."

Karl said: "I think based on the relationship between the Pope and our leader, as long as you ask, he will definitely be willing to take you to appreciate his collection."

Daliang Ruo said pointedly: "I'm really looking forward to it!"

Soon, the supplies provided by the Immaculate Holy See Knights for the foggy area were counted. Due to the high level of the arms that make up the Holy See Knights, many of these supplies were standard soldier ordnance that the player lords could not produce on their own. Therefore, these supplies were Whether it can be sold or not, Daliang has no mental burden.

No matter what it is, as long as the Holy See Knights say they don't want it, Daliang will order the Church Knights to transport it away.

Then there are rare resources.

Rare resources that have been allowed for export are stored in another heavily guarded warehouse. According to the accompanying Karl, the current Holy See Knights can provide 50 units of rare resources for export every day, and all sales work is entrusted to the Church in the Mist Area.

For each unit of rare resources, the price provided by the Holy See Knights is 9,000 gold coins, and 50 units per day is 450,000 gold coins.

Moreover, another purpose of Will's patrol of the territory this time is to collect statistics on the rare resource mines controlled by Sigh City. In the future, the number of rare resources that can be supplied and exported will gradually increase.

Rare resources are definitely hot commodities among players. A unit of 10,000 gold will not worry about being sold, and Da Liang does not intend to fill all the rare resources into the market in the foggy area.

Daliang directly manages the sales of rare resources in Sighing City and can get one-tenth of the profits, so he decided to directly replace this part of the profits with rare resources. In this way, the Black Fire Leader will increase the production of rare resources by 5+ every day.

The remaining scarce resources.

Da Liang ordered the following Knights of the Church to immediately transport all the supplies back to the foggy area. He also asked the Knights of the Church to send people to assist in the transportation, and then immediately returned to Shangjiang City.

Private chat with Lie Hongshang: "Sister Man, if there is something good, please come to the judge to claim it."

Chat with Boss Jin privately: "Brother Jin, if you have something good, come and get it judged as soon as possible."

After sending two communications in succession, Da Liang arrived at the Judgment Area.

Investment regardless of cost or return has made the development of the Judgment Territory a new look every day. Even though Daliang has seen the latest statistical report of the Judgment Legion today, Daliang, who has just arrived, can still see at a glance that there are some new changes in this city.

At this time, the Judgment Territory has completed the construction of the urban area centered on the harbor. All the infrastructure facilities that can be built have been built, and there is enough open space for future new buildings. Residential houses are also built in the most reasonable locations, making it very convenient to go to work sites and service facilities. What is left in this harbor area is to build new buildings and upgrade original buildings as the territory level increases.

A city wall surrounds the harbor area, and a new urban area outside the city wall has been planned and built.

Daliang was in the council hall of the Judgment Territory, looking at the territory development plan formulated by the legion, and then received a prompt from Lie Hongshang and Boss Jin to apply to enter the council hall.

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