Start with an Archangel

Chapter 618 The Big Three

The meeting hall of the third-level human territory is just a white two-story building, but this is the core building of the entire territory. The count's personal guards are responsible for guarding the meeting hall. The heavy armored knights and crusaders standing at the door show that Show the strength possessed by the owner of this territory.

Xu Man and Boss Jin, who had already submitted the application and were waiting for Daliang's approval, watched the city being rapidly built together and couldn't help but feel infinite emotions in their hearts.

Boss Jin’s Jiuding Territory and Xu Man’s Yunxiao Territory were both among the first territories to appear. The only reference for the development of the entire territory was the flying Dragon Star Territory. Although Fei Sha Zuoshi generously shared his experience in territorial development, based on many factors such as humanities and environment, the development model of the Dragon Star Territory cannot be copied in its entirety. How to develop his own territory requires each lord to slowly explore.

Lack of funds, lack of materials, and lack of manpower troubled every lord. This was a very difficult process. The lords who survived built the world's first-class territories and continued to lead the way. Territories that fell into the quagmire of development were either acquired or gradually Become a loser.

Jiuding Ling and Yunxiao Ling are relatively successful territories because Boss Jin and Xu Man themselves represent powerful interest groups and have relatively strong resistance to attacks.

The current development speed of the Judgment Leader is really enviable to the two big guys.

The newly built large player maritime trading market in the western suburbs gave the Judgment Territory stable and wealthy financial resources in the early stages of construction, and at the same time boosted the Judgment Territory's docks. Therefore, even if the Judgment Territory went all out to build a commercial business, this kind of The financial resources that are passively delivered to your door are still very considerable.

In terms of security, the Judgment Territory is backed by Shangjiang City, the main city of the human race. During the establishment ceremony of the Judgment Territory, Daliang revealed to the world his relationship with the Shangjiang ruling class.

Except for the missing King of Donghai, all the powerful nobles from the upper echelons of Shangjiang were present. The Shangjiang fleet had just won a new victory at sea, and its remnants of influence spread overseas. Who would dare to attract the attention of the ruling leader in the core territory of Shangjiang City.

Not to mention, dozens of fallen angels appeared above the Judgment Territory to congratulate.

Everyone, including Daliang's allies, can't figure out how awesome he is. Anyway, what is certain is that Daliang must not be provoked within the East China Sea. If we consider Daliang's relationship with the Northern Lords Alliance in the Chinese Game Zone, his relationship with Yingshi Virtual Bank, and his performance in the East Asian War, this scope should be expanded to include the Yellow Sea, the Bohai Sea, and perhaps the Tsushima Strait.

With money and power, the Judgment Link Exhibition showed a construction speed that no one could have imagined.

"What a miracle!"

Boss Jin couldn't help but admire, the meaning behind his words refers to both the ruling team and everything that Daliang manages in the game.

"Yes!" Of course the thoughtful Xu Man could hear Boss Jin's pun. She said: "Sometimes I am really glad that I invited Daliang to join the college alliance at the beginning of this game, otherwise the college alliance will continue to It split apart due to internal strife, and ended up being just an inconspicuous one among the many guilds in Shangjiang.

Boss Jin, what will happen if Daliang says he has something good this time and invites us to come together? "

Boss Jin chuckled and said: "Daliang has done too many unexpected things. I can't keep up with his ideas. Anyway, if he can say it is a good thing, it is definitely a very good thing."

While Boss Jin and Xu Man were chatting, a Crusader guard informed them that they had been allowed to enter the meeting hall.

After Daliang met with Boss Jin and Xu Man, they first exchanged greetings and then sat down separately.

Just when Daliang was about to talk about rare resources, Boss Jin said first: "Brother Daliang, let me look forward to the good things for a while. Let me first talk about the good things here.

During this period, my Jiuding Chamber of Commerce and the University Alliance initially formulated the charter for our joint establishment of a maritime business company. The maritime merchant fleet is also being formed. There are currently ten three-masted merchant ships and 200 two-masted merchant ships available for use. New merchant ships are still under active construction.

However, since our merchant ships are mainly two-masted merchant ships, the places we can reach are concentrated in East Asia and Southeast Asia. If we go along the coast, we can reach India. If we go westward, the growth rate of profits cannot offset the consumption of navigation. Basically, the East Indian Ocean is the most profitable. The limit of transformation.

This situation is caused by the fact that we have too few three-masted merchant ships suitable for ocean trade. The navigation consumption of a two-masted merchant ship is not much less than that of a three-masted merchant ship, but the storage capacity is several times less than that of a merchant ship. It is not suitable for transcontinental ocean trade. . "

Xu Man also said: "The factors that currently limit transcontinental ocean exchanges are long routes. However, with the discovery of vortex channels and ocean current routes, this problem is slowly being improved; the real factor restricting our ocean development is still large-scale There are not enough ships. For the consumption of the ocean, the storage of the two-masted ships is too little. A large part of the capacity is used for navigation.

The fleets under the University Alliance are actively working on ship drawings, but the output of three-masted ship drawings is not ideal. Therefore, to obtain the drawings of three-masted ships, we also need to obtain them from players who specialize in ship design. "

The meaning of Boss Jin and Xu Man is very obvious. Daliang provided a large number of two-masted battleship drawings to the Northern Lords Alliance during the East Asian Naval War. It was a benefit for the Northern Fleet to persist in the great turning point in the Sea of ​​Japan in the confrontation with the Japanese and Korean combined fleets. These two-masted battleships were built in time and put into naval battles.

Da Liang was able to easily produce so many two-masted battleship drawings because he was an intermediate ship designer with a high drawing rate.

Although the University Alliance and the Jiuding Chamber of Commerce are cultivating their own ship designers, their drawing rate of even two-masted ships is not ideal, and the cost is higher than the acquisition. Therefore, it is not yet time for them to advance to senior ship designers. Know when to wait. Even if he is promoted to senior ship designer, the miserable drawing rate cannot smoothly provide three-masted ship drawings.

Therefore, if you want to obtain a large number of three-masted ships, you still need to find a way.

Daliang looked at his intermediate ship design proficiency and found that it had reached 70%. During this period, there were too many things going on in the foggy area, leaving Da Liang without much time to make the brigantine battleship drawings, so the improvement in proficiency slowed down a lot.

However, now that the proficiency is high, it means that the basic drawing rate has been improved, and the drawing speed can also be improved again. As long as you find time to focus on making brig ship drawings, you should be able to fully upgrade your intermediate ship design proficiency in a short time. .

As for how to be promoted to senior ship designer...

Guice should have something.

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