Start with an Archangel

Chapter 619 Sifang Chamber of Commerce

So Daliang said to Boss Jin and Xu Man: "Leave the drawings of the three-masted ship to me. Now our merchant ships will temporarily develop the markets in East Asia and Southeast Asia. I have prepared the shops in the player maritime trading market. It is definitely a green light to go to the big market in Jiading City to purchase in the name of the ruling leader.

After our maritime merchant fleet is registered in Shangjiang City, it will be under the name of Shuntong Escort Fleet. From now on, our merchant ships will follow the merchant ships of Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. "

Speaking of Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, it has been very popular in the gaming world recently.

The city of Jiading, which used to be a peaceful place for business, was suddenly attacked by troops, and the troops that were attacked were all top-notch soldiers. Bone dragons and ghost dragons were really flying all over the sky, and dark knights and terrifying knights were everywhere. The undead army marched out from Jiading City in waves, and then quickly moved westward, invincible along the way.

Now the undead army in Jiading City has launched an attack on Nanjing City and Hangzhou City at the same time. The two level 13 cities that can still be fought on two fronts can only be defended. The sudden burst of strength in Jiading City is evident.

But players who don't know the details are confused and confused about what Jiading City wants to do. Jiading City is separated from Nanjing City and Hangzhou City by several cities. The army of the undead all passed by without occupying it. It was definitely not for the purpose of expanding the territory.

Now that Jiading City is so powerful, Boss Jin and Xu Man, whose core interests are in Shangjiang, are very concerned about the origin of this war. What is important is whether Jiading City has such a powerful undead army and will it overthrow the human rule of Shangjiang City.

As for what happened in Jiading City? If Daliang among the players doesn't know, I'm afraid no one will.

Moreover, Boss Jin and Xu Man both believed that Daliang must know something.

Daliang said: "The Jiading City incident has a lot to do with the good things I said, but the things inside are too complicated. In summary, Shangjiang City has made a major diplomatic breakthrough. It is located in Shangjiang City in the main world has established a relatively stable cooperative relationship with Sigh City in the Kingdom of Death.

The army of undead that Jiading City suddenly obtained was actually a hired army from Sigh City. Its function was to open up trade routes that were blocked and unable to expand for the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. The purpose of this undead army is not to occupy those cities, and Shangjiang City does not have the ability to rule so much territory at once. Basically, this army will attack anyone who hinders the entry of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.

The current strategic goal of the undead army in Jiading City is to first open up the river trade routes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and obtain preferential trade rights for the cities along the coast.

As for whether this undead army will turn against us and attack Shangjiang City and affect us, everyone can rest assured. Although this undead army is nominally hired by the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce in Jiading City, they are actually commanded by the Army Department of Shangjiang. The minister, Archangel Bartlett, personally commanded.

This cooperation between Shangjiang City and Sighing City will be of great benefit to our newly built maritime trading company. The cheaper the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce purchases, the more we will earn. The bigger their shop will be, the wider the market for our products will be. "

After Daliang's explanation, boss Jin and Xu Man felt a storm in their hearts. This was such a familiar routine. This was what the empire did before the sun never set. The ships and cannons knocked on the doors of many countries and regions. From then on, The world scavenges for supplies and then dumps their products around the world.

Now that the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce has the support of a main city in the Kingdom of Death, who in the entire main world can stop this army of death!

Boss Jin, who could best see the financial potential, asked excitedly: "To what extent can Sigh City help the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce to expand trade routes? Can it cross continents?"

If Sigh City's army can reach the Americas, Europe, and Africa, then it can survive even if it picks up the slack behind the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.

Of course, Daliang also hopes that the trade routes controlled by the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce will be as big as possible. After all, he owns 20% of the shares of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.


"For cross-continental fighting, Sigh City does not have that many troops, and Shuntong Chamber of Commerce does not have the financial resources to hire so many troops. Moreover, the Kingdom of Death is now facing a large-scale civil war, and Sigh City's support for Shuntong Chamber of Commerce will also be affected to a certain extent. Influence.

However, Sigh City is not the center of the civil war, and they will not participate too much in this civil war. The hired troops will not retreat, and there should be no problem in completing the construction of river trade roads in the Yangtze River Basin. "

Being able to complete trade control in the Yangtze River Basin is already very impressive. Coupled with Shangjiang's demonstrated strength at sea, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, which has a heavy official background, can fully utilize the resources of the Yangtze River Basin to become the largest systematic chamber of commerce in the entire Western Pacific.

For this smooth sailing, Boss Jin and the College Alliance got on board through Daliang.

"Hahaha..." Boss Jin laughed cheerfully: "Brother Daliang is really my God of Wealth. The maritime company we jointly established can just follow the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce and pick up the money. Now the maritime company is ready. Waiting for the official registration and opening through the system, has Daliang thought of a name for our company?"

Daliang said: "Our maritime company has four major shareholders. I, the Jiuding Chamber of Commerce, the College Alliance, and the Rampage Tauren Legion. I think we will call it the Sifang Chamber of Commerce."

Boss Jin praised: "Sifang Chamber of Commerce has financial connections in all directions. It's a good name. It's called Sifang Chamber of Commerce."

Xu Man also expressed his recognition of the name of the Sifang Chamber of Commerce, and then asked: "Daliang, what good thing are you talking about, and why is it related to the military assistance from Shangjiang City and Sighing City?"

Daliang said: "The cooperation between Shangjiang City and Sighing City is multi-faceted, and I have access to some cooperation through connections. Recently, Shangjiang City and Sighing City reached a transaction agreement, and Sighing City will sell rare resources to Shangjiang City."

Boss Jin and Xu Man couldn't help but feel nervous when they heard about the rare resources.

They are all lords who own a territory. They know that before the fifth level, gold coins are the bottleneck for territory development, and after level five, rare resources are the bottleneck.

Rare resources are scarce in every territory, and if you raise a few more ultimate creatures, it will be even more scarce. The output of rare resources controlled by the territory is the upper limit of the construction and development of the territory. Everything you build, build, and research requires careful planning, and transporting materials and troops to the base camp plane also requires the consumption of rare resources.

It can be said that rare resources have driven all the lords with territories above level five crazy. They have to use them everywhere, but there is not enough everywhere.

The official reference price for rare resources is 1,000 gold per unit, but there are no goods at all. Players’ private market transactions are basically based on the standard of 10,000 gold per unit, and there are no rare resources for sale in whole units.

Now that Daliang is talking about rare resource transactions between Jiangcheng and Sighing City, does this mean...

Seeing Da Liang slowly taking out the wine and glass, Boss Jin and Xu Man were ready to step forward and strangle him.

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