Start with an Archangel

Chapter 620 Distribution

Feeling the murderous aura that filled the room, Daliang quickly said: "In the rare resource transaction between Sigh City and Shangjiang City, I can rely on my connections to get 30 units of shares every day, and the price is 10,000 gold per unit. Do you still need the Judgment Collar? I have received too many rare resources, and I am going to leave 5 units of rare resources as reserves for the future. The you two have any opinions on allocation?"

Now the Knights of the Holy See in the City of Sighs can provide 50 units of rare resources to the Church in the Mist District every day, of which 5 units are left to their own Black Fire Leader. Of the remaining 45 units, 30 units were used for internal consumption, and the last 15 units were placed in the fog area for sale to attract players.

After saying that, Daliang began to pour wine into three wine glasses.

Boss Jin and Xu Man were both in deep shock.

30 units of rare resources, supplied every day!

The combined output of rare resources controlled by Jiuding Leader and Yunxiao Leader does not exceed ten, but now they have to face 30 units of rare resources every day.

That’s ridiculous!

Sure enough... the things that Daliang can say are good things are not ordinary good things. If this batch of rare resources were put into the player market, it would definitely be a heavyweight bomb.

Boss Jin asked excitedly: "Is there really 30 units of rare resources?"

Xu Man asked: "Can it really be supplied every day?"

Daliang placed the wine glasses in front of Xu Man and Boss Jin respectively: "You still don't believe what I say. Anyway, this business will not be interrupted in the short term, and Sigh City has already re-calculated its rare resource production. From now on, every day The number of supplies will increase.

Although rare resources are very popular, the price is basically fixed at 10,000 gold per unit. I don't make much profit, so why not give this benefit to our own people.

How much share are the two big guys prepared to divide? "

For Boss Jin and Xu Man, if the supply of these rare resources is stable, there is no need for them to eat too much at one time. After all, one unit of rare resources requires 10,000 gold, and no one can bear to swallow a large amount of goods for a long time.

With a daily supply of 30 units, the Judgment Territory has allocated 5 units. Boss Jin said: "My Jiuding Territory has started the construction of level 6 territory. The gap of rare resources is relatively large. I want 7 units every day. share of scarce resources.”

Xu Man calculated his needs and said: "I want 10 units of rare resource shares. Excluding those used by the Yunxiao Territory, the members of the Northern Lords Alliance should also share some of the rain and dew, which will help the unity of the alliance."

Judgment has 5 points, Jiuding has 7 points, and Yunxiao has 10 points. Of the 30 units, after removing 22, there are still 8 units left.

Daliang said: "Let's divide it like this. The Sifang Chamber of Commerce will fund the remaining 8 units of rare resource shares and put them in the product list to enhance our chamber of commerce's external influence."

Being able to supply rare resources as commodities for a long time is a symbol of strength in itself. Rare resources as commodities in large quantities can make the Sifang Chamber of Commerce instantly stand out from countless player chambers of commerce and be remembered by everyone.

Neither Boss Jin nor Xu Man had any objections to Daliang's proposal. After clinking glasses, a three-person meeting distributed strategic wealth that could make everyone jealous.

After discussing the development details of the Sifang Chamber of Commerce, all three people left the Judgment Territory.

Da Liang returned to the foggy area.

The equipment and rare resources obtained from the Holy See Knights have been transported to the foggy area under the protection of heavy troops. The Misty District Church built a large underground warehouse specifically for this batch of materials, and Jonathan was personally responsible for the protection of the warehouse.

When the supplies arrive, the equipment trading market hosted by the church can be officially opened. This batch of high-end standard soldier ordnance can drive the entire market, and some players will come here. When the equipment consumer groups appear, the players' equipment Businessmen will also enter this equipment market. Then there are the player merchants who deal in other low-end products. Gradually, diverse and convenient material supplies will keep more and more players in the foggy area.

The war equipment in the supplies will be replenished to the Blackfire Territory's army after repairs. The small number of heavy catapults and heavy catapults included are advanced weapons that the Blackfire Territory cannot build on its own and has nowhere to purchase. instrument.

Then there are rare resources.

With a daily share of 50 units, 35 units have already found their way, and the remaining 15 units of rare resources will appear in the exchange controlled by the church in the foggy area.

But how should we sell the shares of these 15 units to maximize the popularity of the foggy area?

Just when Daliang was thinking about how to sell these 15 units of rare resources, a priest came to report: Church Knight Feng Moying asked for an audience. Also coming with Feng Moying was a man named Tokugawa Nobunaga.

Tokugawa Nobunaga...

Da Liang was very puzzled. Why did this girl come directly to the door if he wasn't waiting behind the scenes to be slaughtered? What did he want to do?

"Bring them to the main hall."

Daliang tidied up his attire, and after making sure that nothing was revealed, he came to the main hall of the church in the foggy area.

In the gloomy hall, green phosphorus fire burned on the walls. The undead priests standing here showed various terrifying looks under the phosphorus fire. The statue of the God of Death overlooks the entire hall on the altar, and the faint divine power emanating from it makes the air here become low and depressing.

Tokugawa Nobunaga stood behind Feng Moying and secretly looked at the church he invested in and built. Today, Feng Moying has officially decided to withdraw from this plot mission and is willing to cooperate in the handover of the mission.

In the eyes of Tokugawa Nobunaga, this church will definitely become the link between him and the Pope of the Mist Zone. In the subsequent missions, he will go deep into the center of power in the City of Sighs, and then use this main city of the undead as a base. Turn the whole world over.

While imagining the future, the originally terrifying church hall couldn't help but become cute in Tokugawa Nobunaga's eyes, and then he saw the important NPC in this plot mission - the actual ruler of the church in the foggy area...

Tokugawa Nobunaga found that he still didn't know the name of the pope, but the undead had some special habits. If the undead didn't take the initiative to say something, don't ask about it, especially the name. Don't ask too much.

Under the watchful eyes of Feng Moying and Tokugawa Nobunaga, Daliang walked onto the altar and stood at the foot of the statue of the God of Death. As a church recognized by the Immaculate Holy See, the Death Statue here carries the divine power of the God of Death. All creatures that are not affiliated with the church and are under the influence of the divine power will have their vitality temporarily reduced by 10%.

The dark environment made Daliang, who was already hiding his appearance, even more difficult to see through. He said to Feng Moying: "My child, I think you should know that I don't like to see outsiders. Who is he? Come to my church. What’s the purpose?”

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