Start with an Archangel

Chapter 621 I won’t play with you

Interrupting this plot mission and transferring it to Tokugawa Nobunaga was Feng Moying's difficult decision after several days of thinking.

Even though she could see that there was a complex epic behind this plot, even if she was not forced, even if Tokugawa Nobunaga stopped supporting her, she would not be able to continue the next mission.

Just building one church cost 1 million gold coins.

Then there is the road building for the foggy area.

Enchant a church.

There is also a new propaganda edition called "The Doctrine of the Immaculate" which is in progress.

With her being a junior high school student with no background and a ninja hobby group, she simply did not have the financial resources and manpower to complete it.

In short, this plot task is too big and far beyond her tolerance. Forcibly following up on the task will not only cause the task to fail, but also endanger the safety of herself and her family.

Reluctant to give up, but also helpless.

Faced with Daliang's question, Feng Moying, who was determined, replied: "Dear Pope. Please allow me to introduce Mr. Tokugawa Nobunaga to you. Although I don't know Mr. Tokugawa Nobunaga yet, your This church was actually invested and rebuilt by Mr. Tokugawa Nobunaga.

Mr. Tokugawa Nobunaga is the president of the Adventurer's Guild where I belong, and a lord of the great undead territory of the Rising Sun Territory. When I learned that the reconstruction of the church in the Mist District required 1 million gold coins, but I was unable to help the church, it was President Tokugawa Nobunaga who generously donated the reconstruction funds to the church through me.

When the Pope was troubled by the poor traffic in the Mist Zone, it was also the Mist Zone where Lord Tokugawa Nobunaga transported the stones used in the construction of his territory.

As well as enchanting the church and promoting the newly compiled "Immortal Doctrine", Mr. Tokugawa Nobunaga also completed it for you.

I am just a bridge between the Pope and Tokugawa Nobunaga. I think that if the Rising Sun Territory, which has a lot of financial resources, and the powerful Mist District Church cooperate directly, the Mist District can prosper faster. "

Feng Moying began to hand over the task through dialogue. As long as Tokugawa Nobunaga established a direct dialogue relationship with the Pope in the foggy area, she could slowly fade out of the plot.

Tokugawa Nobunaga was very satisfied with Feng Moying's speech, and he personally designed the dialogue speech for Feng Moying. When Feng Moying explained the actual sponsor of the church, she cleverly inserted his identity as the president and lord into the dialogue. In this way, he could gain a lot of favorability from the Pope and smooth the transition of the plot.

What we have to wait for now is the Pope's active dialogue. According to the experience of past missions, as long as the NPC initiates dialogue, it means that the player has begun to establish contact with the NPC. The next step is to cultivate goodwill and participate in the plot.

And the favorability of the pope in the foggy area seems to be something that can be spent with money.

It's a good thing to be able to spend money on it. Although it is quite expensive, in order to take off in the future, Tokugawa Nobunaga is ready to cut some meat on his body.

After listening to Feng Moying's words, Daliang understood the purpose of Tokugawa Nobunaga's arrival.

He didn't want to stand behind the scenes and was ready to steal the task from the little girl.

It's just that it's fun for me to play role-playing with my little girl. What's the big deal with you getting involved? Ever since I started playing games, what I hate the most is you players who bully others and steal monsters and tasks. Is it important to be rich and powerful? I won’t let you play with me, but I like to train little lolita.

Therefore, when Tokugawa Nobunaga thought he could successfully trade the plot mission, he heard the Pope in front of him make an angry voice: "Knight Fuma Ying, I remember I told you about the newly compiled "Immortal Doctrine" Don’t mention it to anyone, you seem to have forgotten what I said.”

The sudden change surprised Tokugawa Nobunaga. He did not expect that the Pope would have such an extreme reaction in his carefully considered speech.

When Tokugawa Nobunaga was about to explain, his body suddenly flew backwards and flew out of the hall door uncontrollably. Then, before he landed, a saber slashed him.

Tokugawa Nobunaga's body emitted a white light of death, and his body fell to the ground.

It was too sudden. Just like what happened to Feng Moying, the church in the foggy area really killed people at the slightest disagreement.

It's so awesome. This is the first time Daliang has used this skill since he learned to "expel". Tokugawa Nobunaga is considered a top player in the hero world, and he flew out without any resistance at all. Moreover, "Expulsion" has no attack effect and will not generate an attack prompt to reveal the player's identity. It will definitely be a powerful tool for showing off to players in the future.

In Feng Moying's eyes, the Pope suddenly took action, and Tokugawa Nobunaga was killed instantly. The process was so fast that she had no reaction.

When Tokugawa Nobunaga told Feng Moying how to talk to the Pope, Feng Moying also had doubts about whether to talk about the newly compiled "Immortal Doctrine". But this is the inspiring event of the official plot and must not be skipped, otherwise the plot is likely to shift to the construction of the foggy area.

To build the foggy area, Tokugawa Nobunaga did not need to take action personally. His purpose of seizing the task was to use this incident to intervene in the struggle among the top leaders of the City of Sighs.

Therefore, Tokugawa Nobunaga must take the credit for promoting the new "Immortal Doctrine" on himself, and according to his analysis, when he revealed his financial resources, power and contribution to the Mist Zone, the Mist Zone For the sake of this church, the Pope should be willing to accept himself into the plot.

But Tokugawa Nobunaga didn't expect that the Pope in the Mist District would hack him directly in the church he invested in and built.

"Teach, Lord Pope." Feng Moying saw that the Pope in front of her was killing people so easily, and she couldn't help but worry. This was really a high-risk mission. If this time was included, she died during this mission. The fourth time. Moreover, this time the pope killed the person himself, which meant that his own records were erased from the pope's database, and the plot was completely interrupted.

At this time, Feng Moying heard.

"I overestimated your strength and gave you a task beyond your ability. The source of the new "Immaculate Doctrine" was leaked by you, which may very well put me in crisis. The Sad Lord just asked me to join the Holy See What the Council thinks, and if this thing is known to the old-fashioned bishops and told to the Melancholy Monarch, whether he believes it or not, I will be kept out of the Council.”

The newly resurrected Tokugawa Nobunaga asked Feng Moying to start the live broadcast immediately, wanting to see if there was any room for saving the plot that was about to collapse. Then he heard what Daliang said.

Tokugawa Nobunaga, who was deeply regretful, shouted heartbreakingly: "Feng Moying, did you hear that, the sad monarch asked him to enter the Holy See Council! This mission must be kept no matter what, this is my order to you, no matter what Keep it no matter what!"

I recommend a book called "Online Games: Short Swordsman", a martial arts online game.

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