Start with an Archangel

Chapter 625 Arriving at the front line

After a long flight, Daliang led the team to the battlefield.

Blue Ear rides a giant bat and flies beside Daliang. In the foggy area, he saw the financial strength of this collaborator. Just the daily consumption of magic to maintain Destiny Manor was beyond the wealth he could imagine. Blue Ear had no doubt that his collaborators had the financial resources to build the city, and he was even more interested in the army he was about to see.

Mr. Eviscerate's financial resources should be able to support a private army of 20,000 people. If there are two or three ghost dragons, with the cooperation of our Snow Wolf Tribe, we will definitely be able to occupy the lower reaches of the river. As long as the river channel is opened, Snowfield City can establish contact with the outside world. With external supplies, the construction of the city will be smoother.

Blue Ear was full of expectations for the future. He seemed to see the powerful snow wolf tribe driving countless wolf knights to run wildly across the snowy field, and then he saw the vast white land in the distance.

Is it snow?

But how come there is snow in the Kingdom of Death?

When the flying troops got closer, Blue Ears discovered that it was not snow covering the ground at all, but skeleton soldiers.

The dense white skeleton soldiers covered up the original color of the earth, and it really looked like a snowfield from a distance. This was the first time Lan Er had seen the Skeleton Sea. Although he had imagined the Skeleton Sea tactics that the undead were famous for before, when he saw it with his own eyes, he was only deeply shocked.

"Mr. Eviscerate, which Death Lord's army is below? A Lord with an army of this size must be very famous in the Kingdom of Death."

Daliang smiled and replied casually: "You will soon know who this army belongs to."

Continuing to fly, the sea of ​​skeleton soldiers continued to pass below, some siege equipment began to appear, and ghosts flying in the air, and soon a tent appeared below. Moving forward, Blue Ear saw an undead city. A large undead army had begun to gather outside the city and was confronting the undead army below.

Blue Ear realized that this was a war between the Death Lord and the Death Lord, and thought of what Eviscerate had just said...

Could it be that this is the war that Mr. Eviscerate is talking about? A battle in which both sides invested hundreds of thousands of troops! What a spectacular battle scene this would be... I just don't know which death lord's subordinate Mr. Eviscerate belongs to. Judging from the current situation, he should belong to the attacking lord's general.

The flying team began to lower its altitude without any obstruction, which made Blue Ear even more convinced of his guess. Especially when he saw a large-scale vampire sword guard around the big tent, he had already determined that Eviscerate was the subordinate of the lord who commanded the undead army, and being able to obtain high-level soldiers like vampire sword guards represented Eviscerate. Mr. Bone is also a general with a high status.

After landing in the Chinese army camp, Daliang walked into the tent with Lan Er and Miniya.

Although Blue Ear had a lot of guesses about what the big tent looked like, the scene he imagined of a room full of lichs, skeletons, walking corpses, and vampires did not appear, but... ogres, big-eared monsters, big-eared monsters, and big-eared monsters. Angels, black elves, red-armored knights.

There is not a single undead in the camp that leads such a large undead army!

However, considering that Mr. Eviscerate is also a non-undead human, Blue Ear accepted the identity of the leader of the undead army. Moreover, the ogres and big-eared monsters here are all beasts, which makes Blue Ears feel more familiar.

When he saw an ogre sitting in the commander's position, he was already extremely excited.

If this fellow tribesman is willing to provide help, the Snow Wolf tribe can rule the entire snowfield.

But when Blue Ear was about to salute the ogre general, the ogre general stood up immediately when he saw the three people coming in, and led everyone to salute his subordinates, saying in unison: "Greetings to the lord! "

Then, under the stunned blue ears, Da Liang walked to the main seat where Kuka stepped aside. Archangel Julian stood behind him, and the brilliance of the angel wings illuminated the entire tent.

Lan Er felt that his jaw was about to drop.

"Now let me introduce to you the friend I brought here. Blue Ear is the leader of the Snow Wolf Tribe and our future partner in building Snowfield City. After the battle here, Kuka will lead most of this army. Move to the snowfield and build our material reserve base.

Minya, my most trusted friend and the strongest in our army, is willing to provide us with magical support for this war.

Kuka, when formulating your tactics, you can consider carrying out large-scale magic bombing on the enemy. Minia is a mage that is not weaker than my butler Mike, and my 'Meteor and Fire Shower' can also carry out large-scale magic bombing on the enemy. of magic coverage. "

Then Daliang said to Lan Er and Minia: "Kuka is the supreme commander of my army, and Kuka has full command of this battle.

Now Kuka issues combat orders. "

On the mountain peak next to the army, the apostles continued to listen to No. 2's basis for judging that this undead army belonged to a player.

"The most important basis for me to judge that this army belongs to the player lord is that there are a large number of human griffins in this army. Recently, an archangel has appeared to join the battle. In addition, I have developed a special spell-casting unit that is suspected of being human. This army.

There are also orc heroes participating in the battle, and four red-armored knights of unknown races have recently arrived.

This kind of mixing of multi-ethnic arms and multi-ethnic heroes is very rare in the system army.

Moreover, in the army of the player lord, multi-ethnic mixing is the norm. "

No. 1 said: "Yes, this is indeed the most suspicious thing. But... No. 3 just said that he has conducted a survey on the undead player lords in the entire game world, and no lord has this army. I think others The apostle also tends to this judgment. It is incredible that a player lord with such a large military force appears at this stage.

There are currently 67 player undead territories in the Heroic World. If this army really belongs to a player lord, No. 2, who do you think it is? "

No. 2 said: "No. 1, I think there is a player who owns the undead territory that everyone has ignored. Do you still remember the second lord of the world?"

It can be said that the world's first lord is famous all over the world, but the world's second lord is forgotten in the corner.

The apostles did not expect that No. 2 would mention the Second Lord of the World at this time. No. 1 said: "The Second Lord of the World can be said to be a pity for the hero world. Although there are many speculations about the Second Lord of the World, I am leaning towards this one. The lord encountered some accident and the territory was lost."

"No..." No. 2 said: "A lord once said that the second lord of the world once appeared in the lord forum and said that his territory was an undead territory."

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