Start with an Archangel

Chapter 626 Guess

The words of No. 2 attracted the attention of all the apostles, and the second lord of the world actually appeared. who is he? Where is his territory? With such obscurity, how could his territory develop without outside investment?

All kinds of doubts arose, and No. 1 asked: "Do you think that the person who owns this army is the second lord of the world?"

No. 2 said: "As we all know, in the early rankings of lords, the only ones missing are the second lord of the world and the second lord of the Chinese game area, so it can be determined that the person who won the second territory is a Chinese player. And I think this world's No. 2 Second, it’s not that he didn’t receive funding, it’s just that he didn’t openly accept investment.

All apostles should have seen a special kind of undead dragon that appeared in this undead army. Their name is the frost dragon. According to the information I collected, the Judgment Legion under the Shangjiang City College Alliance in the Chinese Game Zone has a frost dragon. . As for the commander of this Judgment Legion, everyone should be very familiar with it, Da Liang... a Chinese player who is famous in the Chinese game area and even in the world atmosphere.

Everyone should be very clear about Daliang’s deeds.

The collection of intelligence about Daliang has always been the focus of every game guild and lord. It is recognized that Daliang has always hidden a powerful private army, at least a powerful maritime fleet.

According to sporadic intelligence, at the beginning of the great voyage, Daliang commissioned many maritime merchants such as the University Alliance and the Jiuding Merchant Alliance to find a fleet from Hong Kong City bound for Chongming City. No one knew what happened after they found it, but Since then, Daliang has owned griffins and has risen rapidly in Shangjiang. In the naval battle against Feishanzushi, Daliang pulled out a fleet under the banner of Pudong Fleet, which played a vital role in the entire battle.

Everyone thinks that the origin of this fleet is the Shangjiang Navy. However, what if this maritime fleet is not actually from Daliang, but belongs to the second lord of the world? "

After analysis by No. 2, the apostles already had a guess.

Only with the support of the second lord in the world can Daliang be able to complete the mission of Shangjiang City and rise step by step in the ruling hierarchy of Shangjiang. At the same time, he used his position in Shangjiang City and the image he had established among players to earn money to feed the world's second lord.

The two formed a strong complement to each other.

After all the apostles nodded in agreement with No. 2's guess, No. 2 continued: "The rise of Da Liang is a miracle and a mystery to everyone. He changed the pattern of the Chinese game area as a non-lord player. The powerful hero fought for peace, and then single-handedly changed the battlefield of the East Asian naval war.

If there is a lord who is as good as Feishanzushi to support him, then everything will be very normal.

The large number of human troops appearing here can also be explained by the fact that Daliang provided them for him.

As for why the second lord in the world does not disclose his territory, I guess his territory should be far away from the land, isolated overseas and difficult to attack and difficult to defend. In the early stage, he could not set up a guild to summon players to protect him, so he did not disclose his location, but secretly cooperated with Da Liang to develop it secretly. . "

No. 1 pondered for a while and said: "Your analysis is very good. In the early stage of the game, players' maritime power is very weak. The risks of a maritime territory are huge. Even if it is publicized, it is difficult to attract investment. Instead, because the world's second largest player exposes himself to players Under the eyes. Develop secretly and earn development funds by your own ability is the best way.

In addition, have you ever thought that Daliang himself is the second lord of the world. "

No. 2 looked at the undead in the distance and said: "I have also had this speculation, but I think a person's energy is limited. Skeleton soldiers of this size can never be recruited from the territory. They must be a little bit I accumulated a little bit of missions as Lord of the Undead. There are also frost dragons. The number here has reached 7. If Da Liang can make such achievements in Shangjiang City, he will never have time to accumulate this army of undead in the Kingdom of Death.

Therefore, Daliang and the second lord of the world must be two people, one in the light and the other in the dark. No matter who is in trouble, they can support each other. "

The secrets about Daliang and the second lord of the world were analyzed in detail by Apostle 2, which seems to be able to explain many questions.

No. 1 said: "This is indeed a reasonable explanation, but it is your guess after all. We have no direct evidence to prove that this army belongs to a player."

No. 2 said: "This is why I invited all the apostles here. To attack an eighth-level undead city, if this army belongs to the second lord of the world, then he will definitely participate in the battle personally. We will attack him, as long as If he fights back, we'll know his name, and if we can kill him, we'll be able to tell if he's a player."

"Kill him……"

A white light will appear when a player dies, and something will explode when an NPC dies. If you can't tell from the name whether you are dealing with a player or an NPC, then killing him is an easy way to tell.

But killing their commander in the middle of hundreds of thousands of troops is definitely not an easy task. Just so many ultimate creatures can cause heavy losses to the apostles.

does it worth?

Seeing the hesitation of No. 1, No. 2 said: "In the south of Eternal Night City, Yunzhong City supports the Wizards Guild and is about to rebel. However, Monarch Aiyin still believes that the Unsullied Holy See has dealt a fatal blow to the Wizards Guild. We have not affected Monarch Aiyin's decision-making. With his own abilities, he could only watch helplessly as Monarch Ai Yin listened to the slander of a demon.

A large-scale civil war is about to occur in the Kingdom of the Dead. In a plane war that is very likely to break out, the undead caught in internal fighting are in a very disadvantageous position.

Since we have established the "Shadow of Death" to prepare for the plane war with the support of the Monarch of Lament, there must be corresponding player organizations with camp confrontation in other planes.

We are all adventurous undead players. Even if our individual strength is truly top-notch in the game, once we encounter the flying sand and stones of the elves or the sun servants of the hell clan in the camp confrontation, we need the corresponding lord players to fight against them.

It is for this reason that we have been observing Tokugawa Nobunaga, who owns the Rising Sun Territory of the Undead.

Now there is a better choice in front of us. I am 80% sure that the owner of this army is a player. If I can prove my guess and win him into our group, it must be the right choice. The strength of 'Shadow of Death' has been greatly improved, and it has become the top organization in the camp confrontation.

As the No. 2 of the organization, I think this risk is worth taking, and any sacrifice is worth it. "

No. 1 thought for a while and said: "Since you proposed this operation as No. 2 of the organization, we will provide you with all support to prove your guess. If your guess is wrong, or if we all die, we will not Prove the identity of the owner of this army, and I will deprive you of all rights in the 'Shadow of Death'."

"In order to reveal the true face of the world's second lord, and to reverse our disadvantage in the camp confrontation, I am willing to exchange my rights for this joint operation. However, I request the right to command this operation."

"Yes, the 12 apostles, including me, will strictly obey your orders. Since you believe that the other party is the second lord of the world, do you know his name?"

"He once left his name on the Lord's Forum, but I think it is fake."

"what is it call?"

Quietly watch you pretending to be cool

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