Start with an Archangel

Chapter 628 Dark Light City Attack and Defense

The dead plague crawler exploded, not only shattering a large number of skeleton soldiers, but also flying the surrounding plague crawlers away. The blasted plague crawler died in the air, and when it landed, there was a series of explosions.

"Crackling, booming, booming..."

Like New Year's firecrackers, the sound of explosions was continuous, all soldiers within range fell down, and a corridor 60 meters wide and 400 meters long was blasted out. Before Darklight City could replenish soldiers to the blasted open space, another wave of plague crawlers rushed up.

The explosion continued to sound, and the passage was lengthened section by section with the suicidal impact of the plague crawlers. Finally, the barrier composed of skeleton soldiers in Dark Light City was forcibly opened.

The Knights of Destruction took the lead in launching the charge. They formed a formation of two in front and two in back. A coffin formed by black light mist floated in the middle of their formation.

A faint gray mist spread over the battlefield.

"Soul-Gathering Coffin": [You gather together heroes with the four hero specialties of Immortality, Rebellion, Evasion, and Fighting Spirit at the same time, triggering the combined magic skill-Soul-Gathering Coffin: All creatures killed by the four heroes, their souls All will gather in the coffin. When the soul-gathering coffin is opened, war, plague, death and famine will come to the earth. Soul power 10000/10000, use effect: enemy morale -1, luck -1, fatigue accelerated by 20%, automatic casting of master-level curse possession (the lethality is the minimum damage, then minus 10)]

Although the passage has been opened, there are skeleton soldiers from Dark Light City on the left and right. Give them a little time and they can seal the passage again. Therefore, in order to ensure the smooth flow of the passage, Kuka invested the strongest troops and the strongest skills in the middle of the attack.

The effect of the soul-gathering coffin can cover a range of two thousand meters. Even though the skeleton soldiers are not affected by morale and have no fatigue value, the master-level evil curse possession can still greatly weaken their strength. But Kuka is not satisfied with this weakening. The main attack center route is outnumbered and the enemy is outnumbered. To open up the situation, the army of the Black Fire Leader must have an overwhelming advantage over the army of Dark Light City.

Therefore, following closely behind the Destruction Knight is Daliang's most powerful organic unit - the Magic Mage.

Letting precious long-range troops carry out assaults is definitely an extremely risky tactic, but if used properly it can produce miraculous results.

The magic mage entered the enemy's hinterland under the protection of the demon spirits and vampire sword guards. Negative magic was applied layer by layer on the surrounding enemy skeleton soldiers along the direction of their advance. The Vampire Sword Guard has already been blessed with multiple buff magics by the magic mage. In addition, the strength difference between level 9 soldiers and level 1 soldiers makes the skeleton soldiers in Dark Light City really look like paper under the sword of the Vampire Sword Guard. Same.

Not only were the skeleton soldiers in the Dark Light City unable to close the passage, but they were overwhelmed further and further by the vampire sword guards' close attacks and magical long-range attacks.

After the enemy forces in the middle were severely weakened, the skeleton soldiers of the Black Fire Leader followed up to consolidate the opened channel. Then... catapults, artillery, ladders and other siege weapons were pushed up.

At this time, the magic mages had already attacked the walls of Dark Light City. Outside the range of the ballistas, artillery and magic towers on the city wall, the assault troops spread their wings to attack from both sides. With the assistance of magic spirits, the magic mages were like magic cannons. The magic balls were outside the walls of Dark Light City. Sweeping, a group of skeleton soldiers were killed in an instant.

Darklight City was really stunned by the lightning attack of the Black Fire Leader army. They confidently deployed an army of skeleton soldiers outside the city, thinking that it would take at least ten days for the enemy to approach the city wall. But as soon as the battle started, the enemy troops had already attacked the city wall, and the 100,000 skeleton soldiers outside the city had no effect at all.

The Lord of Darklight City urgently dispatched several heroes with 2,000 vampire troops to attack the vanguard of the enemy's incoming troops.

But the city lord of Dark Light City soon discovered that he had far underestimated the strength of the enemy's onslaught troops. Those long-range troops wearing blue and white mage robes had extremely terrifying attack power, and they could kill vampires one by one.

One-third of the 2,000 vampires were killed before they could even get close. Then the enemy's creatures, which were suspected to be vampire variants, stood in front of the mage troops. They could turn into bats and have the same agility as vampires, but their attack power was lower than that of vampires. The vampires were much taller. In the dazzling attack, the vampire troops in Dark Light City were killed cleanly. They were unable to even escape within the attack range of the enemy's long-range troops.

The heroes sent soon were also beheaded by the enemy's red-armored knights one by one.

A powerful vampire army was wiped out in this way, which also made the Lord of Darklight City realize that the troop level of this army was higher than that which Darklight City could recruit, and the black ones revealed among the four red-armored knights. Coffin is obviously a powerful campaign skill.

They are all high-attack soldiers and four powerful hero commanders. If you want to defeat them, you must invest more than ten times the number of low-level soldiers, or send out high-level soldiers of the same level, or use high-level spellcasting heroes.

After destroying a vampire force in Dark Light City, the magic mage continued to attack and expand the control area. The skeleton soldiers behind him had already come up to support him. They continuously sent troops forward through the opened corridors, and the area of ​​control became wider and wider.

The city lord of Dark Light City looked at the terrifying knights and ghost dragon troops on standby in the city. These are units that Dark Light City cannot recruit on its own. To obtain them, they must spend a lot of money to buy them from those level 14 undead cities. These are the units that Dark Light City cannot recruit on its own. The most important military is the military force that can be used at the most critical moments.

There are also senior mages on standby. As long as they are used, they can definitely deal a devastating blow to the enemies that rush in. However, if the location of the senior mages is exposed first, it is very likely that they will be hit hard by the enemy's senior heroes.

"Let the troops outside the city seal the opened passage no matter what, and cut off the contact between the incoming enemy troops and the outside. Order the zombies to come out of the city to attack. This must be the enemy's most elite army. As long as they are eliminated, the outcome of this battle will be The initiative is in our hands.”

The army of zombies in Dark Light City began to leave the city to fight. They did not leave the city through the city gate, but directly climbed down from the city wall. The zombie that jumped first was thrown to death and became the flesh pad of the zombie that jumped later. The slow-moving zombie actually showed an efficient way to get out of the city.

The zombies leaving the city began to move towards the magic mage, but they were bombarded by the magic mage's negative magic.

The advanced slowing method makes walking corpses that are already slow to walk as slow as a snail.

However, the mage from Darklight City who followed the army of zombies into battle immediately used the exorcism method to expel the negative status of the zombies, and then released attack acceleration to speed up the zombies.

The magic mage continues to use negative magic attacks.

The spells of both sides were coming and going among the zombies. The speed of the zombies was sometimes fast and sometimes slow, but in the end they were approaching the magic mage's formation.

At this time, the skeleton soldiers of the Blackfire Leader who followed up moved forward past the magic mage's military formation, and began to fight with the walking corpses.

The skeleton soldiers outside Dark Light City turned their attack focus to the passage, while the skeleton soldiers on both wings of the Black Fire Leader took the opportunity to attack through the pile of bone fragments, constantly squeezing forward to reduce the pressure on the middle.

During the attack and defense of Darklight City, the battle became intense from the beginning because the Black Fire Leader wanted to end the war as soon as possible.

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