Start with an Archangel

Chapter 629 Preparations for Attack

The two warring parties competed with each other in the middle of the battlefield. The Black Fire Leader continued to send troops forward to build a forward position to attack the Dark Light City wall, while the Dark Light City tried its best to prevent the Black Fire Leader from setting up positions, hoping to cut off the enemy. channel.

The Plague Creepers ran on top of the skeleton soldiers, and waves of explosions continued to expand the width of the passage. The Blackfire Leader threw more skeleton soldiers into the battle for the front positions, and then sent artillery, ballistae, and catapults. to the front.

The artillery that entered the position began to unleash its power, and the shotgun ejected from the muzzle swept through the group of zombies in a fan shape, knocking down a large number of zombies with one shot.

The position continued to move forward, and the city wall of Dark Light City entered the range of the catapult, and the attack on the city wall was the first to hit.

In the early stage, the armies lacked the undead of long-range units and relied more on war equipment. Ballistas, catapults, and artillery were equipped on a large scale in the undead army. The armies of the undead are not known for their mobility, but they are very durable, so the bulky war equipment corresponds to the strengths and weaknesses of the undead.

Therefore, when the catapults of the Black Fire Territory were just assembled under the Dark Light City, they were immediately attacked by an overwhelming amount of war equipment.

The ballistas and artillery on the city wall fired short spears and cannonballs, and the catapults placed on the back of the city wall threw stone balls.

Several of the Blackfire leader's catapults were destroyed, and the remaining ones immediately returned fire.

Then several huge explosions sounded inside and outside the walls of Dark Light City. In order to blast open the walls of Dark Light City as soon as possible, Kuka directly used the alchemy bomb-Golden Bomb No. 2.

As the long-range attacks of the city's war equipment were suppressed by Jinzhao No. 2, more and more catapults were assembled by the Black Fire Army.

The catapults began to throw, and without exception, they were all alchemical bombs.

The city of the undead, which has always been poor, has never seen such a rich man's style of play.

Don’t you need to spend money on such a powerful alchemy bomb?

The city wall attacked by the Blackfire Leader's catapult was submerged in the explosion, and counterattacks were extremely rare. The Blackfire Leader's artillery took the opportunity to move forward to join the attack on the Darklight City wall.

At this point, the Blackfire Leader's army has completed its first step in combat, and Darklight City's plan to use skeleton soldiers to block them from the city failed.

The battle intensified further.

Darklight City put its ghost troops and vampire troops into the battlefield, and Kuka also sent a mixed force of griffins and ghosts to fight for the sky.

Darklight City sent out its own terrifying knights and ghost dragons, while Kuka responded with the vampire sword guards and frost dragons.

Armies of all levels on both sides were fighting in the sky and on the ground, and explosions and roars resounded throughout the sky.

I don't know when large-scale attack magic appeared on the battlefield, and the senior mages owned by both sides began to show their power, and the offensive and defensive battles surrounding the senior mages became even more exciting and fierce.

Ice, fire and lightning filled the sky, and the earth heaved.

At this time, Daliang rushed into the front line of the battlefield as a senior mage. Below him were Kuka's unicorn brothers. They were all spell-casting heroes and were responsible for using magic to protect them under the protection of the ogre heroes. In the offensive position, Daliang's mission is to attack and interfere with the senior mages in Dark Light City.

Da Liang spread out his fallen angel wings and flew in the air, and Julian spread out his angel wings to guard beside him. The sky is also the battlefield of ultimate creatures. Astro led the frost dragons to fight against ten ghost dragons.

The battlefield of the flying arms was already in chaos.

On the ground battlefield, the piles of bones showed where the skeleton soldiers of both sides had a stalemate.

In the ultimate battlefield, the Frost Dragon has the advantage; the flying troops, the Dark Light City with the vampires, have the advantage; and the ground Black Fire Territory has the absolute advantage.

As for the confrontation between high-level aerial heroes, facing nearly ten enemy high-level spell-casting heroes, Daliang said he was under pressure, but the combination of him and Julian was no longer something that ordinary level 14 heroes could withstand.

With the wings of a fallen angel, Daliang has far greater maneuverability than flying using flying magic; "Nicole's Jump" makes him difficult to be targeted by attacks, and the "Forbidden Magic Cover" makes him immune to magic attacks, even if "Forbidden" "Magic Shield" has been broken, and his magic mage specialty still has a 40% magic immunity chance.

At this time, Da Liang is completely the nemesis of the spell caster.

He can easily catch up with enemy mages who are flying slowly using flying thaumaturgy, dodge attacks with his body flashing, and then "banish" them to push them under Julian's sword.

The city lord of Darklight City commanded the city defense battle. He soon noticed the fighting between the senior mages on both sides. In a short period of time, four senior mages on his side were killed, and the remaining senior mages could only flee in embarrassment. There is no way to effectively unleash magic attacks on ground enemies.

The enemy's combination of spellcasting heroes and archangels is very strong, and heroes below level 14 are no match for them.

The only one who can stop them on this battlefield is themselves.

The Lord of Darklight City muttered a spell in a low voice, and his body hidden under the blouse expanded rapidly. The ugly flesh wings spread out from his back, his hands and feet turned into sharp claws, and a dragon head covered with dried meat protruded from the hood. .

"Humble intruder, you have successfully angered me. I...the Lord of Darklight City, in the name of Dragon Lich Harotu, declare that you will all become the soil under my city."

Dracolich Harotu is a level 15 creature just like the information Minia gave.

Originally, in order to deal with Haluotu, Daliang planned to gather all his high-level heroes and use the Destruction Knight as a human shield, while the others attacked him in a group.

But now...with Minya's help, it would be easier to beat him up in a group.

According to the initial battle plan, when Harutu flew up, all the heroes participating in the boss fight immediately gathered.

The Destruction Knight has the ability to move regardless of the terrain, has the special ability of immortality, and Jones, who is not afraid of death, is carried by a giant bat and flies up on horseback.

Da Liang, Archangel Julian, Frost Dragon Astro.

Kuka, Monica, Simon, and Hans, riding silver pegasus, arrived at their locations one after another.

Minya turned into a little bat and flew in an inconspicuous place.

The attack team formed a spherical siege around Harlot, and various status magics were exerted on each other.

Then the battle begins...

Magic was the first to attack, and the melee heroes rushed forward.

At this time, the apostles of "Shadow of Death" were ready to attack. A large magic circle was set up. As long as the magic circle was activated, they could instantly appear above the battlefield.

"No. 2, we have decided on the target. If the other party is really 'quietly watching you show off' and has a close relationship with Da Liang, the person protected by the archangel should be him."

No. 2 watched the battle with a telescope and said: "Although the archangel is invisible with a hood, her size should be that of a female archangel, and she is very fast. She is most likely the bright angel Ji Julian. .

Facing a dracolich, it makes sense for Daliang to lend Angel Ji "quietly watching you act cool". "

No. 1 said at this time: "No. 2, before we determine the identity of the other party, all your inferences are guesses. Don't let the guesses affect your judgment and cause the organization to suffer unnecessary losses.

When do we start taking action? "

"I know, No. 1. Wait a minute. We killed him to show our strength and let him know that we are strong and willing to join us. But if it causes him to fail in the current war, it will be a feud and his army will be wiped out. It doesn’t do us any good.”

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