Start with an Archangel

Chapter 630 I hope you are right

Dragon Lich Haluotu roared in the face of the siege led by Da Liang, and a flaming white bone staff and sword appeared in his hand. The length of the staff and sword reached 5 meters, with a staff in the middle and swords at both ends. The four-meter Harutu was waved casually in his hand.

Flames blew out from the sword that danced like a windmill, and walls of fire burned in the air, restricting the attacker's space. Then the four-sided fire shield appeared next to Harotu, not only blocking the raid of the destruction knight, but the rebound damage of the fire also killed the giant bat under the knight's horse.

Jones fell, then was caught by a giant bat and flew up again.

At this time, Julian swooped down with a holy strike. She passed through the layers of fire walls, and the entire skill attack was concentrated on the light shield.

Facing the attack, Haluotu did not dodge or evade, and hit Julian's light shield head-on with his staff and sword.

There was a loud noise, and Julian flew backwards in a ball of flames. Harlotu was also smashed and fell more than ten meters.

Seeing that Haluotu was so tyrannical, Daliang immediately ordered other heroes to take turns to attack, not giving Haluotu a chance to catch a hero and beat him up. Da Liang himself also used "Nicole's Jump" to dodge to Harutu's side and waved his undead cane.


Harutu was too strong, and the "expulsion" effect was far less effective against ordinary heroes. However, it also forcibly pushed Harutu away seven or eight meters, allowing Monica, who was casting dark magic, to escape an attack. Kuka happened to be on Harutu's flight path. He raised his mace and used his strongest attack skill to smash it down with one blow.

Although Harutu firmly withstood this blow, the flames from the Fire Shield also enveloped Kuka and his mount.

The Fire Aegis on Harutu is really too tricky. This status magic can not only reduce the damage of fire magic, but when mastering advanced fire magic skills, it can also cause the Fire Aegis to cause backlash damage to close attacks. The greater the attack power, the greater the damage. It doesn't matter if you let the melee hero fight, or if you don't fight.

Moreover, Haluotu has obviously mastered master-level fire magic, making the fire shield's attack ratio greater and difficult to destroy.

The heroes in melee combat had some defensive skills, while the spell-casting heroes could only fly around to barely protect themselves under Harutu's fire magic attack.

Haluotu continued to add fire walls to the surrounding airspace, while continuously throwing fireballs outward. If the heroes of the Blackfire Territory want to kill Harotu, they not only need to add more heroes, but also need to bear the cost of some heroes dying in battle.

At this time, I felt that I was a little too proud of myself, and I was a little lucky to have Minia's assistance in this war.


Miniya appeared in the air. She mastered master-level water magic. She could easily dispel the "Fire Shield" on Harutu's body with a single spell.

Haluotu, who had easily faced the enemy just now, did not expect that the enemy actually had a hero who could rival him, and he was also a master of water magic who had a slight restraint on himself.


A heavy rain rushed down and quickly extinguished the fireball caused by Harotubu.

Haluotu obviously felt that the situation had become unfavorable to him. Seeing the opponents' melee heroes attacking him again, he waved his staff and sword to protect his body, then used fire magic to exchange spells with Minia, and at the same time ordered His heroic subordinates who commanded the army's defense immediately rushed to support him.

The heroes of Dark Light City either use flying magic or fly on giant bats. Da Liang himself ordered his own heroes to intercept, whether ordinary heroes recruited from the tavern or high-level heroes, all of them were allowed to fly.

On the ground, the war equipment troops of the Black Fire Territory had created a gap in the city wall of Dark Light City, and all the defensive troops and war equipment were destroyed. Daliang's army is attacking the city from the gap. The field battles outside the city and the street battles inside the city are going on at the same time.

In the ultimate battlefield, the bright frost dragons have already determined the victory. The individual strength of the ghost dragon is really too weak. Without an absolute advantage in numbers, the ghost dragon is basically the loser in the decisive battle between the ultimate creatures. And as the first creatures of a race, the growth and potential of these frost dragons are higher than ordinary level 14 creatures.

Leave the final battle to Fu, Lu, and Shou, and join in the siege of Haluotu.

The balance of victory once again shifted towards the side of the Black Fire Leader.

The apostles of the "Shadow of Death" who were ready to attack carefully watched the ongoing war.

Looking at this magnificent battlefield, the only emotion in their hearts was shock. Both the defender and the attacker showed strong military strength. Especially the offensive side, not only has as many as eight ultimate creatures, but also seems to have more heroes with the same combat power as the ultimate creatures.

Looking at the ultimate creatures and heroes fighting around a dracolich, looking at the magic filling the sky, and the loud collisions.

None of the apostles believed that such force belonged to a player.

No. 1 said: "No. 2, do you still insist on this attack? It is very likely that we will all be killed, but the result will be contrary to your guess."

No. 2 said firmly: "Have you seen the self-destructive creature used by the attacker? This mutated undead called the Plague Crawler has been used by Da Liang many times, which is enough to prove my guess."

"This only shows that Daliang has a relationship with the lord who owns this army. He can obtain the frost dragon here through the mission, and he can also obtain the plague crawler through the mission. You cannot identify this lord as a player based on this alone , and he is also the second lord in the world, 'quietly watching you act cool'.

If this lord is an NPC, your bases can also be explained.

Are you still insisting on this attack? "

Yes, if this lord is an NPC and Da Liang has established contact with him through tasks, it can also explain the frost dragon and plague crawler owned by the Judgment Legion. After all, Da Liang only has one frost dragon in his hand, which is not enough to prove that Da Liang owns it. The player-lords of the Undead Realm have a close relationship.

But No. 2 still insisted on his guess: "No. 1, since you have given me the command of this operation, please trust my judgment. Although the evidence I provided does have big loopholes, my intuition But it told me that many of this lord's behaviors were too much like a player.

I firmly believe in my judgment and believe that this attack must be carried out. This is our best chance to establish contact with this lord. If this war is over, it will be very difficult for us to find him again. "

"Okay..." Regarding No. 2's persistence, No. 1, who had already made a promise, was a little helpless. The force displayed by the target lord far exceeded his expectations. This attack basically meant that everyone died and lost one level. "I hope you're right."

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