Start with an Archangel

Chapter 631 Apostle Attack

No. 2, who received the authorization from the command, immediately deployed tactics: "After observation, the target has the ability to fly, have the ability to teleport over short distances, and has the ability to ban magic. He is a very powerful spellcaster. But like all spellcasters, he has the same weaknesses. His defense and blood volume are relatively low. As long as we can control him with spells at the first time, and then the melee personnel interrupt his teleportation spells, and other personnel use their full output, we will have a chance to take him away in one wave.

The attack begins when the target has secured victory and the heroes around him disperse to direct their troops into the city. No. 12 is responsible for the operation of the teleportation magic circle, and other personnel are teleported to the target at the same time.

No. 6 uses 'Binding' on him

After killing the target, No. 12 reopened the teleportation magic circle and all personnel retreated here. After the war state disappears, all members use the Return to the City to move to the City of Sighs.

Do you all know your tasks? "


When Minia participated in the attack on Haluotu, the bright side began to take the initiative. Harutu's fire magic was suppressed by Minia's water magic. For melee combat, Jones, Julian, Hans and Kuka took turns to fight; for mid-range, there was the breath of the frost dragon; for long range, it was Da Liang and Monica. Magic bombing.

Haluotu was exhausted and his health was rapidly reduced, but his subordinate heroes were slow to come up with support.

In the end, Haluotu was killed by multiple attacks with an unwilling cry, and his body fell from the air.

it's over.

Everything is the same as Kuka's battle plan. The Black Fire Leader's rapid breakthrough disrupted Dark Light City's original battle plan. The rapid attack directly threatened the city's defense, causing Haluotu to lose the calmness he should have as a commander. The situation cannot be opened anywhere on the battlefield, and it seems that everything is passive. The enemy can attack the city at any time. Out of confidence in his own strength, Harutu took risks.

Qia Qia fell into the trap of the Black Fire Leader.

It was precisely because of Minia's support that Kuka became more bold when formulating an attack plan, causing the war to proceed at a pace controlled by the Black Fire Leader.

The city lord of Dark Light City was killed, and the combat effectiveness that his commander had added to the soldiers of Dark Light City disappeared instantly. The impressive undead army that could still fight against the Black Fire Leader's army instantly turned into a group of lambs to be slaughtered.

Outside the city, the skeleton soldiers of the Black Fire Territory formed a rolling tide; inside the city, the troops entering the city easily captured the city gate.

As the war entered its final stage, the heroes of the Blackfire Territory immediately returned to their own armies and commanded the army to march into the city.

Miniya flew to Daliang's side: "Elder, the battle here is over. I will return to the foggy area first."

Daliang expressed his sincere gratitude to Minia. If she hadn't contained most of Harotu's power, the Black Fire Leader would have suffered heavy losses if it wanted to win this war.

"Thank you Miss Minia for your help. Without your arrival, I would have fought this war with great difficulty."

"This is really insignificant compared to the elder's contribution to the branch. Goodbye, I will welcome the elder's return at Destiny Manor."

After saying that, Minia opened the "Gate of Time and Space" (returning to the nearest own city) and disappeared into the sky.

"Great, that powerful mage has left!" No. 2, who had been monitoring the battlefield, couldn't help but make an excited voice at this moment. The vampire senior mage is really too powerful. With her by the target's side, even if the apostles can kill The target will probably be wiped out by this mage. But her departure means that the chances of the apostles' survival have increased: "Now there is only one archangel next to the target, and the other heroes have dispersed. This is the best chance!

On the 12th, open the teleportation magic circle. "

At this time, the apostles were already standing in the magic circle. Number 12, located in the center of the magic circle, immediately activated the magic circle. The rare resources and spell-casting materials placed in the magic circle disappeared, and the magic symbols in the magic circle emitted a sudden bright light.

Then when the strong light went out, apostles No. 1-11 all disappeared.

At the same moment, a magic circle instantly unfolded directly above Da Liang, and 11 attackers fell down at the same time.

"Sir, be careful, there is a sneak attack!"

Julian reacted quickly and activated it instantly, slashing an apostle away with a slash in the air. However, Da Liang, who had been paying attention to the battle below, neglected to pay attention to the one above. When he received the warning, a magic had already hit him.

"You were attacked by No. 6, and you were hit by 'blindness' and 'expulsion' to dispel the negative status for you."

"You were attacked by No. 8, and you were hit by the 'Slowness Technique' and 'Expulsion' to dispel the negative status for you."

"You were..."

A series of attack prompts appeared in the bright status bar. He did not expect that he would be attacked by players in this place. What made him even more confused was... what were these strange names like No. 6 and No. 8.

The attackers have completed the siege, and they have summoned their mounts in the air, all of which are giant bats of different styles.

Da Liang was shocked again. What was going on? Those giant bats that look very different from ordinary vampires are obviously all heroic units. But hero units cannot be carried by soldier cards. How are these vampire heroes summoned?

But without giving Daliang too much time to be surprised, the attackers had already attacked in front of him. The skills of the melee players and the magic of the spellcasters struck at Daliang with lightning speed. Daliang used "Nicole's Jump" in time to avoid the attack range.

"No! No. 2, our control magic has no effect. The opponent must have treasures that are immune to status magic. If the target blindly avoids it, we will not be able to kill him before the opponent's reinforcements arrive."

"The plan changed. Everyone is closing in and luring the other side to counterattack. We get the target's name and retreat."


All the apostles immediately gave up their pre-planned plans. They used magic to block the airspace and then moved closer to Da Liang.

As long as Daliang fights back, they will learn his name, and then they can slowly investigate Daliang's identity through the name.

In the continuous intensive attacks, Da Liang quickly dodged.

Masters, these are all top masters... Da Liang, who is at the center of the attack, can feel the terror of these attackers. At least one of the skills they master has reached advanced level. Among the players who have intermediate skills, they are high-level players. Mastering Players with advanced skills are the best.

Moreover, these players not only mastered advanced skills, but also had outstanding combat awareness. At least at the same strength level, Da Liang was not confident that he could defeat any of them one-on-one.

Tacit cooperation and super strength, who are they?

The world of heroes is so big and there are so many players. There are really countless lucky players. Even with the wings of the fallen angel and "Nicole's Jump", Daliang could only continue to dodge the attacks of the apostles...

Fight back?

Brother's reinforcements will arrive soon, and it's important to save your life now.

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