Start with an Archangel

Chapter 635 Cavalry

"This time when we go to the snowfield to fight against the orc tribe, we must bring the Vampire Sword Guards with us, and focus on using them to reduce the losses of our troops. Especially the Vampire Sword Guards that I specially entrusted to you. You must train them vigorously. After you become a hero, leave them all to me. , I have other important tasks for them."

"Yes, sir."

Let Kuka command the Blackfire Leader's army to retreat from Darklight City. This city, which has been taken over by the Unsullied Church, is no longer valuable to Daliang.

After returning to the foggy area, Kuka arranged for the skeleton army to quietly pass through the snowfield manor to the snowfield in batches. Blue Ear also followed back to his Snow Wolf Tribe. This time the Snow Wolf Tribe can be said to have ushered in an unprecedented opportunity. As long as this undead army takes root in the snowfield, they will become the biggest beneficiary of the entire snowfield.

After Daliang accepted the reward from this territory mission, he immediately returned to the Black Fire Territory with the drawings and the soldiers who needed to be transformed.

At this time, the Black Fire Territory has completed the excavation of the second channel, which not only increased the territory's transportation capacity, but also allowed the guarding fleet to control the reef area more easily.

As players go deeper into the ocean, the probability of the Black Fire Territory being discovered by players in the hinterland of the East China Sea increases. Daliang knew that it was inevitable for the Black Fire Territory to be exposed to players' vision. After all, as the Black Fire Territory continued to develop, it became more and more obvious on the ocean. A large area of ​​undead-style buildings cannot help but attract curious players to explore, and the reef area will not block players' footsteps for too long.

If you want to keep players out of your territory, you must build a maritime defense system that can eliminate all invasions.

The waterway in the reef area is a defensive circle that Daliang focuses on building. When players carefully navigate the reef area, the Blackfire Territory defense fleet can quickly move through its own channel and concentrate its superior forces to annihilate the invading enemies.

In addition to the channel in the reef area, the Black Fire Territory Defense Fleet is also a force that Daliang focuses on building.

At this time, the Blackfire Territory Defense Fleet has 45 two-masted battleships and 300 single-masted battleships, all of which are high-quality battleships with enhanced performance. However, Daliang was not satisfied with a fleet with two-masted battleships as the main force. In a naval battle in a narrow reef area, the speed and cooperation of battleships were restricted. A battleship with a large number of artillery and high defense would definitely have a great advantage.

Daliang needs three-masted warships to increase its maritime power. After the future Snowfield City is built, it will also need three-masted merchant ships to increase its maritime transportation capabilities.

There is also the Sifang Chamber of Commerce...

It seems that upgrading the ship designer's level is something that can no longer be delayed.

But with the Ashes City Alliance and the construction of two territories, Daliang really felt that he had too many things to do and that his business was too big.

After reclaiming the land from the sea, Daliang chose to build the Wushu Church.

The Unsullied Church is a special building in the Level 6 Undead Territory, where the Unsullied Faith can be researched, and the research results can bring considerable benefits to the territory. The difficulty of the task of obtaining the architectural drawings of the Unsullied Church also prevents most of the undead territories from building the Unsullied Church. The future of the player's territory is opened up starting from the completion of the sixth-level territory mission.

The Unsullied Church requires priests to conduct research on the Unsullied Faith. Since the Sorrowful Monarch has turned to the Ultimate Faith, all the rewards given out with the Unsullied Church are Protestant priests.

Skeleton priest, walking dead priest.

The lowest Immaculate Church, the lowest junior priests, just make do with it.

The church was being built. After leaving the priest next to the church, Daliang led the army to the evil prison.

All vampires are transformed into vampire sword guards.

4 bone dragons got two frost dragons...

After the battle test in the Kingdom of Death, the frost dragon Fu Lu Shou was judged to be a B-level ultimate creature. Daliang, who is used to using double A-level and A-level ultimate creatures, is not very interested in B-level or lower-level creatures, and has no idea of ​​changing their names to cool names, so he just keeps their original names and gives them to Asi. Just train it with Tero.

Then there is the transformation of the Dark Knight.

The Dark Knight is an 11th-level unit of the Undead, and their advanced unit is the 12th-level Terror Knight. The level 13 purgatory creature Destruction Knight obtained from the last big transformation of the Terror Knight with the power of Death.

In other words, the Dark Knight at level 11 can be promoted to level 12 after transformation. It is a pity that he can almost become the ultimate creature at level 13.

If you first promote the Dark Knight to the Terror Knight and then transform it, you can reach level 13. However, Da Liang has no way to advance the Dark Knight now. He can only see what comes out first, and then decide how to deal with these Dark Knights.

After sacrificing two Dark Knights, the third Dark Knight was successfully transformed.

In the final creature, the originally separate knights and undead horses merged into one, forming a centaur-like heavily armored cavalry creature. He was twice the size of a centaur, and even taller. His humanoid upper body and horse body were covered with a thick layer of armor. The color of the armor is dark red, and the overall look is more like a mechanical soldier with a sci-fi flavor.

The name of this new unit is the Heavy Trampler, which can use two sets of weapons. The first set of weapons is a buckler and a lance, which are used to attack the enemy's dense defense line; the second set of weapons is two heavy swords. , used to improve the enemy-killing efficiency during raiding and impact.

In appearance, the heavy-armed trampler really conforms to the aesthetics of strength, integrating attack and defense. Now we need to compare attributes to see how high his combat effectiveness can reach.

red copper

Heavy Trample (level 12 half-undead, half-demon creature)

Attack: 20 (dual swords), 18 (gun shield)

Defense: 18 (dual swords), 25 (gun shield)

Kill: 300 (double sword), 250 (gun shield)

HP: 1200 (dual swords), 1200 (gun shield)

Characteristics of the unit: 20% chance of cursing the enemy, formation breaking (equipped with a gun shield to attack from the front of the enemy, with a chance of creating a knockback effect), Endeavor (equipped with dual swords, the speed is increased by 20%)

Hero Unit: Level 1

Attack: 4

Defense: 4

Intelligence: 2

Knowledge: 2

Specialty: Cavalry Commander (good at commanding cavalry in combat, the morale of all subordinate cavalry creatures is not less than 1, the attack and defense of subordinate cavalry +0.5 for each level up of the hero)

Special skills: Intermediate tactics, elementary defensive skills, elementary offensive skills...

Skills: Body Stone Skin, Sprint...

Daliang didn't expect that this heavy-armed trampler turned out to be a heroic unit. His specialty was commanding troops. He was truly a rare cavalry general. It's just that... Daliang found that he didn't seem to have many cavalry for Red Copper to command.

The cavalry that Daliang currently has in his hands include the dark knights of the undead and the human knights. These two types of cavalry belong to the high-level arms of each tribe. Daliang does not have many in his hands, and after being dispersed, he does not have enough troops. Form your own cavalry army.

Moreover, it is difficult for this advanced unit to form a large scale and create a beautiful cavalry wave in a war.

However, since the specialty of red copper can keep the morale of subordinate cavalry positive, we can consider the mixed formation of multi-racial cavalry.

The cavalry of other races are roughly as follows: the centaurs of the elves, but the centaurs are first-level soldiers and are not suitable as the main force of the cavalry; the wolf knights of the orcs, the wolf knights are third-level soldiers. Although the offense and defense are not excellent, they are effective against the cavalry. The adaptability of the environment is very good, and Kuka is about to start a campaign against the Snowfield Orc tribe. Daliang can obtain some Wolf Knight recruitment buildings. As an auxiliary force for the future cavalry, the Wolf Knight is still a good unit.

As for the main force of his cavalry, Daliang prefers the dark cavalry from the black elf branch of the dungeon.

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