Start with an Archangel

Chapter 636 Ways to Advance

The Dark Cavalry is a level 9 soldier in the Black Elf camp. The knight is a male Black Elf, and the mount is an underground lizard similar to a velociraptor. The two strong hind legs not only give the Dark Cavalry good speed, but also its agility is much better than that of a war horse. The offensive and defensive capabilities of this unit are very suitable for being the main force of the cavalry, and the dark cavalry has the same charging stunts as the human knights. The dark cavalry can get an attack attribute bonus while charging. In addition, the bite attack of the underground lizard is also impressive. A very head-scratching stunt.

The dark witch Monica has a small team of dark cavalry as her personal bodyguards, so Da Liang is very familiar with the dark cavalry and yearns for a cavalry army composed of dark cavalry.

Now that he has heroes who are good at using cavalry, as well as top-notch cavalry units such as human knights and new types of heavy-armed tramplers, Daliang feels that the conditions for establishing a cavalry army are ripe.

As for where to get the Dark Troopers from...

It seems that my brother's former mother-in-law, Abigail, is the mistress of the black elves and the ruler of the underground city Songjiang City. During the last meeting in Shangjiang, she invited her brother and Monica back to Songjiang City as guests, and said she would compensate her brother with a generous dowry.

Abigail should figure things out about the Dark Troopers.

It happened that Daliang planned to ask Gis about his promotion to senior ship designer, and there were many things that needed to be dealt with in Shangjiang City, so he took this opportunity to go to Songjiang.

Don't give away the free stuff, and see if you can buy a batch of Dark Troopers from Abigail.

Da Liang ordered Monica to join him in Shangjiang City, and then transform all the Dark Knights.

Got 50 Heavy Tramplers, but unfortunately no heroes appeared.

Red Copper should be a mutation produced by the heavy-armed trampler, which is only one step away from level 13. You are lucky to encounter this kind of thing, and you can't force it if you don't encounter it.

Give 50 Heavy Tramplers to the Copper Commander and let him and the two Frost Dragons level up with Astro. Then Daliang transferred 50 knights from the ruling leader to join Red Copper's army, so that Red Copper would have 100 level 12 cavalry as the backbone of the cavalry. Later, when the Wolf Knight and Dark Cavalry are in place, this cavalry The army was officially formed.

It will take some time for Monica, who is in the kingdom of death, to reach the main world, so Daliang returns to Shangjiang City first.

At this time, Joyce had led the pioneering fleet to leave, causing Daliang to lose the opportunity to say goodbye to her. According to the information Joyce left for Da Liang, the pioneering fleet would first go south to the Southeast Asia, then turn east through Australia to South America, then go north along the west coast of America, turn west in Alaska, and return to Shangjiang via the Bering Sea and the Sea of ​​Japan.

The entire route is basically a circle around the Pacific Ocean, and all supplies for the fleet are carried out by plundering coastal cities.

Sidney led the main force of the Blackfire Fleet to accompany them.

After Da Liang asked Sidney to report the situation of the pioneering fleet at any time through the Lord's channel, he quietly entered the cave where the Black Pearl was located.

At this time, the Black Pearl is still in a state of upgrade. In the cabin, craftsmen were carefully replacing the original wooden keel with alchemical metal under the command of Giese.

The prophet and Nicole were nowhere to be found, and Daliang’s purpose of coming this time was not to find them.

"Hello, mentor." Daliang saluted respectfully to Gis.

Giese put down the drawing in his hand and looked at Da Liang, and then said: "I have been supervising the upgrade process of the Black Pearl during this period, and I have neglected to guide you in the ship design. I hope you have not had time to practice ship design due to other things. "

Daliang said: "Teacher, I now spend all my free time designing brigantine ship drawings. I came to you this time because my intermediate ship design proficiency is about to reach full value. Do you know how to advance to advanced level? Ship designer path? I want to make some preparations in advance."

Keith was very satisfied with Daliang's diligence. He thought for a moment and then said awkwardly: "Originally, senior ship designers could advance by participating in the ship designer seminar competition, but due to the last incident, you and I became The Ship Designers Guild hates characters, and I guess they won't send me an invitation to the next seminar.

But don't worry too much...this isn't the only way to advance to Senior Ship Designer.

I think you have some idea of ​​my previous experience. When I was traveling, I used to be a ship designer who designed warships for pirates. The pirates also had their own ship designers association. A two-masted battleship with a bulbous bow should arouse the interest of pirates. I can open a letter of introduction for you and introduce you to my long-time friend.

But if you want to pass the certification of the Pirate Ship Designers Association, in addition to independently designing a warship that can be recognized by them, you also need an identity recognized by them. "

Daliang asked: "Identity? What identity do I need?"

"Of course they are pirates. Only famous pirates are eligible to enter Brady City, the base camp of Pacific pirates. It is in an independent plane and can be reached through the ocean whirlpool. Those who gather in Brady City are notorious Pirates and black marketeers, it is the distribution center for stolen goods throughout the Pacific.

Ordinary, unknown pirates are not allowed to enter. "

After Daliang obtained the Black Fire Territory, he once aspired to become a pirate who raided the oceans. However, everything happened too fast, and he ended up becoming a navy. Now he also serves as the admiral of a system fleet. .

Now that Gith was talking about pirates, Daliang couldn't help but think of his original ambition. But being a pirate is easy. You can just sail a ship to the sea and rob. How can you become a famous pirate?

Daliang expressed his doubts to Jisi.

Keith said: "First you need to form a pirate group, and then enter the wanted list at sea. Remember that Brady City does not support pirates massacring merchant ships that have lost the ability to resist, so pirates who enter the wanted list at sea by killing are not subject to Brady. The city’s welcome.”

Pirates also need a prosperous maritime trade environment. Once a massacre occurs, it will affect the reduction of maritime traders in a certain area, indirectly causing losses to pirates. Therefore, most pirates will not massacre the crew after the merchant ship gives up resistance. Of course, there are exceptions to everything. If your strength can ignore navies and pirates everywhere at the same time, no rules can restrain you.

Because Juliet once massacred merchant ships in Jeju City, Daliang had a certain understanding of pirates and knew some rules. He asked: "If it is a simple robbery, how much money do I need to rob to meet the conditions for being wanted."

Keith laughed: "Pirates who simply rob some small merchants will never be on the wanted list. If you want to be on the wanted list, you have to do at least one major case."

Big case?

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