Start with an Archangel

Chapter 638 Heading to Songjiang

Why do you want money again?

Da Liang suddenly felt that it was a bit of a shame to give him the name "Black Hair" for 100 gold coins. He should have been called "Megatron", "Optimus Prime", "The Pretty Man with the Silver Gun" or something like that. But since the registration has been completed, it cannot be changed, so I can only take out another 100 gold coins and put them on the table.

The thief quickly put away the gold coins: "The model and performance of the pirate ship represent your strength, so that we can more accurately provide you with information that matches your strength. And the name of the pirate ship and your nickname Similarly, when fame reaches a certain level, it can also have the effect of suppressing maritime merchants.

Now sir, please tell me your battleship, model and level. "

Daliang said: "The name of the battleship is the Black Pearl. It is a three-masted battleship, an aerial battleship, and a treasure class."

Da Liang concealed the fact that the Black Pearl is a legendary one. The aerial battleship can already make many people jealous. A legendary aerial battleship with flagship skills may attract more people's peeps.

The treasure-class aerial battleship still aroused the thief's surprise. Whether it was true or not, he said: "I didn't expect that sir, your pirate ships would be so excellent. Treasure-class aerial battleships are rare among the entire pirate group." , I think I will soon hear the name of 'Black Pearl' resounding across the ocean.

Now please sir, name your pirate group and pay the registration fee of 200 gold coins. "

Why did the price increase?

Although Daliang suddenly felt like being ripped off, he still had to pay the money.

Daliang took out the gold coins and put them in front of the thief, and then said: "My pirate group is called the White Fang Pirate Group. What are the other expenses? Can you tell me together..."

The thief took away the gold coins and said: "Dear sir, please don't worry, the registration process for your White Fang Pirates Group is basically over.

However, in order to help you carry out free trade activities on the sea efficiently, I strongly recommend that you become a senior member of our Thieves Guild. You only need to pay our annual membership fee of 2,000 gold, and you can browse our most professional maritime intelligence anytime and anywhere, allowing you to avoid risks and obtain high returns.

If you apply for membership now and are willing to pay an additional 200 gold, we can give you several small services, such as designing a pirate flag for you for free; providing you with a fast channel to sell stolen goods; Stop for supplies and enjoy a 10% discount..."

"Here, I'll give it. One year of premium membership and all the services you provide."

Compared with the Thieves Guild, Daliang felt that he was really too kind in doing business.

After handing over the gold coins, Daliang became an official pirate and owned a pirate ship and his own pirate group. At the same time, he also obtained the status of a senior member of the Thieves Guild. Not only can he enter the "second floor" of various thieves guilds at any time; he can also check the updated maritime information of the thieves guild at any time, such as the patrol routes of various navies, some maritime cargo information and several The pirate group is concerned.

Of course, you need to spend money to purchase detailed information. The Thieves Guild is really good at making money!

After leaving the Thieves Guild, Daliang casually browsed the maritime information, but didn't see any valuable targets that could make him famous.

He, Shu Xiao, and Gu Tao took the Judgment Corps to find a place to upgrade. When Monica arrived at Shangjiang City, Daliang transferred his Earl's personal guards from the Judgment Leader, and then marched all the way to Songjiang Underground City. Go.

Ever since she received the silver Pegasus as a gift from Daliang for the first time, Monica has fallen in love with this beautiful creature. Therefore, even though Daliang rode the royal griffon representing the human race, Monica still rode a silver Pegasus. .

Life on the surface has brought great changes to Monica. She no longer despises male creatures casually, accepts a man as her allegiance, and does her best to complete the tasks assigned to her by Daliang.

At this time, Monica was already a general who guarded one side and made Daliang feel at ease. While stationed at the Fortress, she not only withstood many harassing attacks from Palm Tree City, but also cleared all the protrusions on the entire mountain, making the fortress's view and attack surface wider.

Now this work is being expanded to the surroundings of the hills where the Forward Fortress is located, so that the trees hidden by the elves can be cut down, and then a large number of undead soldiers are buried in the shallow soil. If the elves want to get close to the Forward Fortress, they have to risk the sudden undead coming at any time. The danger of standing up and attacking around you.

The exaggerated arrogance of female black elves is no longer visible in Monica, but she has become calm. Of course, the boldness of the dark elf was still retained. Her bold clothes and curvy figure attracted the attention of many passers-by. Not only did Monica not feel any shyness, she deliberately straightened her waist to make her breasts appear taller and straighter.

With the army surrounding him and the beautiful and sexy black elves accompanying him, Daliang naturally attracted many envious eyes.

However, Daliang suddenly discovered that there was something very wrong with his trip to Songjiang City.

Brother has already dissolved his marriage to Monica, and now he is going to ask Abigail for a bride price. Will he be slapped out? After all, Abigail is now pregnant with the future King of East China Sea. Even though she does not have much power in the entire Shangjiang, but because of beating Daliang over this matter, it is estimated that no one in the entire Shangjiang City is willing to stand up for Daliang.

So shameful.

"Monica..." Daliang felt that it was necessary to discuss the engagement with Monica.

Monica turned her head and asked: "Do you have any orders? Sir."

"Well," Daliang said a little embarrassedly, "this time we are going to Songjiang City to visit Mother Abigail, your mother. If she asks about our current situation, what will you say to her."

"Of course I told the truth." When Monica talked about Abigail, there was no sense of intimacy between mother and daughter. "She regarded me as her biggest enemy at the beginning, and she would kill me at any time if necessary. I. The land you control now is many times larger than Songjiang City, and the wealth is an amount that Abigail has never heard of. Our army can defeat a level 8 city in the Kingdom of Death.

The Songjiang City ruled by Abigail is the only city in Shangjiang that still remains at level 10. Even the devil's Qingpu City has been upgraded to a level 11 city.

The black elves have always lived deep underground, have no experience in running a city, and are extremely arrogant.

Abigail has all the shortcomings of a dark elf. Jealousy, xenophobia, and an endless desire for power will only make a city a mess.

This time I will give Abigail a good introduction to the land managed by His Excellency. You must know that when she took the position of city lord, Your Excellency was still an inconspicuous baron. "

That's not what I meant.

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