Start with an Archangel

Chapter 639 Abigail has a headache

It is estimated that Monica was unable to pay attention to her implicit hint, so Daliang had no choice but to say directly: "Monica, I am talking about our marital status. Abigail doesn't know that we have terminated our engagement, and she has also prepared a wedding for you. A generous dowry..."

Monica still misheard the key point. Now she only thinks about how Songjiang will mock Abigail: "Abigail can't even open the pot herself. What good thing can she give us? I can just humiliate her." .”

Abigail's actions really cast a huge shadow in Monica's heart. During this trip to Songjiang City, all she thought about was how to show how powerful she was to follow the lord, and how weak Abigail was now.

Daliang found that Monica going to Songjiang City with this kind of thinking was even more troublesome than their current marital status.

If Daliang wants to obtain the Dark Cavalry from Songjiang City, he cannot conflict with Abigail, and Monica is in a state of preparation to cause trouble in Songjiang City.

"Monica, the humiliation of directly speaking evil words is really too low-level. These are things that an ignorant Shadow Matron like Abigail would do. Remember, we are people with status. The way we humiliate others should also be consistent with who we are.

If we want to make the other person jealous but there is nothing we can do about it, even if the anger caused by jealousy is about to explode, she must smile at us, even if she wants to kick us out, she must entertain us well.

This is the highest level of humiliating people.

If Abigail is so angry that she drives us out of Songjiang City, how can we continue to humiliate her? "

Monica's expression has solidified, and her eyes are filled with incomparable admiration for Daliang. It turns out that there are so many details in humiliating a person. Regarding the highest state that Daliang mentioned, all he could think about along the way was scolding the shrew.

It’s really too demeaning!

"Lord, as long as I can continue to humiliate Abigail in the elegant way you mentioned in Songjiang City, I will listen to you in anything."

Daliang nodded and said: "Keep this attitude and restore our marriage status first. Abigail's identity is the city lord and marquis. If you want to humiliate her, you must have an equal status as her, countess, admiral's wife." , Lord’s wife, let’s not lose to her in terms of status.”

Monica was very grateful: "Thank you, sir."

With the consent of both parties, Daliang and Monica reunited as husband and wife.


Now that Monica, who was about to cause trouble, was calmed down, and the difficult marital situation had been resolved, all that was left was to figure out how to get an army of dark cavalry in Matsue.

Since Daliang was visiting Songjiang City publicly this time, the messengers had already gone to Songjiang to report.

The arrival of an ordinary earl will not cause much reaction from Songjiang City, but if the other party is Earl Feichen, Songjiang City cannot help but ignore it.

Count Feichen Daliang's status in Shangjiang City is really special. Songjiang City Lord Abigail's feelings towards Daliang are even more complicated.

It can be said that the black elves took over Songjiang City because of Daliang's hand. Without Daliang to break into the camp alone, Abigail, who was defeated, was still worrying about the survival of the tribe deep underground. But when Abigail wanted to stand at the pinnacle of power, it was Da Liang who pushed her down the back seat. Now Abigail's identity is very embarrassing in Shangjiang City, and she is excluded from the circle of power. Both the human family and the elves are wary of her.

On the other hand, Daliang is a powerful figure with decision-making power among the human clan that rules Shangjiang. Whether he is the nominal or actual prime minister, Daliang has the ability to influence their decisions. Bartlett, the leader of the angels, also has the ability to influence their decisions. Maintain a very good relationship with Da Liang.

Not to mention, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce has been expanding recently, and its boss, Marquis Stanley, has reached the point of obeying Daliang's words.

The power of the human family is now booming. They have killed the provocative Jeju Fleet at sea, and now they are invincible on land. The pressure of the elves has completely shut up, and they are trying every means to get a share of the expansion of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. . In order to maintain the unity of Shangjiang, the human race is also willing to help the elves at this time. Anyway, everyone only has political differences, far from being incompatible.

Abigail returned to Songjiang City, originally waiting for the human race to compete with the elves, so that she could benefit from it. But now that humans and elves are side by side and flirting with each other secretly, they don't want to play with Songjiang. Abigail is also very jealous when looking at the expanding trade.

Only by ruling a city can you realize that there is really a huge difference between governing a city and governing a tribe.

The black elf tribe, which had been fishing and hunting underground, was really at a loss when they suddenly got a city. Although the black elves have settled in Songjiang, their population is much smaller than the original underground creatures in Songjiang.

The suspicious mistress doesn't even trust her own people, so how can she trust those former enemies.

During Howard's stay in Songjiang City, Abigail arbitrarily expelled the original residents of Songjiang City. The army of the original Songjiang City was disbanded after the war, and most of the soldiers were driven deep underground. Even those who stayed were demoted as slaves. And they were driven to work in mines everywhere.

The original aristocratic system of Songjiang City was abolished by Abigail, and then a hierarchical system was cut out according to her way. All the ruling classes in Songjiang City are female black elves, the second-class residents are male black elves, and the remaining underground creatures are all third-class residents regardless of their original identities.

Upper-class residents have absolute life and death privileges over lower-class residents, and black elves can kill third-class residents without any reason.

It is not without reason that the black elves are called barbarian tribes by the mainstream races. During Abigail's rule, Songjiang, a city that maintained its strength in the upper reaches of the Shangjiang area, became the weakest. The population of Songjiang City has dropped sharply, but a large number of rebels have appeared in the Songjiang area. The black elves have been overwhelmed by the growing rebellion.

Moreover, the economy of Songjiang City was also messed up by the black elves. The ore industry, which was originally the economic pillar of Songjiang City, also suffered a sharp drop in output due to the emergence of the rebels.

At this time, Abigail really felt the internal and external troubles. The black elf army, which could fight as long as they had food, now began to demand military expenses. Maintaining the operation of the city also required a lot of funds. However, the financial resources of Songjiang City were exhausted. Looking at the financial applications sent every day, Abigail found how easy it was for her to live a life where she only had to think about who cared about her position as mistress.

When Abigail was already entangled in various troubles, she received news that Count Feichen and his wife were about to visit Songjiang City.

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