Start with an Archangel

Chapter 640 Shock

No matter what Abigail thinks of Daliang, his visit this time is an opportunity for Songjiang City to reintegrate into the mainstream society of Shangjiang. The black elves need support from Shangjiang to suppress the rebellion within the territory, and also need support in rebuilding the city's trade system.

Therefore, when Daliang's team just entered the underground passage to Songjiang City, a large-scale welcoming team had already arrived and joined the escort team.

Songjiang City is also preparing with great fanfare to welcome Count Feichen's arrival.

The black elf army lined up outside the city to be inspected. The dark cavalry rushed onto the streets and cleared the main road from the city gate to the city lord's palace. All shops must be closed and no one was allowed to stay on the road.

The black elves' high-pressure rule over Songjiang City made no one dare to disobey them.

Even the players are extremely honest in front of the black elf who dares to kill people at every turn. However, the black elf's welcoming behavior with such importance also made the players speculate about who the important person is coming to Songjiang. The black elves, especially the female black elves, put on a flattering look.

"This posture...can't be the King of East China Sea coming."

"Isn't the King of East China Sea missing? I guess it's the Prime Minister or the Grand Duke Joshua. If it were an ordinary city lord, the Marquis, the Black Elf wouldn't be so nervous."

"Yes... Mistress Abigail and the shadow matriarchs have all gone out of the city to greet them. There is no need to consider nobles below the marquis. In the entire Shangjiang and even around Shangjiang, only Stan can receive such a level of welcome treatment. Marquis Leigh, Grand Duke Joshua, and other nobles are either at the same level as Matron Abigail or have a lower status than her, and she will never go out of the city to greet them in person."

This major event in Songjiang City has attracted curious players to watch. The smarter players have already run to the exit of the underground passage to see which senior Shangjiang City official came to Songjiang for a visit.

Without waiting too long, a mixed army of humans and black elves entered the underground cave where Songjiang City was located from the underground passage.

The cold-blooded cavalry, an advanced unit of the dark cavalry, pulled out long cordons on both sides of the team. The surrounding area of ​​Songjiang City is too chaotic now, and the black elves will never allow rebels to attack their important guests at this time.

Within the protection circle of the cold-blooded cavalry is a human army. The personal troops composed of crusaders, priests, and knights show that the visitors have an extremely noble status in Shangjiang City.

Then the visitors revealed themselves, surrounded by a group of royal griffons and a small squadron of dark horsemen.

A glittering silver pegasus carried a beautiful shadow witch, while on the back of another royal griffon was...


There is no player in the entire Shangjiang City who does not know Daliang. This is a star player with a worldwide reputation. He is not only a banner with strong appeal in the Chinese gaming area, but also the pride of Shangjiang players.

Everyone knows that Daliang is very awesome. During the establishment ceremony of the Judgment Territory, Daliang showed the world that he has an extraordinary status in the Shangjiang ruling class. But no one thought that Songjiang City's high-standard welcoming ceremony was actually due to the arrival of Daliang.

This... is so awesome!

Isn't Daliang a count? Why would a city lord, the Marquis, be allowed to come out of the city to greet him!

Could it be that Daliang accompanied some important person to Shangjiang, and what Mistress Abigail greeted was another person from this team?

But Daliang is obviously in the main position, and the positions of all other heroes and soldiers are to protect him and set off him, and there is no other team behind this team.

Although I still can't believe it, there seems to be no other choice.

With mixed emotions, the players followed the visiting team to the front of Songjiang City from a distance, and then they saw Mistress Abigail riding an underground lizard to greet them. After a conversation, Da Liang and Mistress And rode into the city.

There is no doubt now. Daliang's status in Shangjiang City has reached an all-time high.

"Have you seen the look of the mistress? Is this the black elf who despises all males? She smiles as if she wants to eat Daliang in one bite. Daliang is really blessed this time."

"My dear, this game has been played to the max by Big Brother Daliang. How did he do it?"

The players were talking a lot, and some bad guys shouted on the regional channel: "Brother Da Liang, can you live broadcast while sleeping with the mistress? The money is easy to talk about..."

"Why do you only sleep with the mistress? Boss Daliang is going to destroy the entire city lord's mansion this time. Please live broadcast!"

"Please live broadcast!"

"Brother Daliang, we must live broadcast!"

While speaking official words to Abigail, he walked towards the city lord's palace. After seeing the regional channel's screen, a black line appeared on his forehead. If he dared to live broadcast such a thing, he probably checked the water meter and then knocked on the door.

Daliang said on the regional channel: "Brother, I am on a mission. I am visiting on behalf of the Shangjiang royal family, so the noise in Songjiang City is a little louder. People respect the King of East China Sea, and I am just pretending to be powerful. No matter how big my face is, Maybe alert a marquis to leave the city.

Brothers who want to watch the live broadcast will be disappointed. I don’t have the chance even if I want to? "

Daliang's explanation made the players suddenly realize that this is like an ancient eunuch going to declare a decree. The person kneeling is the emperor. Of course, Daliang's status in Shangjiang City must be much higher than that of ordinary eunuchs.

The shocked mood of the players has been calmed down. What they just saw was really scary. When everyone saw Mistress Abigail taking the initiative to greet Daliang, they really thought that Daliang was already the ruler of Shangjiang. .

Daliang didn't expect that his visit would be greeted by Abigail in such a high-profile manner. If he had known that something like this would happen, he would have flown directly to the City Lord's Mansion with Monica. Regarding the shock caused by himself, Daliang finally gave the players a reasonable explanation, otherwise I really don't know what would happen.

After sending the regional information, Daliang said to Mistress Abigail: "The welcoming ceremony for the Mistress is really grand. I am just a little earl, but the Mistress is the Marquis City Lord."

Abigail kept a smile on her face: "I just want Earl Daliang to know that you will always be the most noble person in Songjiang City. You brought us a city. We will never forget this kindness. You are still my most noble person." A husband who loves his daughter, when Howard and I’s child is born, Monica will be a princess and we will both be members of the royal family.

We are family members who can rely on each other. "

Then Abigail said to Monica: "My daughter, look at the achievements of Earl Daliang, you will know how correct my original choice was. You now have power and wealth that I also envy. "

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