Start with an Archangel

Chapter 641 Scenery

Monica kept Daliang's words in mind, she kept smiling and said to Abigail: "Yes, mother, you made the most correct choice for me. Now my husband owns two territories, and in the kingdom of death he is still As the ruler of a city as big as Shangjiang City, we have hundreds of thousands of troops and more than a dozen ultimate creatures. Not long ago, we captured an eighth-level city in just a few hours.

As for the wealth we have?

I don’t even know how much money we have. Not to mention our own business, my husband also owns a large proportion of shares in Marquis Stanley’s Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.

Dear, how many shares do we have in Shuntong Chamber of Commerce? "

Monica's words of "honey" showed the little woman's happiness, as if she and Daliang were really an inseparable couple. And when Monica talked about Daliang's shares in Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, Abigail also looked forward to Daliang's answer.

There are only four public shareholders of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, with Marquis Stanley accounting for 70%, Shangjiang Royal Family accounting for 10%, Shangjiang Finance accounting for 10%, and Pudong Fleet accounting for 10%. It is well known that Daliang owns shares in the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, but no one knows the exact amount. Moreover, the shares held by Daliang should have been donated by Marquis Stanley. Judging from the relationship between Marquis Stanley and Daliang, this share should be quite large.

Among many speculations, Daliang should own 5% of the shares of Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.

The current Shuntong Chamber of Commerce is really a behemoth. Under the attack of the undead army, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce is expanding upstream along the Yangtze River. In the future, even owning 5% of the shares of Shuntong Chamber of Commerce will be enough to make the country rich.

Listening to Monica's description of Daliang's strength and nature as a female black elf matron, Abigail was very jealous. She could hear that Daliang already owned three cities. From the development speed of the nearby Judgment Territory, she could imagine how powerful Daliang's cities were.

And all of this is also owned by his own daughter, the daughter who was kicked out of the house by himself - Monica.

However, Abigail also knows the difficulty of building a city, especially developing three cities at the same time. It is absolutely impossible without strong financial resources. If they are three low-level cities that are neither above nor below, of course there is no way to compare with level 10 Songjiang City.

The number of shares Daliang owns in Shuntong Chamber of Commerce represents how much potential he has in the future.

Under the gaze of the two black elves who had their own thoughts, Daliang said slowly: "About the shares I own in the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce...Originally, Marquis Stanley wanted to give me more, but I was not embarrassed to ask for too much. , after all, it was very difficult when the Chamber of Commerce was first established.

At that time, Jiading City was really poor, and there were still many people obstructing it. Especially when the elves were about to rebel, it was really too difficult. There were enemies almost everywhere. Even the Finance Minister, Marquis Wilson, had been killed by Joshua. incite defection.


Daliang talked about the establishment of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. Abigail could tell that Daliang played an important role in the establishment of the Chamber of Commerce. This also meant that his shares should be a relatively high share, perhaps more than 5%. .

How much is it!

Abigail's heart felt like it was being scratched by several cats at the same time, but Da Liang refused to say anything. Instead, he talked about how he battled wits and courage when negotiating with Marquis Wilson.

The more she listened, the more envious, jealous and curious she became, but Abigail could only maintain proper etiquette and could not interrupt Daliang's words and ask directly, resulting in Abigail's expressions being diverse and complicated.

And all this was seen by Monica...

Sure enough, the lord is still smart. Looking at Abigail, he looks envious and jealous. He obviously wants to grab Daliang's neck and ask him how many shares he has in the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, but he has to pretend to listen patiently. The more uncomfortable it is to listen.

What a relief!

But how many shares does the lord have in Shuntong Chamber of Commerce?

Monica was also very curious about this number.

Finally, Daliang said that the negotiation was over and the share distribution of Shuntong Chamber of Commerce was settled. When the shares held by Daliang were about to be announced, the city lord's palace arrived.

"It's really a pity that I didn't enter the city lord's palace last time I came to Songjiang City. This time I come to Songjiang, I must appreciate the unique art and charm of the underground city."

Unexpectedly, Daliang changed the subject so quickly.

This time Abigail and Monica reacted surprisingly well. They reached for the whip at the same time and resisted the idea of ​​lashing Da Liang with the whip.

Abigail suppressed the impulse: "Earl Daliang, please consider Songjiang your home. In order to welcome you and Monica, I specially prepared a grand banquet at the city lord's mansion, your and Monica's wedding It’s too hasty, you should have a celebration that matches your status.”

"Thank you, Mistress, for your hospitality. I'm already looking forward to the banquet." Daliang saluted slightly to Abigail, and then said: "By the way, regarding the shares I own in the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, Marquis Stanley was very generous. Give me 20%.”

Abigail didn't expect that Daliang's talk would turn around again.

Oh, it turns out to be 20%...

20%! ! ! ! !

When Abigail realized that this number represented the shares held by Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, she was immediately hit by the number that Daliang suddenly reported.

She had already overestimated his shares through Daliang's description, but it definitely did not exceed 10%. Because the Shangjiang royal family only owned 10% of the shares of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, Daliang was just a baron who had just emerged. There was a huge status difference between him and Marquis Stanley, and he would not own more than the royal family's shares.

But in fact, the shares owned by Daliang not only exceeded, but also doubled the shares held by the royal family, and the total shares owned by the entire Shangjiang City only amounted to 30%.

This time Abigail was really jealous.

With the current development situation of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, 20% of the shares are more than enough to support three cities, and Daliang's wealth is not limited to the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. Abigail certainly knows that money is a great help to the development of a city. A strong city can support a strong army. A strong army can not only protect what it has, but also gain more power and wealth. .

In the past, Abigail had only imagined the power and wealth Daliang possessed, but along the way from the city gate to the city lord's palace, she found that poverty limited her imagination.

Of course, if Daliang is a nobleman who does not have much interaction with Songjiang City, no matter how much he has, it has nothing to do with Abigail. But Daliang is Monica's husband, and Monica is the daughter who was kicked out of her home. When she ruled Songjiang City with glory and successfully seduced Howard, Monica only led a small team of dark cavalry with the same The young baron left silently.

Now the little baron has become a powerful figure who can influence everything in Shangjiang. From the Black Elf's point of view, everything he owns is naturally owned by Monica.

And where is myself?

Abigail couldn't help but compare herself to Monica.

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