Start with an Archangel

Chapter 642 City Lord’s Mansion

Although Abigail is pregnant with Howard's child, mother is more valuable than child. When her child becomes the King of East China Sea, Abigail will naturally be promoted to Queen Mother. But Shangjiang's power has fallen away. Even if several important ministers still show their loyalty to the royal family, they will never see Shangjiang's power fall into the hands of a black elf.

Now Abigail has lost the support of Hell. Unless Howard returns to Shangjiang and sits on the throne, she can only wait until the child is born and reaches adulthood.

During this period of time, she was a city lord who was in trouble both internally and externally.

At this point, she is far inferior to her daughter Monica. Even if Howard can really come back, Daliang, who has made great contributions to Shangjiang City and saved Howard's life, will still be a very popular minister; if Howard can't come back... think about Daliang's ups and downs at the last imperial meeting, he has become An invisible ruler in Shangjiang.

These are also the main reasons why Abigail personally welcomes Daliang. She urgently needs to make good friends with Shangjiang City and needs all kinds of assistance and support. Otherwise, her fate will be to be driven out of Songjiang, retreated to the depths of the earth, or to be annexed and sent to the palace to be a puppet.

So although Monica's current state makes Abigail very uncomfortable, she still has to smile.

So the three people walked into the Lord's Mansion of Songjiang City with their own thoughts.

Songjiang's City Lord's Mansion is a castle-like building built against the cave wall. The independent castle outside occupies a small half of the entire City Lord's Mansion and is also the first line of defense of the City Lord's Mansion. The rest of the space in the City Lord's Mansion is carved out of the cave wall, so it is much more spacious than the City Lord's Mansion in other cities.

Da Liang and Monica were arranged in a spacious room. The flames burning in the fireplace not only made the room very warm, but also dried the unique moisture underground, making non-underground creatures feel very comfortable.

Through the cut-out windows, you can see the entire Songjiang Castle below.

The depressed streets seem to be what Jiading City once looked like.

"It seems that Mistress Abigail's life in Songjiang was not satisfactory." Daliang stood at the window, thinking about the last time he came to Songjiang City, and he was filled with emotion. He had long heard that Songjiang City was in a mess governed by the black elves, and now it seemed to be worse than he imagined.

Monica was in a very good mood, especially when Abigail heard that Daliang owned 20% of the shares of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. It was more comfortable than moonbathing in a dreamland.

"Abigail's sense of crisis is too strong, and she is always thinking about who is secretly plotting to seize her rights. Compared with the original residents of Songjiang City, the number of black elves is too small... She tries every means to reduce it. The number of indigenous people has resulted in the entire city looking like this.

This is what you get for yourself. If I were the city lord, I would definitely do better than her. "

Daliang smiled and said: "If you were the city lord of Songjiang City, how do you plan to change the current situation of Songjiang City?"

"I..." Monica wanted to answer confidently, but she soon discovered that she had no good solution. The black elf's xenophobic character cannot be solved with a few decrees. If too many people are kept in Songjiang City, The large number of indigenous people also presents several huge hidden dangers. There are actually not many mistakes in what Abigail did. If Monica were to be the city lord, she would not be able to do better than her. "Why should I think so much about Songjiang City? The worse Abigail's life is here, the happier I will be."

Daliang didn't expect that Monica also had a rogue spirit. It seemed that what happened when she entered the city made her feel very happy.

At this time, the firelight of the fireplace was swaying in the room, and Monica looked mature and charming under the light. The scene at the wedding suddenly jumped out of Da Liang's mind. It was the same dark underground environment, and the same bright and swinging flames. The orange flames shone on the skin of a girl.

It was beauty then, now it's temptation.

Can the regrets of the past be made up for now? Moreover, there is no urgent military situation now, and there should be no blind mother-in-law disturbing my brother's good deeds...

The clothes of female black elves can originally arouse men's reverie. At this time, a man and a woman are alone in a room. How can Da Liang, who is full of energy and blood, resist the body's reaction.

He walked towards Monica and slowly stretched out his hands.

【Ding! Someone is calling outside the game. Now we will switch to shallow game mode for you. 】

The shallow game mode is the self-defense mechanism of this holographic game. It prevents players from sudden situations from the outside world when playing games in deep sleep, and can detect and deal with them in time. If the player is about to encounter a dangerous situation, the game will be forcibly interrupted to wake the player up.

At this time, it prompts that someone is calling. It should be someone outside who touches the physical prompt switch of the game to remind the player that there is someone outside looking for him.

Daliang was converted into shallow game mode, his body could move, and he could speak without any problem.

"Who is it! What's going on?" Daliang continued to act in the game, and Monica didn't seem to have any intention of resisting. When such a good thing is about to happen, no one will be happy if someone disturbs her.

Hearing Daliang's dissatisfied tone, Shu Xiao's slightly frightened voice came: "Master, is your current mission important?"

When Da Liang heard Shu Xiao's voice, he immediately sat up without any desire, and took off his gaming helmet. His heart was full of fear and guilt, and he actually felt like he had been caught and raped in bed.

This is unscientific. Why should I be afraid of Shu Xiao when I push girls in the game? Why do I still have a sense of moral decay?

If I do something shameful, do I need to be afraid of my apprentice?

do you need?

Don't need it?

Daliang didn't know why he was afraid that Shu Xiao would know what he had just done in the game. He concealed it: "Why did you come to my room? If you have something to say in the game..."

Shu Xiao glanced at the lower part of Daliang's body and said angrily: "You think I want to come in? All your communications are closed in the game, so I can only come to your room to call you. I also saw you raising the flag, If you weren't still wearing underwear, I would have kicked you up."

"Raise the flag?" Daliang quickly looked down, and his fighting spirit was indeed high. Think about the scene just now...

Shu Xiao walked in and saw herself lying on the bed wearing a gaming helmet. When she approached and was about to wake her up, her brother slowly rose under her gaze.

Daliang thought he was lucky if Shu Xiao didn't go to the kitchen to get a knife.

Daliang put the helmet on his brother and said, "Is this something I can control? I didn't know you came in? What on earth made you come to me in such a hurry?"

Shu Xiao didn't think much about it: "A foreigner came to you and said that he had something very important. He also said that as long as he told you about 'Julian', the 'Kingdom of Death', and the 'City of Dark Light', you would meet him."

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