Start with an Archangel

Chapter 643 Banquet

Julian, Kingdom of the Dead, City of Dark Light.

Daliang immediately knew who the other party was. They were the players who attacked him.

I didn't expect them to be able to guess my identity. It was probably the information revealed by the Frost Dragon and Juliet.

But this is no longer the beginning of the game. At that time, Daliang's self-protection ability inside and outside the game was weak and he needed to conceal the affairs of the Black Fire Leader. Now even if someone knew that he still owned a territory, it wouldn't be a big deal.

At most, it's just one more thing to add to my many auras. If anyone wants to use this secret to blackmail me, I'm afraid they'll be disappointed.

However, Daliang was also very curious about the purpose of these attackers. Was the attack just to confirm his identity? Then their losses are really a bit big, and they must have other plans.

Anyway, Daliang is not afraid to meet a foreigner on his own territory. He needs to find out what they think first, and the final decision is still in his own hands.

So Daliang said to Shu Xiao: "Foreigners are looking for me...which country are they from? Where are they now?"

Shu Xiao said: "The Polish man's name is Sergey. Our people checked his identity and he didn't hide anything. He didn't know where we lived. When he arrived in Shangjiang, he contacted Yingshi Virtual Bank and now lives in In a hotel arranged by Virtual Bank.”

Daliang thought about what he was doing in the game. He had a black elf wife who needed to be comforted and a black elf mother-in-law who also needed to deal with. He really didn't have time to meet that Polish man named Sergei.

"Let him wait for now. I will deal with the urgent matters in the game and see you later. Let the receptionist of the virtual bank take care of the Polish guy. Then help me get some clothes from the closet..."

Shu Xiao glared and said: "I am your apprentice, not your nanny. The wardrobe is right next to it. Why do you ask me to get you clothes? Who knows if there are any shameful things in it? I can hear that you men like to put some sexy things in there." The picture is taped to the closet.”

"Who did you listen to... We all collect seeds on the Internet." Daliang patted the helmet under his belly: "Isn't it inconvenient for me now?"

"Okay, okay, I'll take it."

Put on clothes to hide your body embarrassment.

Daliang continued to log in to the game after Shu Xiao left the room.

The scene returned to the room in the underground castle. There was still a swaying fire, and there were still beautiful beauties. However, Da Liang did not have any thoughts of blasphemy. Although the person he was looking at was Monica, what he was thinking about was Shu Xiao.

It shouldn’t be! Do I like her?

Da Liang suddenly felt that Shu Xiao had integrated into his life. Living with Shu Xiao under the same roof, everything was so natural, as if they were meant to be. Sometimes Daliang enjoyed being pulled by Shu Xiao to exercise, admiring the beauty of her flexible limbs, and listening to her tell interesting stories about the game.

Oh my God! I'll be kicked to death.

At this time, Da Liang had no intention of taking the opportunity to push Monica over, so he simply practiced his ship design skills before the banquet started.

Although Monica was also surprised by Daliang's behavior, since Daliang started to draw the ship design, she had no choice but to stand aside and help him organize the designed drawings.

Abigail, who was devastated, organized a grand banquet with all her strength. The roads were decorated with lights and colorful decorations, and the originally depressed Songjiang City actually showed a somewhat festive atmosphere. The lights inside and outside the city lord's palace were brightly lit, the band played melodious music, and the attendants placed silver tableware containing various fine wines and food on the dining table.

The important personnel of the Black Elf sat on both sides of the long table in the middle, and Da Liang and Monica were placed on Abigail's right side.

Daliang soon discovered that he was the only male at the main table. All male black elves were sitting at other tables, and the food was not as exquisite as the main table. Being able to sit here shows how much Abigail values ​​Daliang.

After Abigail finished her toast, the party began.

"Earl Daliang, my daughter, this is just an ordinary family dinner, don't be polite..." Abigail maintained her demeanor and greeted Daliang for dinner, and at the same time wanted to show Monica her luxurious life, but The eating attitude of the other dark elves made Abigail's face burn with pain.

Before Abigail announced the start of the banquet, the black elves remained seated out of fear of the mistress, looking unfazed. But after Abigail announced the start of the banquet, the black elves immediately revealed their true colors.

At this moment, none of the black elves used the tableware placed in front of them. Like athletes who were rushing ahead in the competition, they simultaneously stretched out their hands towards the food they had targeted. They showed their agility in fighting and their strength in desperate times. Pieces of food were passed by each shadowless hand, leaving only empty plates...

"Cough cough cough..."

Abigail coughed to stop the embarrassing behavior of her subordinates, and everyone immediately stopped moving. At this time, two black elves were already standing on the dining table, each holding a leg of lamb and fighting for it.

Only then did the black elves remember what the mistress said to them at the beginning of the banquet, before Daliang and Monica arrived.

"Remember our identities. We are the rulers of Songjiang City, and we are hosting a noble who can influence the situation in Shangjiang. Don't let me embarrass myself in front of the guests, especially in front of Monica. Monica is just being The losers I banish!”

But in front of the delicious food, all the black elves forgot.

The mistress's anger filled the whole banquet. The depressing atmosphere made all the black elves immediately return to their seats, especially the two black elves who were fighting for the leg of lamb. They put down their food and returned to their seats, trembling. Knowing that he is in danger.

"Hahahaha..." Da Liang's smile suddenly echoed at the banquet, and he said: "The Black Elf table is still so lively. Mistress, you know that I used to be a commoner. After becoming a noble, I can't stand it. The only thing is that there are so many etiquettes when eating.

When I eat with my subordinates, I am also very casual, just like you here.

Are you talking about Monica? "

Daliang's words made Abigail look much better, and a smile appeared on her face: "Yes, the black elf is unrestrained at the dinner table."

Monica said with a smile: "Dear... I think everyone is fighting for it at your table because your personal chefs all have... master-level cooking skills. And the ingredients come from various planes and are transmitted through the planes. and Frost Dragon Delivery, all delivered to your kitchen at their freshest moment.

You know that my favorite thing is to eat polar bear meat roasted by hell fire under the moon in the dreamland. So every evening I send people to hell to collect flames, and send them to the manor in the kingdom of death through the main world. I also send people to hunt in the snowfields of the far north. Kill the polar bear and send it to the kitchen of the kingdom of death. After being cooked by your private chef, it is sent to the dreamland, just enough for us to spend a holiday together with the dreamy moon.

Warm night. "

But what I heard in my brother's ears was full of malice.

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