Start with an Archangel

Chapter 644 Negotiation

A slightly awkward banquet ended, and Da Liang and Abigail were in a room talking about everyone's true purpose. Monica knew that Da Liang wanted to talk about something important, so she sat in the lounge chair by the fireplace and slowly drank red wine.

At first, the room was quiet, with only the sound of crackling charcoal burning. Neither Abigail nor Da Liang seemed to have any intention of breaking the silence.

Abigail knew that Daliang and Monica definitely didn't come to Songjiang to visit her this time. They came with everything, but they just didn't know what they were asking for. But since the other party wanted something, Abigail planned to wait for the price, listen to Daliang's purpose first, and then get Shangjiang City's assistance at this price.

And Da Liang was thinking about how to ask for the Dark Cavalry.

At this time, the black elves were having an extremely difficult time in Songjiang City. With internal and external troubles, Abigail's own army was stretched thin, so how could she easily give Daliang a group of important cavalry. But judging from Abigail's appearance, she must be asking for something, so Daliang is not in a hurry to reveal his purpose. As long as he knows what Abigail wants, Daliang can calculate how many dark cavalry he can get from it.

In this way, both sides are obviously very anxious, but they also know that whoever speaks first will be passive in this negotiation.

Time passed by little by little, and Monica fell into a deep sleep in this silent environment.

At this time, Abigail said: "Earl Daliang, I'm afraid we can't solve our needs if we just sit down like this. I suggest that we write our respective purposes on paper, exchange them with each other, and then each propose the terms of exchange."

Daliang said: "Ms. Mistress's proposal is very good. It seems a bit silly for us to do this to outsiders."

Abigail and Daliang wrote down what they wanted in notes and then exchanged them.

Abigail was stunned when she saw Daliang's note saying that he hoped to get a group of dark cavalry. To be honest, she didn't expect that Daliang came to Songjiang for this matter. Abigail said: "Dark Cavalry is our Songjiang City The only mobile force. Now there are rebels everywhere within the control area of ​​Songjiang City. I need them to protect our mine. I hope the count can understand us. There are really too few black elves in Songjiang."

"This is also expected. I understand your mistress's difficulties very well." Daliang opened Abigail's note and said with a smile: "My mistress hopes that Shangjiang City will provide assistance to Songjiang. I think Songjiang The current situation cannot be solved by aid, we can give money to soldiers, but when the money runs out and the soldiers withdraw, Songjiang will become what it is now."

Abigail knew that Daliang was right. Foreign aid alone could not fundamentally solve the current situation in Songjiang. However, Abigail knew Daliang’s ability. He was now able to influence Shangjiang not just by luck. Maybe he had a way to solve it. The immediate dilemma: "My lord, is there any way to solve the current situation in Songjiang? As long as the rebellion can be eliminated and Songjiang restored to normal order, I don't want to support too many dark cavalry."

Abigail issued the mission and took out the reward. Whether she can get the Dark Cavalry and how much she can take away depends on whether Daliang can solve Songjiang's problem.

Daliang thought for a while and said: "The most fundamental problem in Songjiang is that there are too many aborigines and too few black elves. People who are not our race must have different minds. The mistress wants to consolidate her rule over Songjiang and reduce the number of aborigines." It is a method that must be implemented.

But if a city wants to develop in an orderly manner, it must have a certain population. Have you ever thought about increasing the number of black elves to make up for the loss of population left by the original inhabitants? "

Increase the number of black elves.

Abigail really didn't think too much. Black elves are conservative and xenophobic, not only towards other races, but also towards their own race. A black elf tribe is very stable. In addition to their own reproduction, the increase in members is recruited from the controlled soldier recruitment building. Abigail's tribe had experienced a war against Songjiang and suffered a major defeat at the hands of Howard. The population had not yet reached the number in its heyday.

Regarding Daliang's suggestion, Abigail said: "Your Majesty, the Earl, may not know much about our black elf race. The black elves are divided into two groups. One is the black elves who adhere to order and believe in the Faceless Men, and the other is disorder and chaos and believe in the Snake Face." The black elves. The faceless black elves will gather together to form a tribe and be ruled by a matron. No matron will be willing to obey the orders of another matron, so no faceless black elves will come to Songjiang City.

The snake-faced black elves are all wanderers in the darkness. Even if they gather together, they are a group full of conspiracy and betrayal. I will never allow any snake-faced black elves on my land. "

In short, those who can be trusted are unwilling to come, and Abigail, who is willing to come, cannot be trusted.

However, regarding the reason Abigail said, Daliang smiled and said: "Master Matron, please don't think about things with the mentality of the previous tribe. You are now ruling a city. There can be people who support you in a city, or you can There are people who oppose you, but as long as the majority of people support you, this city is yours.

Whether you are a faceless black elf or a snake-faced black elf, in the eyes of other races, you are all black elves. As long as the number of black elves in the city reaches a certain level, the rebels will stay away from Songjiang if they lose hope of retaking the city, and the city will become stable.

In addition, I believe that ruling a city should not rely on ruthless systems. The gold coin system and the title system are the best governance methods proven by the human race. Most cities in the main world use these two systems to govern their cities.

After the gold coin system is established, the mistress can firmly control the army through military spending; when the title system is established, the mistress can manage the people by managing the nobles.

Look at Shangjiang City. Two kings are dead and one king is missing. The ruling power of Shangjiang is still in the hands of the royal family. All the nobles are willing to be loyal to the child in your belly. why is that? Are we all willing to obey the orders of a child who has not yet been born?

No, what we obey is a system that has been strictly followed since it was established.

Mistress, the ruling method of the Black Elf tribe is too backward. If you don’t want to be wary of someone trying to kill you and replace you every day, break your Black Elf rules first.

Regardless of faceless elves or snake-faced elves, Songjiang City welcomes them all. Send an invitation to them. If they are willing to enter the city, they will be given the status of residents of Songjiang City. If they are unwilling to enter the city, they will be given a piece of land to settle outside the city.

Shangjiang, which is rich in materials and prosperous in commerce, is enough to attract the black elf tribes who are struggling for survival deep underground.

When the black elves arrive, don't use force to force them to obey your orders. When they accept Songjiang's gold coin system and title system, they will find that they have no ability to oppose you. "

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