Start with an Archangel

Chapter 645 Suggestions

No one has told Abigail what Daliang said. The black elves are limited by their knowledge and cannot see where Songjiang is troubled. Even if they can see it, they dare not say it, decentralize power or accept opponents in this world. In the city, the mistress cannot accept it.

Outsiders wouldn't say this to Abigail, it was a completely thankless job.

Even if it was said by Daliang, some things in it also made Abigail very unhappy. However, Daliang's identity prevented her from having an attack and could only defend herself vigorously.

"Count Daliang, if according to your wishes, the faceless black elves come to Songjiang. Their mistress will never enter the city and come under my jurisdiction. I will provide them with land for free. They have their own army. Wouldn't it be possible at any time?" Can threaten my city."

Daliang said to Abigail: "How can you provide them with land for free? They can use the land, but what do they eat and use? It must be purchased from Songjiang City. And under the gold coin system you established, they need to pay money , rather than barter.

If they don’t have money, they have to make money.

You can lease your mines and farms to them, tax their transactions, and then use the money to hire their tribesmen to join your army. Mistress, you have the big stick of gold coin system in your hand, you will only get stronger and stronger, and those black elf tribes will only stop expanding.

At that time, those mistresses could only say that they did not obey you in name, but you held their lifeline, so how could they disobey you? "

Abigail fell into thinking, and after a long time she asked: "How to deal with the snake-faced black elves? Betrayal is like instinct to them."

"Betrayal will only occur when the interests of betrayal are higher than the interests of loyalty. Joshua rebelled because he saw the hope of becoming king, and after this hope was shattered, he was still a capable minister , King Howard did not punish Joshua for his betrayal, but instead made him a grand duke.

There is also the Marquis Wilson, who once wanted to kill King Howard and almost succeeded. Now he is still the Chancellor of the Exchequer and does his best to maintain the rule of the royal family.

As I said, if the Mistress wants to rule a city, she must break the idea of ​​governing a tribe.

Allow all kinds of people in your ruling area, use money and titles to make most people support you, then those who oppose you can only work for you within your rules. "

Today's conversation was definitely an ideological shock to Abigail. As Daliang said, she was managing Songjiang City with a set of measures for managing tribes, and the result was that the city was getting worse and worse. But completely breaking the tradition of the black elves...

This is definitely an extremely risky decision.

Abigail asked: "Is the Earl's suggestion really feasible in Songjiang City?"

Daliang spread his hands: "I don't know if the human race's way of managing the city is practical compared to the underground city managed by the black elves, but the original Songjiang City is indeed a very powerful city in the Shangjiang area. I suggest that the mistress abolish the current hierarchical system. Restore titles and improve the status of Aboriginal people.

The aborigines, especially the nobles, managed Songjiang very well before, and then they can manage the city again for the Mother Mother. "

Abigail shook her head and said: "Let the indigenous people participate in the management of the city? No, absolutely not, they will definitely betray me."

Black elves have a strong sense of repulsion towards foreign races, and it would be a great success if Abigail could accept black elves from other tribes. As for accepting other races to manage the city, Abigail can only slowly change her mind.

Daliang said: "The aboriginal affairs can be dealt with later, but I think at least the status of the Tauren race should be improved. The Tauren are rich in powerful warriors and mages, and their army is very suitable for frontal combat. The armies are very complementary.

Improving the status of the tauren will not only increase Songjiang's military power, but also act as a deterrent to the migrating black elf tribes. It can also divide the aboriginal people of Songjiang. Without the tauren as their backbone, it will be difficult for other tribes to make big waves. "

For Abigail, simply improving the status of the Tauren clan was acceptable. Moreover, the Minotaur's combat capabilities are indeed very comprehensive. Black Elf warriors are afraid of direct combat with Minotaur warriors. The Minotaur joining Songjiang's army can greatly improve their ability to attack difficult problems.

Abigail was really very happy: "I finally know why Howard, Joshua and Joyce value you so much. Count Daliang, you are indeed a very capable person. I decided to follow the instructions you gave me." My suggestion is to re-govern my city. Although we don’t know what the outcome will be, it will definitely not be worse than the current situation.”

Daliang smiled and said: "It can't be worse. I suggest that the Mistress fully cooperates with the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. With the continuous expansion of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, our products will be more comprehensive and cheaper. There are countless races and species underground. Tribe, that's a very big market.

Our goods will become a link between you and them. The Mistress can use our goods to exchange for supplies from the underground tribes, and then exchange them for money through our caravan.

Money can develop your city and consolidate your rule.

Moreover, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's caravan can also help you eliminate rebellions in your territory. "

When Daliang proposed that the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce be stationed in Songjiang, Abigail's eyes lit up. The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce is now a walking mountain of gold. Just shaking off a few gold coins wherever you go will bring you unimaginable wealth. Those rich supplies are enough to attract the black elves who have never seen the world underground to settle in Songjiang.

Just accepting the full occupancy of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce will also mean that the caravan guard of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce will follow.

The caravan guards of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce are not the kind of thugs who can deal with thieves. They are an army of death that can be easily defeated even in level 13 cities.

If this undead army enters the underground city, it can certainly quickly wipe out the rebellion and consolidate the black elves' rule over Songjiang, but will they turn themselves into puppets?

Abigail fell into deep thought again…

Daliang also had his own considerations when he wanted the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce to get involved in the underground city.

I don't know how far Songjiang extends underground. The passages and caves form a huge underground world, and I don't know how many underground creatures live in it. This is a market with great potential. The precious alchemy materials outside are likely to be randomly discarded stones underground.

The current problem in developing the underground world is the complex underground environment. No matter how powerful the undead army is, it cannot be deployed underground.

Developing underground markets requires the assistance of underground creatures.

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