Start with an Archangel

Chapter 646 Taking office

Seeing Abigail thinking for a long time, Daliang knew that he had taught her too many things. It is not an easy task to bring a clan-dominated black elf tribe into an aristocratic feudal system.

Now Abigail is deeply troubled by the management of Songjiang, so she will patiently listen to Daliang's opinions. If Daliang had said this to her when she first moved into Songjiang and was in high spirits, Abigail would probably have whipped her.

The rights of the mistress are supreme and no one is allowed to peep or object.

Daliang said to Abigail: "We can slowly discuss the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's settlement in Songjiang. Madam Mother can also see how the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce in surrounding cities carries out trade activities. Our chamber of commerce has the right to a city There is no interest at all, we are pure businessmen, and the escort team is only to make our business routes smoother and reduce unnecessary losses and expenses during the transportation of goods, so that our goods can be made cheaper and more competitive.

Mistress, you are the mother of Monica, the mother of the future King of East China Sea, and the Marquis of Shangjiang. Your status is recognized by the royal family of Shangjiang, and your interests are respected by all the nobles of Shangjiang. This is the system that maintains the entire Shangjiang city-state.

As long as you truly integrate into the system and respect our rules. Anyone who wants to push you down from the position of Lord of Songjiang City is our enemy, and your rule in Songjiang will be unshakable. "

Abigail understood what Daliang meant. The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce would not infringe on her rights, and if she allowed the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce to fully move into Songjiang, then she would be a member of the Shangjiang human clan's power system. Even if the implementation of her new policy fails and leads to a larger-scale rebellion, the human forces will send troops to quell the rebellion for her.

This is equivalent to buying insurance. You get bonuses every time, and someone will wipe your ass if something goes wrong.

Daliang has already extended an olive branch, giving Abigail the opportunity to integrate into mainstream society, and based on Daliang's status in Shangjiang and his voice in the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, his promise is very weighty.

Abigail has been seeking such an opportunity. The surface world is the mainstream world. If the black elves want to stand firm in Songjiang, they cannot do without the support of surface forces. When Daliang gave his promise, Abigail immediately agreed: "I agree that the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce will fully enter Songjiang City, and I am willing to fully cooperate with all your trade activities.

At the same time, I also hope that Count Daliang can serve as the administrative minister of Songjiang City, fully preside over the new policies of Songjiang City, and guide the migrated black elves to integrate into our city. "

Become the administrative minister of Songjiang City?

Cleaning up the mess in Songjiang is definitely not an easy task, and you need to stay in Songjiang for a long time. The progress of the mission in the Kingdom of Death is bound to be affected.

However, in the kingdom of death, Da Liang is dancing on eggs, circling in the cracks, with great rewards and great risks. As an administrative minister in Songjiang, the general environment in Shangjiang was very favorable to Daliang, and he was basically in an invincible position. Moreover, Songjiang belongs to the underground city, which is not as barren as the Kingdom of Death. It is full of untapped resources, but players are trapped in the cruel underground environment and unable to penetrate deeply and discover it.

Holding an important position in Songjiang, Daliang can bring in private goods, be escorted by Songjiang's underground city army, and use the trade routes opened by the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, and transport various resources to his private warehouse without anyone noticing.

Anyway, there are so many officials, so how could such a capable high-level player like me think that his income has increased?

Daliang stood up and saluted Abigail respectfully: "I am honored to have the trust of the mistress and am willing to contribute to the prosperity of Songjiang City."

【Ding! You take office as the administrative minister of Songjiang City, a city-state in Shangjiang. From now on, you can exercise all the powers of the Executive Secretary. 】

[In view of your contribution to Songjiang City, Marquis Abigail will reward you with 1,000 dark knights and 100 cold-blooded cavalry. During your tenure as the Minister of Administration, you can recruit 10 dark cavalry every day in the dark paddock controlled by Songjiang City. You can use the ferocious paddock to upgrade dark cavalry with full combat experience into cold-blooded cavalry]

[You get a high-quality iron mine with a daily output of 10 units, a high-quality copper mine with a daily output of 10 units, and a gold mine with a daily output worth 500 gold coins]

It seems that Daliang's suggestion really pleases Abigail. The presence of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce will quickly solve Songjiang's economic and military difficulties. Abigail, who has a loose military, does not mind exchanging a group of dark cavalry for Daliang's. Work hard for her.

There are also mines. The underground city's mineral resources are really rich, which further strengthens Daliang's determination to develop the underground city.

Next, Daliang, who was also a shareholder of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce and the administrative minister of Songjiang City, was responsible for the matchmaking. The cooperation between the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce and Songjiang City soon entered a substantial stage of development. Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's convoys entered Songjiang in large numbers, and the black elves used materials and minerals as collateral to fill their warehouses and shelves.

Under the command of the Shangjiang Human Race Headquarters, the undead army began to put down the rebellion in Songjiang, and the freed-up black elves led the chamber of commerce's convoy deep underground. They also brought Songjiang's administrative minister, Earl Daliang, to draft the plan. There are courier quests issued by Mother Abigail.

All black elves the caravan encounters along the way will receive this message.

"Songjiang City is a city under the rule of Shadow Mistress Abigail. This is a city ruled by black elves. We welcome every wandering black elf to come here to share our own territory. Mistress Abigail wishes to all who come forward The black elves who came to settle here promised that whether you believe in the Faceless Men or the Snake Face, we all adhere to the principles of 'respecting each other's freedom and tribal integrity, non-aggression, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence'.

Here, the black elves no longer need to wander in the cruel depths of the underground, nor do they need to live a life of precarity and starvation. Songjiang City has sufficient supplies and wealth, which can allow every black elf who is willing to contribute to the city to live a prosperous life.

This is our own city, the home of the black elves.

Songjiang Underground City welcomes you!

——Lord of Songjiang City, Marquis, and Shadow Mistress Abigail

Songjiang City Administrative Minister, Earl, Lord Daliang"

In Songjiang, Daliang was busy dealing with the messy government affairs here, while paying attention to the development of the two territories and the construction of the foggy area of ​​​​the Kingdom of Death. Fortunately, the legion assembly flag allows Da Liang to quickly appear in several office locations, otherwise just running around on the road would be exhausting.

However, when a piece of news was sent to Daliang, he decided to shift the focus of his work to the Kingdom of Death first. Some government affairs in Songjiang could be handled through the newly added administrative panel.

Moreover, it was time to meet the Polish man named Sergey. He had not left for so many days, and Da Liang became even more curious about his purpose.

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