Start with an Archangel

Chapter 647 Sergey Waiting

Because the scope of the Heroic World is too wide, the game strictly abides by the principle of keeping player information confidential when running, and will never publicly release players' private information in any way. Therefore, intelligence warfare is also a very interesting form of entertainment, and so are intelligence merchants. A very active group.

"Eye of Insight" is a relatively authoritative information exchange website. It not only provides a platform for information trading, but also some public information attracts some ordinary players to often look for some game information here.

Among the public information, the one that receives the most attention is the big ranking list.

They range from personal strength rankings to union rankings, territory rankings, and legion rankings. Only the top 1,000 players are included in all rankings, so those who are on the list are undoubtedly the top figures in various fields.

When Sergey came to Shangjiang, Daliang asked people to investigate his origins in the game. Unexpectedly, he could see his name on many important lists.

Sergei's name in the game is also Sergei, but there is an undead rune in front of his name, which translates to "Sergei climbing out of the grave."

His race is an undead vampire, a professional death knight, and he prefers melee combat.

Sergey's individual strength ranks 213th in the world, and the Undead ranks 11th.

In addition to his personal strength, Sergey also runs a players guild. In the evaluation of Sergey in the rankings, Sergey is a very smart player. Without a territory, his guild has reached the 557th global ranking. The guild has a main force of level 4 with full strength. Several second-level legions, the overall strength is estimated at 400 million euros.

Many guilds with territories are below him in the rankings.

Sergey's name can be found in other rankings such as the hero rankings, sphere of influence rankings, and influence rankings, and he is ranked very high.

Such a character is definitely a powerful figure in the game world. Even outside the game, he is an influential star.

It is such a super player who has been waiting hard for more than ten days in the hotel in Shangjiang.

In Sergey's imagination, when he announced those names, he felt that Daliang, whose secret had been discovered, would quickly find out his identity in the game and quickly arrange a meeting.

But Sergey didn't expect that he, who was so famous in the game, would wait in this eastern city for so many days.

He could feel Daliang's neglect towards him. During the negotiation with Yingshi Virtual Bank, even if he reported his strength ranking and guild ranking, he only got a look like that.


Daliang has so much aura that all intelligence traders dare not judge Daliang's strength.

Even in all the rankings of the authoritative "Eye of Insight", Daliang's ranking is not visible. There is only a separate web page that lists Daliang's deeds. There are only eight people in the entire game world who can receive this special treatment, and all of them are players who have caused major events in the game and whose strength cannot be evaluated.

And Sergey also knew that behind Daliang stood a player that made people admire him in admiration. After so many days, the scene of the battle in Dark Light City was still fresh in his memory. The tide-like army subverted all his perceptions of the heights players could achieve.

Compared with the undead lord player, those biographical players are just supporting stars. With his support, any player can reach impressive heights.

Sergey came to Shangjiang not only to invite the player to join the "Shadow of Death", but also with the idea of ​​​​a pilgrimage.

So when the news came that Daliang came to the hotel to meet him, all the unhappiness swept away in Sergey's heart and was replaced by joy and expectation.

In the reception room arranged by the hotel, Daliang met this player who might have learned about his hidden identity in the game.

Sergey is tall but very thin, with curly chestnut hair and steady eyes. Anyone who can become a powerful figure in the world of heroes is not a simple person.

Daliang shook hands with Sergey, and then said straight to the point: "It seems that you or you know some of my secrets. But coming to me directly is a bit unexpected. My principle of doing things is to do things within the game. I will resolve it within myself and try not to let my normal life be affected by the game.

But since you are here, please tell me the purpose of your coming..."

Under the simultaneous translation of the translator, Sergey could hear the displeasure in Da Liang's tone, which made him realize that it was a bit abrupt to come to the door rashly. He explained: "I'm really sorry, Mr. Da Liang. We found a person in the kingdom of death. A very powerful undead lord player, but we don't know his true identity, but we can be sure that he should be your friend.

This unannounced visit is to allow us to establish contact with this undead lord player through you. We are undertaking a task related to the progress of the entire game world and urgently need a powerful death lord to join our organization. "

Listening to Sergey's words, Daliang couldn't help but feel glad that he didn't say too much and reveal too much information. The other party probably didn't guess that he was the one who fought with them in Dark Light City, but regarded his two identities as two people.

At the same time, Daliang was also very curious about the tasks that Sergey said were related to the progress of the entire game world.

It seems very high-end.

“You guys are very capable, you can guess so many things through subtle clues.

Can you tell me a little bit about the task you mentioned? I will convey it to you. As for the result, I can’t answer it yet. "

Now Da Liang is the only contact between "Shadow of Death" and the undead lord player. Although this task is very important to Sergei and the others and requires strict confidentiality, in order to win over the strongest players to join, he I can only tell Daliang about the mission.

"Mr. Daliang, you should know that the heroic world is a world composed of multiple planes. In addition to the main world, there are also the base camp planes of the eight major races and countless discovered and undiscovered planes. Among the many planes, the most powerful The two worlds are the world of heroes where angels live and the hell where demons live. The good and evil camps they lead often cause dimensional wars that affect the entire world.

A long time ago, Lucifer, a supreme angel in Cloud City, led an angel army to rebel to hell and became a fallen angel. Then Lucifer captured five hell lords, including Satan, and became the current ruler of hell. ruler.

And these five hell lord kings were sealed in five extremely hidden prisons in the main world, and the plane war also ended.

Not long ago, an extremely evil demon king rescued one of the hell lord kings, and then the other four hell lord kings also escaped from prison one after another under their rescue.

Evil is about to return to hell, and plane wars will break out again.


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