Start with an Archangel

Chapter 648 Talks

Originally, Daliang was very interested in this kind of story, but the more he listened to it, the more something seemed wrong.

Isn't that the extremely evil demon king who let go of the hell lord king, brother? Is this the mission you are currently on? You don’t even know the names of the five hell lords except Satan. For this kind of large-scale plot mission, your current progress is only at the prologue. Whether you can reach the next step is unknown.

I haven't even entered the door yet, just thinking about bringing my brother into the organization. Will he play with you?

However, Daliang was still very interested in the information their organization knew about the plane war. And according to what they said, the leader of the organization had already contacted Monarch Aiyin, the lord of Eternal Night City in the Kingdom of Death, and received the task of racial confrontation.

Daliang said: "Plane war? It's too fast for the progress of the game. There are still very few players who can enter the base camp and stand firm. Once the plane war breaks out, we players will basically just watch the show and not participate at all. feel."

Sergey said: "As far as we know, both Cloud City and Hell are actively hunting down the Hell Lord King. It will take a long time for the Hell Lord King to regain his strength and take back Hell. However, affected by the Hell Lord King's escape, everyone Conflicts are intensifying.

Especially in the Kingdom of Death, the Wizards Guild supported by Cloud City has been gathering troops everywhere and will attack the Death Lord at any time. "

Daliang said: "Wait a minute, you said the Wizards Guild is going to rebel?"

"Yes, since your friend is in the Kingdom of Death, you must also know about the extremely secretive rebel organization of the Wizards Guild.

According to what we know now, the Wizards Guild is gathering troops in the southern territory of the Monarch of Lament, and we have also discovered angels haunting there. Therefore, we judge that the Wizards Guild has received support from Cloud City and is about to rebel.

It's just that we can't get the most direct evidence to convince Lord Aiyin to believe this. The Wailing Lord now trusts a demon advisor beside him. They firmly believe that the Wizards Guild has been severely damaged by their attack. At the same time, the Death Lords in the south of Evernight City seem to have deliberately concealed the gathering of the Wizards Guild's army.

Mr. Daliang, please tell your friends that the rebellion of the Wizards Guild will definitely reduce the strength of the Kingdom of Death in future plane wars. We must assist the Monarch of Aiyin to put down the rebellion as soon as possible. If we play an important role in this incident, our organization will definitely attract the attention of the Monarch of Aiyin.

It's just that although the members of our organization are very powerful individually, we don't have enough troops. Your friend's undead army can help us build more meritorious deeds.

Therefore, I came to Shangjiang specially, hoping to invite your friends to join our organization through you. "

The wizard's guild gathering troops in the south of Evernight City has attracted the attention of players, but due to the concealment of the southern death lords, the Wailing Lord did not realize that a rebellion was taking place.

As for the demon beside Monarch Wailing.

Daliang guessed that it should be the fourth lord king, the greedy demon king Misuka. For a demon who is keen on causing killings and wars, even if Misuka knows something, he will not tell the Mourning Lord. Anyway, the hell lord kings do not have much interest in the kingdom of death. Their purpose is to let the death monarch contain the power of the fallen angels.

Things happening here in Yunzhong City are definitely no small matter now. Fighting for a piece of land for the Wizards Guild is just an excuse to deceive the wizards. Once a war breaks out, wizards can no longer just start it or stop it whenever they want.

The fundamental purpose of Yunzhong City is to overthrow the rule of the Death Monarch. Even if the Unsullied Holy See cannot be eliminated, the Kingdom of Death will be severely damaged in this civil war.

And when the situation in the Kingdom of Death deteriorates sharply, Hell will never sit idly by and ignore it, and the demon army will definitely enter the Kingdom of Death. At that time, the two sides were fighting here, and the hell lord kings could gain more benefits.

As for Daliang’s position…

Regardless of his identity as the elder of the Wizards Guild or the pope of the Mist District of Sighing City, he hopes that this war will be as big as possible.

Therefore, Sergei's win over this time can be regarded as a wink to the enemy.

Daliang put on an uninterested expression: "If what you say is true, a large-scale plane war is going on. After reaching a certain stage, based on the strength we have now, we can still participate.

Why should I join you?

The advantage of using our hard-earned troops as cannon fodder is that your leader who has access to the Monarch of Mourning will get the upper hand. There is no good thing.

We can benefit more by having this time to do other tasks.

One thing I can tell you is that you must have known about my appearance in Songjiang City a few days ago. Now that I am the administrative minister of Songjiang City, there is a vast underground world waiting for me to develop.

In the future, the focus of our strategy will shift to Songjiang Underground City, where there are various mineral resources that we urgently need to develop our territory.

In comparison, the Kingdom of Death is too barren. Moreover, a war is about to break out there, and the materials needed for the development of the territory will inevitably be greatly affected, so we need to develop underground cities even more. It is very close to my Judgment Territory, and the transportation cost is much cheaper than across planes. "

At this moment, Sergey’s feelings towards Daliang changed drastically...

Obviously, as a beneficiary, Daliang knows the benefits of having such a powerful player behind him. Looking at what Daliang has achieved so far, it may be due to his personal ability, but it is more due to the support given to him by a Death Lord player.

Now that he wants this Death Lord player to join the "Shadow of Death", Bo Daliang will divide the benefits that Bo Daliang gains from that player. Of course, he cannot provide that player's information.

Sergey said sternly: "Mr. Daliang... you should know that what you gain in Songjiang is only immediate benefit. The plane missions we are exploring are the top level of the entire game. Once the plane war breaks out, the entire game will be destroyed." The world is reshuffled, and we will stand in the most advantageous position.

Mr. Daliang, I hope you can consider your friend. His military strength should not be wasted on the competition for resources in the main plane. Whoever can gain a higher status in the base camp plane will win the future of the entire game. "

Daliang, who knows the whole incident better than anyone else, has no interest in explaining to Sergey: "I'm sorry, Mr. Sergey. I still think that the task of players now is to manage the main plane well and strengthen themselves. Plane wars are real. It's too far away. Even the civil war in the Kingdom of Death you mentioned is not something that players can participate in now. Hundreds of thousands of troops would be thrown into that kind of battlefield and not even a splash would be seen.

I have no interest in assisting the Wailing Lord in exterminating the Wizard Guild. My current game focus is on the Judgment Territory. We are about to enter the world of heroic spirits, but there are several unfriendly lords who want to surround me there.

I have a war to fight and this meeting ends now.

Goodbye, I wish you a pleasant stay in Shangjiang. "

Daliang's meeting with Sergey did not meet his expectations, so he had no interest in continuing the conversation with him.

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