Start with an Archangel

Chapter 649 Heading to Eternal Night City

Looking at the back of Daliang leaving.

Sergey did not expect that when he came to Shangjiang with expectations, he would encounter such a thing. He was only one step away from the strongest player, but he could not overcome the last obstacle. He shouted angrily at the back of Da Liang as he left: "Da Liang, you selfish guy, you are blocking a peak player from reaching a higher level." You will pay the price for your high achievements, for sure!”

Da Liang ignored Sergey's roar, because he had to quickly join the Wizards Guild's alliance in Ashes City. Joining the organization Sergey said would not bring any benefit to the progress of his mission, but would instead use their influence to slow him down. process.

It's weird, what you are playing now are the leftovers from my brother's games, he has already entered the room and interacted with the big forces, and you are still cleaning the glass outside the threshold of the Kingdom of Death, and you asked him to accompany you without even understanding what is going on in the room. Come on, isn't this trying to get rid of my brother's head and legs?

After the meeting with Sergey, Da Liang entered the game and returned to the foggy area.

Looking at the city that grew from scratch and gradually prospered in his own hands, Daliang couldn't help but feel a great sense of accomplishment.

Although the foggy area at this time is not very famous in the city system of the Kingdom of Death system, among the player group, the reputation of the foggy area in the City of Sighs has surpassed that of Yongye City, the largest city in the Kingdom of Death.

The city under the direct control of the Death Monarch is really too high-end. Players’ current strength can easily trigger high-level tasks. The undead are not very interested in doing business. The items in the store are rare, high-end, expensive, and of low practicality, so that Players in the Kingdom of the Dead are losing money when doing missions to spawn monsters, and they may even lose a life if they are not careful.

Although the foggy area is famous for having many cheating NPCs, the convenience of supplies is the most attractive thing for players here. Players can open shops here, which is unimaginable in other undead cities. Although the tasks triggered here are also very advanced, many players can easily organize a team to do the tasks together, and supplies are also extremely convenient.

Various conveniences have attracted more and more players who have entered the Kingdom of Death to come to the Fog Area, making this urban area a very special existence in the Kingdom of Death.

On the bright side, they are managed by the Knights of the Church, and on the dark side, they are presided over by Polly. As the ultimate thugs, the wizards, Da Liang uses his triple identity to firmly grasp the various lifebloods of the foggy area. Through church tasks and tavern tasks, all in the foggy area All the players are serving Da Liang invisibly.

In the entire City of Sighs, the only one who can restrain Da Liang is the Sad Lord.

Putting on the papal robes, Daliang led a team of church knights to the Cathedral of the City of Sighs, and met the Sorrowful Lord smoothly all the way.

"Reporting to the monarch, Anthony from the Wizards Guild has sent news that the Wizards Guild will have a major military operation in the near future and will conduct an alliance on the land south of Yongye City. He invited me to participate and was willing to introduce me to Yun Angel of Midtown.”

The Sad Lord said: "You saved Anthony's life, and he is willing to introduce you to Yunzhong City. He is really a grateful guy. This time Yunzhong City supports the Wizards Guild rebellion on a large scale, Michael will definitely send a supreme angel Command the angel army.

You are a human race, and neither angels nor undead will doubt your identity. This time when you go to participate in the alliance, you must find out how many angels Yunzhong City has sent and how far you want to push the civil war in the Kingdom of Death. "

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The Sad Lord said again: "This time when you go to Eternal Night City, I will give you a public identity. Will, the leader of the Holy See Knights, will go to Eternal Night City on behalf of the City of Sighs to report to the Sighing Lord how we destroyed the Wizards Guild in the City of Sighs. According to the situation, as the deputy envoy, you will accompany Will to Evernight City.

In the event of any emergency, Will can provide you with support. "

Daliang said respectfully: "Thank you for your love and care, your Majesty. My trip to Yongye City will definitely fulfill my mission."

The Sorrowful Lord summoned Will and told him about his visit to Evernight City: "Remember, this trip to Evernight City means that my visit to the Sorrowful Lord is a secondary matter. The main thing is to investigate. The military strength of Yunzhong City and the Wizards Guild, and assessing how far they can carry this war, will give us a basis for formulating future strategies for the City of Sighs.

Will, although you are the official member of this mission, you have to listen to Eviscerate on all matters related to the Wizards Guild. "

Will said respectfully: "Yes, my lord, I will definitely cooperate with the mission of Eviscerating the Pope."

"Get ready, let's go. Remember, there is a demon beside the Mourning Lord. His name is Misuka, and he is an extremely dangerous and cunning guy.

Be careful with him but don't offend him. "

After receiving the order from the Sorrowful Lord, Will immediately returned to the Holy See Knights and mobilized 30 ghost dragons and 500 Holy See Knights to form a mission. Then he and Daliang arrived at the border through the teleportation array, and then the mission entered the territory of the Sorrowful Lord.

In the base camp plane, there are many restrictions on the use of the urban teleportation array. Even players cannot use the urban teleportation array at will to reach where they want to go.

First of all, direct transmission between main cities is not possible. After all, the journey from Sigh City to Yongye City first goes to the border, and then transits through the border city. It is more convenient to teleport between cities under the direct jurisdiction of the dead monarch. As long as the player is not wanted by the monarch or for other special reasons, he can teleport freely.

However, there are very few cities under the direct jurisdiction of the Death Lord. Most of the cities in the Kingdom of Death belong to the Death Lord. They either belong to the Death Lord or are independent city-states. If you want to use the teleportation arrays in these cities, players need to meet certain conditions, otherwise they can only run.

Lord Aiyin is the most powerful monarch in the Kingdom of Death, and his territory is also the largest, with an area of ​​10 million square kilometers. Outside the control area of ​​Sigh City, the troops of Sigh City cannot move freely on the land of Yongye City. They need to first arrive at the border city directly under the jurisdiction of Lord Aiyin, apply to go to Yongye City, and only with the permission of Lord Aiyin can they enter Yongye City.

Now the seven death monarchs in the Kingdom of Death are in a friendly state, and the visit of the Sighing City envoy quickly received the permission of the Monarch of Sighing. The mission saved the time of traveling on the road and appeared in Yongye City after a short journey.

Eternal Night City is a very large city, and it is also a dead and quiet city. Like the city outside the foggy area of ​​the City of Sighs, the undead who have no spiritual or material needs like to stay underground.

The Immaculate Church is always the most majestic place in the City of the Undead and the place with the most active undead. The Cathedral of Yongye City where Lord Aiyin is located is like a city within a city, with tall city walls surrounding the church. The guards patrolling back and forth are all heroic units, which fully demonstrates the strength of Yongye City's military.

In this city-like cathedral, the sounds of priests chanting the Immaculate Doctrine are everywhere. These sounds echo between the solid stone buildings and form the background sound of the cathedral.

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