Start with an Archangel

Chapter 652 Arriving at Ashes City

In the end, the Crown of Oracle fell into the hands of Misuka.

For Daliang, although Michuka is also one of the top bosses in the game, his current state is in a weak stage and he is alone. Taking the Crown of Oracle from him will definitely be easier than taking it from Lord Aiyin. Much.

Of course, this ease is only in comparison, it just changes the chance of one in ten thousand to one in thousand, which is also a slim hope.

After Daliang made the meeting sour, the Monarch of Lament lost all interest in the Sighing City mission, and coldly asked Will to visit Yongye City on his own, and then left with a few words.

"You can leave whenever you want, and you don't need to tell me when you leave."

Will was a little baffled by the sudden change in the attitude of the Monarch of Mourning. His attitude before receiving the gift and after receiving the gift were completely different. His face changed too quickly.

Will, who didn't know the reason, had no choice but to take Daliang out of the hall and return to the castle where the mission was staying.

Da Liang left the cathedral alone on the pretext that he wanted to exchange passwords with the Wizards Guild.

Although the Wizards Guild in Eternal Night City was also attacked by the Lamenting Lord, the losses of the Eternal Night City branch of the Wizards Guild were greatly reduced because Lament City promptly notified Frank of the rebellion. There is still a secret contact point for the Wizards Guild in Evernight City.

At a contact point, Daliang saw Jonathan and Minia who had arrived earlier, as well as all the wizards from the City of Sighs branch who had also arrived. After a period of development, the number of wizards in the Sighing City branch has reached close to twenty. They will accompany Daliang to participate in the Ashes City Alliance, so that the Sighing City branch will not be too weak and shabby, and Daliang will be the elder of the Sighing City branch for the first time. When attending a gathering of wizards, someone also needs to introduce him to important figures in the guild.

Da Liang put on a set of inconspicuous clothes, covered his appearance with a hood, and then said to Jonathan and Minia: "It seems that the Wizards Guild is going to launch a war in the south of Evernight City. It has been leaked. However, , I just met Lord Aiyin. He doesn’t know yet that the Blue Alliance Army has been established and the war is about to break out, but he should be aware of it soon.

Now let's go to the Ashes City together immediately. I want to see President Lucas and tell him some of the circumstances of the Death Monarch. "

After receiving the news of the alliance, Jonathan and Minia came directly to Yongye City to support Daliang. Therefore, they did not know that Daliang came to Yongye City as the envoy of Sighing City.

When they heard that Daliang had actually met Lord Aiyin, the two deputy elders couldn't help being shocked. That is the Death Lord who is known as the strongest in the entire Death Kingdom and the biggest enemy of the Blue Alliance. Now his elder has just had a direct conversation with Lord Aiyin. Looking at the entire Wizards Guild, who can do that!

Jonathan and Minia admired Daliang immensely and admired his extraordinary long-term vision, so they lurked into the Immaculate Holy See early on. At the same time, he was also secretly happy that the Sighing City branch had launched an attack before the war started. "The other branches have not yet started to form an alliance. Our Sighing City branch has already obtained the information about the Monarch of Laiyin, and we got it face to face. Lu President Cass will be very happy.”

Any news about the Monarch of Mourning is related to the subsequent battle of the entire cyan coalition. Not daring to delay, the two undead immediately took Daliang to the Ashes City.

They first arrived at a city of the undead that was actually controlled by the Wizards Guild, verified their identities, and then arrived at a city of the undead near the Ashes City through the teleportation array. After learning that they were the elders of the City of Sighs branch of the Wizards Guild, this city of the undead not only arranged bone dragon mounts for all the wizards of the City of Sighs branch, but also sent a squadron of vampires to guide them and escort them.

Just like that, the wizards of the City of Sighs branch rode on bone dragons and flew towards the Ashes City.

The City of Ashes is located in the south of Evernight City. It is also the largest city in the southern territory of the Monarch of Lament. The size of the city is already comparable to that of the City of Lament. City Lord Boswell is a newly promoted level 16 hero. It was because he wanted to be independent that he was opposed by the Wailing Lord, so he turned to the Wizards Guild.

Boswell has actually taken control of the southern territory of Evernight City. All the death lords in this land have declared their allegiance to him, and those who have not been loyal have been killed by him.

This time Yunzhong City directly sent troops to assist the Wizards Guild in grabbing territory, allowing Boswell to see an opportunity for independence. Now that the Lord King of Hell has escaped, the fallen angels of hell have no time to care about the kingdom of death, but the angels are aggressive, and the dreamland, which is also a good camp, is also ready to move.

If the timing cannot be grasped this time, Boswell will have no chance to become the independent monarch of death, at least not in the short term.

Under the orders of Boswell, the southern lords gathered the army of death and gathered in Ashes City. Together with the troops of the Wizards Guild, the undead troops of the Blue Alliance Army have reached tens of millions.

That army is really boundless. If Daliang's army attacking Dark Light City were placed here, it would be an inconspicuous piece.

However, Da Liang did not see the angel army here, only a few archangels hovering in the extremely high airspace.

Daliang asked Minia: "Where are the reinforcements in Yunzhong City? Isn't it just a few archangels?"

Minia replied: "This time we, the Wizards Guild, have jointly discussed and decided on the commanders and generals of this army of death. In order to prevent the Angel Legion from being noticed by Eternal Night City, they are all stationed in another place. Angel The Legion Commander, the High Angel Gabriel, and his floating war fortress have arrived in the Kingdom of the Dead.

The angels above are representatives of Gabriel. A holy angel will represent Gabriel in our guild, but will not participate in the competition for the command of the undead army. "

Holy Angel…

Da Liang thought of Holy Bella, whom he had never seen again since breaking up with her in the Kingdom of Death.

She came here to hunt down Michuka, and Michuka was in Eternal Night City. I don’t know if she had noticed it yet.

At this time, the flying team has arrived over the Ashes City. Countless flags are erected in the huge city, and each flag represents a death lord or wizard branch who has come to form an alliance. In the center of the city, a large cyan flag was flying over the city lord's palace, with a cross pattern of a skull staff and an angel sword in the middle.

The team began to descend as they approached the city lord's palace. Jonathan raised the flag of the Wizards Guild's Lament City branch that had been prepared.

This flag, designed and painted by Elder Quentin himself, has not been unfurled since the fall of the branch base. This time, the wizards in the City of Sighs were extremely excited that the flag was flying again. Jonathan held the flagpole tightly with both hands and let the wind make the flag rustle without moving the flagpole.

All the wizards in Ashes City who saw this flag knew that the wizards from the City of Sighs branch had arrived...

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