Start with an Archangel

Chapter 653 Pyramid

The wizards of the City of Sighs branch, led by the leading vampire squadron, landed next to a pyramid-like building.

The wizards jumped off the bone dragon, and the vampire flew away with the bone dragon.

Miniya said to Daliang: "Elder, this is the location of the Alliance. President Lucas should be inside."

Daliang looked at the top of the pyramid. A long staircase extended upwards along the slope of the pyramid. Along the way, there were some horizontal corridors that connected the entrance to the interior of the pyramid. When he just landed, Daliang saw a relatively broad platform at the top of the pyramid, with the flag of the cyan coalition on it.

There are some other flags on top of the platform, which should represent the death lords and chapters of the wizard guild that are eligible to enter the pyramid.

As one of the seven branches of the Wizards Guild, the City of Sighs branch is eligible to enter the pyramid.

"Let's go in together."

Da Liang walked up the steps of the pyramid, and then walked up one step at a time. Jonathan followed closely behind Da Liang under the banner of the flag, followed by Minia and the wizards from the City of Sighs branch.

The arrival of the Sighing City branch has alarmed the wizards in the pyramid. Once under the leadership of Elder Quentin, the Sighing City branch was second only to Eternal Night City in strength. In terms of research progress on becoming a god, the Sighing City branch was the fastest. Far.

At that time, the City of Sighs branch was surrounded by countless auras, and the wizards of the City of Sighs branch enjoyed respect wherever they went.

However, at this time, the City of Sighs branch quickly collapsed like a tall building. A traitor caused the entire branch to die, and at the same time brought heavy losses to the entire Wizards Guild. It can be said that the establishment of the Cyan Alliance and the Wizards Guild being forced to fight head-on against the Death Monarch were all caused by the great changes in the City of Sighs branch.

Now the wizards of the Wizards Guild have very complicated feelings towards the City of Sighs branch. They have pity, emotion, and more importantly, they are considering who can replace the flag of the City of Sighs branch next to the blue coalition flag.

However, until a decision is made about who can replace the Sighing City branch, the Sighing City branch will still be one of the seven major branches of the Wizards Guild.

Daliang led the wizards from the City of Sighs branch to the top of the pyramid, where seats for the alliance had been arranged. Behind the main stage stands a large green flag representing the coalition forces. At the bottom of the large green flag are three flags representing the Angels, the Wizards Guild, and the Death Lord.

On both sides of the main stage are the seats of the Death Lord and the elders of the Wizards Guild branch. There are 42 branches of the Wizards Guild that are eligible to form an alliance here. These seats are divided into 7 according to the distance of each branch from the main stage. Seats, 12 seats, 23 seats.

The location of the City of Sighs branch is undoubtedly within the seven seats closest to the main stage.

Now that the day of the alliance is approaching, the lords and elders who arrived early have planted their flags on their seats, and there is also a flag-protecting hero standing firmly next to their flags. They are as motionless as statues, but if anyone wants to move the flag they protect, they will be attacked desperately.

Da Liang said to Jonathan: "Go, put the flag of our City of Sighs branch where it should be, and guard it until the alliance ends and we leave."

Guarding the branch's flag was a supreme honor for Jonathan. He saluted Daliang respectfully and said, "Thank you, elder, for entrusting me with this glorious responsibility. I promise that until the alliance is over, our flags will be flying. There."

After saying that, Jonathan walked to the seat of the City of Sighs branch with the flag, stood the flagpole on the ground, then held the flagpole with one hand and the handle of the knife on his waist, motionless.

The City of Sighs branch had finished setting up flags to announce their arrival at the Guild Alliance, and Da Liang entered the interior of the pyramid under the leadership of Minia.

Compared to the quiet alliance venue outside, the interior of the pyramid is really busy. There are too many death lords and wizards coming to form an alliance, especially the wizard guild. Wizards from the entire kingdom of death are gathering in the Ashes City.

Before the alliance begins, the coalition needs to register all incoming heroes and troops, and also conduct preliminary organization of them.

The newly arrived City of Sighs branch also needs to complete the registration of its members.

The person responsible for recording in front of Daliang is a mummy hero. The pyramid is a special recruitment building in the City of the Dead, which can produce mummies.

The mummy's whole body is wrapped in white bandages, and attacks have a chance to produce a curse effect.

"Hello wizards, I am the record officer of the Cyan Alliance. Which wizard guild branch are you from?"

When the mummy recorder saw that the number of wizards in this group was only twenty, he thought they were coming from a wizard's guild in a small town, and his tone unconsciously became extremely arrogant.

Miniya stepped forward and said: "We are the wizards of the City of Sighs branch. We came to Ashes City to form an alliance at the invitation of the General Assembly."

"You are actually the wizards of the Sighing City branch," the mummy said in a surprised tone after hearing this: "Aren't all the wizards of the Sighing City branch dead?"

Da Liang did not expect to meet such an upright undead, and at the same time he could feel the anger of the wizard subordinates around him about to explode.

Fearing that Miniya and the others would fight here, Daliang quickly said: "The Sighing City branch has only suffered a certain blow, far from being completely dead. I am the elder of the Sighing City branch. Please complete the registration for us as soon as possible. I I have something important to see President Lucas.”

The mummy didn't seem to realize that his words had offended people. He continued: "There are at least more than a hundred wizards from other wizard branches. With just this few people in Sigh City, it's almost as if they are dead."

Hold it, hold it, the prime minister's stomach is strong enough to support a boat. A person as big as me can't argue with such a villain.

"No matter how many wizards come to the City of Sighs branch, they are all supporting the Cyan Alliance. Please complete the registration for us immediately. I really have something important to do."

"There are just these few wizards. There are not many more than you, but not many less than you. Have you seen the army of death outside the city? Most of them are the army of our death lords. You sigh that the city branch has contributed so little and you want to rely on the seven major forces. The identity of the wizard branch will share the results of our battle. I advise you to just pretend that you did not come today, the cyan coalition does not need you..."

The mummy also wanted to say that Daliang had already kicked him to the ground, and while he was stomping, he was yelling: "I told you, brother, there is something urgent, but you are still chirping, chirping, moaning, why don't you say anything if I don't beat you?" It’s over. Beat him, beat him all, break his legs first..."

The wizards of the City of Sighs branch had long been unable to endure it, but due to the inconvenience of having an attack just after arriving here, now with the elder's order, they all immediately gathered around and kicked the mummy up and down with more than ten feet.

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