Start with an Archangel

Chapter 654 Small Conflict

The wizards beat up the heroes under the Death Lord, causing a commotion nearby.

This alliance is related to who will become the commander of this army of death. Originally, the Wizards Guild was at a disadvantage in the competition because of Lucas's temper. However, Lucas returned to the Wizards Guild in time, allowing the wizards to take down the army of death. The commander-in-chief is confident in his position.

Also a level 16 creature, Lux is an unknown number of years earlier than Boswell, who was newly promoted to level 16. Even some Death Lords are not as qualified as him, so their individual strength is naturally superior; although the Death Lords lead armies There are many, but all the wizards in the Wizards Guild are heroes. The wizards from all the Death Kingdom gather together, and they are naturally stronger than the Death Lords in terms of high-level combat power.

Moreover, the Wizards Guild has always maintained a cooperative relationship with Yunzhong City. Even though the angels announced that they will not participate in the election of the commander of the Death Army, as long as their representatives slightly express their support for the Wizards Guild in the guild, the death lords should no longer expect this undead force. command of the army.

Therefore, this alliance has not yet begun, and the wizards who think they have taken the command of the army of death are naturally in high spirits, and have even begun to discuss the distribution of land resources after the victory of the war.

Of course, the heroes of the Death Lord series became dissatisfied, especially the City of Sighs branch, which had more than ten wizards. However, by virtue of their status as the seven branches of the Wizards Guild, they could sit at the core of the alliance and be qualified to sit on the biggest cake. Prioritize cutting.

Daliang led the wizards of the City of Sighs branch to beat up the mummy. The heroes of the Death Lord series immediately rushed forward to join the team battle, and the wizards... No matter what they thought of the City of Sighs branch, the wizards all left because of the common goal. In a group together, if someone wants to hit a wizard, of course it is not allowed.

So when the surrounding wizards saw that the heroes of the Death Lord were bullying the wizards of the City of Sighs, they also came to support them one after another.

The scene became extremely chaotic for a while, as more and more wizards and heroes joined in.

Because everyone is still in the same camp, all the fighting heroes do not use skills, magic, or weapons. They are all punching and kicking on the ground.

It wasn't until a stern voice sounded that the commotion was stopped.

"What are you doing! The coalition has just been established, and you are fighting here. If you don't want to be here, get out!"

The speaker was a terrifying knight hero. Just by standing there, he made the air in the entire pyramid freeze and press down. The majesty he exuded was far inferior to even Will's.

Looking at Lucas, the president of the Wizards Guild, standing next to him, Da Liang guessed who this terrifying knight was.

The allegiance of the southern death lords - Boswell.

Under Boswell's pressure, all the undead dared not speak, except for a mummy hero who climbed up from the ground.

The original white bandages on his body are now all covered with footprints, and the cloth strips on his two legs have been removed. The cloth strips tremble and move as he crawls, making him indescribable embarrassment.

"Lord Boswell, it was the wizards from the City of Sighs branch of the Wizards Guild who hit me first. They were the ones who made the first move."

Following the mummy's pointing, Boswell looked at a group of wizards in the City of Sighs, and then said in an extremely stern tone: "In the cyan coalition, the Southern Death Lord and the Wizards Guild are allies. You are beating the Death Lord's subordinates for no reason. Provoke internal conflicts within the coalition. The coalition does not welcome you, so you can leave."

Elder Anthony, who was standing next to Lucas, immediately stood up and said: "I have seen the wizards of the City of Sighs in the City of Sighs. I am impressed by their cultivation. I think they will never beat up their allies for no reason. .

President, Lord Boswell, we should not make a conclusion just based on one word. The City of Sighs branch has the right to defend its actions. "

Lucas also said: "I personally invited the elder of the City of Sighs branch to join the Wizards Guild. Although I am his mentor in name, some of his foresight and wisdom also taught me a lot. I can stand here. He continued to lead the Wizards Guild and also listened to his advice when he was in the City of Sighs.

The fact that the City of Sighs Chapter was able to keep their flag at the most critical moment shows that they are definitely not a group of reckless children.

They should have the right to defend themselves. "

Since Lucas spoke for the wizards of the City of Sighs branch, Boswell could only put away his pressure and said: "Since President Lucas said that you have the right to defend yourself, then tell me why you want to fight against the coalition forces. Recorder."

Daliang stopped and said: "I am the elder of the Sighing City branch of the Wizards Guild. I have just repeatedly stated to this record officer that I have important matters to report to the president. Not only did he not register us, but he insulted us, saying that we sighing city All the wizards in the branch are dead. We are not worthy of joining the coalition. Let us leave the Ashes City.

The news I brought was too important, and I was eager to see the president, so I beat him. "

Telling them in front of the Sighing City branch that they are all dead is really worthy of a beating.

However, Boswell still wanted to protect the face of the Death Lords. He avoided the important and said lightly: "What important thing are you going to say?"

Daliang said: "Mr. Boswell, you see that I cover up my appearance and do not reveal my name. You should know that I have a special identity and what I am talking about is also extremely special. You will not let me reveal such important military information on such an occasion. Bar."

Boswell looked around and saw that there were countless heroes gathered here. It was indeed not a place to talk about confidential matters, so he said: "Come with me, I want to hear what you say is important."

But Daliang didn't move: "I'm sorry, I can only tell President Lucas about this."

Lucas knew Daliang's identity. His other identity was the Pope of the Mist District of the City of Sighs, and the news he brought must be related to the Holy See. When it came to the confidentiality of Daliang's identity, Lucas did not dare to let Boswell listen. He showed a strong attitude and said: "This matter ends here. From now on, internal fighting among the coalition forces is strictly prohibited. If there are any more violations, Those who do so will be severely punished.

Anthony, you have arranged accommodation for the wizards of the City of Sighs Chapter.

Elder of the City of Sighs branch, come with me..."

Unlike Boswell's fierce and domineering momentum, Lucas's coercion is solid and fair, which makes people feel spiritually respectful.

After Lucas gave the order, all the wizards dispersed, and the heroes of the Death Lord became at a loss.

Boswell snorted: "Boswell has always been clear about rewards and punishments in running the army. This time we formed an alliance with the Wizards Guild and Yunzhong City. The most important thing is internal unity. Now someone is maliciously insulting the allies. If not severely punished, this will Bad habits are bound to spread, and our cyan coalition will disintegrate before it even sets off.

Someone come!

The recorder was taken down and beheaded, and his crime was announced to the entire army. "

The heroes of the Death Lord all knelt down: "I am willing to obey your orders!"

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