Start with an Archangel

Chapter 656 Meeting Misuka

Some of the wizards and death lords who came to the alliance have not yet arrived, and the alliance will have to wait for a few more days. However, since we know that the cyan coalition is likely to be noticed by the Monarch of Ai Yin, the waiting time will not be too long.

Daliang did not stay in Ashes City. After bidding farewell to Lucas, he returned to Evernight City.

This city that is still sleeping is in sharp contrast to the city of ashes where tens of millions of troops gather. Da Liang's status as the envoy of Sigh City allows him to travel unimpeded in Yongye City. He can still enter and exit even the heavily guarded cathedral. free.

Da Liang, who came back, first greeted Will and said that he had left a street code with the Wizards Guild and was just waiting for the Wizards Guild's response.

Will had no doubts about Daliang's words and promised to mobilize the power of the entire mission as long as needed.

After listening to Will's words, Daliang wondered if he had snatched the Prophet's Sword in Will's hand as well.

But think about it again, you can't steal the Prophetic Sword on your own. If you rely on the power of the Wizards Guild, Will will definitely die here. Now in the City of Sighs, Will is considered a quasi-ally of Daliang. Once the Protestant religion is exposed and conflicts with the Parliament, he will also need the support of the Holy See Knights. Moreover, Will died in Evernight City, and the Sighing Monarch blamed him. Da Liang himself could not escape punishment, and the other angel equipment in Will's hands was scattered to unknown places.

It seems that the Prophet Sword can only wait a little longer. Anyway, the relationship with Will is good, and there will be many opportunities to obtain the Prophet Sword in the future. The most important thing at this time is to capture Misuka and win the Crown of Oracle.

Moreover, the capture of Michuka must be implemented as soon as possible.

This fourth hell lord king caused such a big thing in the kingdom of death. Daliang didn't believe that there was no news about Yunzhong City and hell. It was just that Michuka was beside the Aiyin Lord of Yongye City, so it was inconvenient to arrest him. And Michuka is definitely aware of this, and he is definitely ready to run away at any time.

If the cyan coalition forces in Ashes City suddenly declare war on Eternal Night City, it will definitely trigger chaos in the entire Kingdom of Death. There is no guarantee that Yunzhong City and Hell will not arrest them. At that time, whether Michuka is captured or escapes, Da Liang I really just say goodbye to the Crown of Oracle.

After meeting with Will to let him know that he was back, Da Liang excused himself to visit the Cathedral of Evernight City and walked out of the castle where the mission was located.

Arriving at the main hall of the Holy See, Daliang said to a Holy See knight guarding the main door: "I am the envoy visiting Yongye City on behalf of the Sad Lord. I want to see King Michuka, please inform me on my behalf."

The Holy See knight said: "I'm sorry, King Michuka doesn't see any guests."

Daliang said patiently: "You can help me send a message to King Misuka, saying that King Ergos and King Angela say hello to him. If King Misuka doesn't see me again, I will leave."

Just passing on a message does not seem to violate Michuka's order not to see any visitors.

The knight of the Holy See saluted Daliang and said: "Sir, please stay here for a while. I will go and convey your words to King Misuka. He will decide whether to see you or not."

The Holy See Knight turned around and walked into the main hall. After a while, he came out again: "Sir, you have been summoned by King Misuka. Please come with me..."

As Da Liang expected, the two hell lord kings, Ergus and Angela, were enough to arouse Misuka's interest.

Da Liang followed the Holy See knight into the hall, and then saw Michuka in a certain room.

Although he has the appearance of a great demon, Misuka does not see the unique violence of the hell race, but instead gives people an extremely cold feeling. He sat on a chair, first asked the Holy See Knight to go out, and then asked Daliang to sit down.

When there were only him and Daliang in the room, he said: "Since you said that you represent Ergus and Angela, first prove to me that you can represent both of them, otherwise I will kill you, even if you sigh Messenger of the city.”

Daliang sat opposite Misuka. Having seen many big bosses and big figures, he developed a calm mentality in times of crisis. He opened his hood to show his sincerity, and then took out the "Erges' Gaze" and wore it. On his chest, he pretended to be the representative of the Third Hell Lord King and the Fifth Hell Lord King, and said to Misuka with a little arrogance:

"King Misuka, King Ergos and King Angela were very happy when they learned that you were in the Kingdom of Death, and asked me to send greetings to you on their behalf when I see you in the Kingdom of Death. At the same time, let me express my gratitude to you. Ask, when will the Death Lords openly support the Hell Lord King in retaking Hell."

"Ergeth's Gaze" exudes the authentic aura of the Lord of Terror and is absolutely genuine, so whoever gets this badge can definitely represent Ergus.

It's just that Daliang's tone had a hint of accountability, which made Misuka very unhappy: "Watch your words, human. Go back and tell Ergus that the situation in the Kingdom of Death is very special now, and the Lord of Death is facing some emergencies. Due to the incident, they are unable to publicly support us for the time being, but they have expressed their position to me that the Death Lord and the Hell Lord King are indestructible allies.

On the contrary, it was Ergus. When I was trying to win over the Death Lord in the Kingdom of Death, what was he doing? And Angela, why is she with Ergus. "

Daliang smiled and said: "King Misuka, as a demon, you don't think that the Death Lord's verbal promise can be regarded as supporting the hell lord kings. Compared with the many things you have done for the Death Lord, you only get a person at any time. There is no need to admit the promise, but what King Ergos and King Angela are doing is actually accumulating the power to regain hell.

Even if it's me...

When the envoy from the City of Sighs met with the Monarch of Sighs, you already knew my position in the City of Sighs.

I am the direct ruler of the Mist Zone in the City of Sighs, with the jurisdiction of the church, the command of the Knights of the Church, the doctrinal advisor of the Holy See, and the senior knight of the Knights of the Holy See. These are the results I achieved during this period after you left the City of Sighs with nothing.

After returning from this mission to Evernight City, I will join the Council of the City of Sighs. Now I am leading the reform of the City of Sighs and control most of the finances of the City of Sighs. The Lord of Sighs has great trust in me. The head of the Holy See Knights of the City of Sighs and I are considered brothers.

I am about to secure the true support of a dead lord for King Ergoth.

King Misuka, how many troops do you have at your disposal now? "

This is not for greetings, this is for showing off.

A ball of flame really burst out from the top of Misuka's head, but he couldn't kill this human who made him angry.

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