Start with an Archangel

Chapter 657: Inspiring Generals

Michuka knew that what the human in front of him said was true, and that his series of titles were all confirmed by Will, the most trusted confidant of the Sad Lord.

This human's status is very special. Killing him will not only completely fall out with the Sorrowful Lord, but also trigger the anger of the Sorrowful Lord by killing the messenger from the City of Sighs. What is even more troublesome is the revenge of Ergos. The Lords of Hell are not as friendly to each other as the Lords of Death. They are only temporarily cooperating because of a common powerful enemy. Even so, they are doing their own thing, waiting for Satan's call.

Misuka knew that if Ergos was angered, the taciturn, hands-on Dread Lord would never show mercy.

Suppress your anger and quickly calm yourself down. Now that Ergus and Angela seem to have joined forces, Misuka can only endure it for the time being.

"I remind you again, human being, you are just a slave of a hell lord king, and you are sitting in front of another king. Don't show off your achievements in front of me. What the Sad Lord can give you can be Taking it away again is also the first thing I do after gaining the support of all the death monarchs.

You will definitely pay for today's offense. When you are no longer useful to Ergos, I will let you know how to behave when facing a hell lord king. "

Facing Misuka's intimidation, Daliang still acted very relaxed.

The first step of the plan has been successful. Being attacked by a weak human being but unable to do anything, the anger will make Misuka lose the vigilance he should have, and then...

"Getting the public support of the Death Monarchs? King Misuka means assisting the Death Monarchs in destroying the wizard guild... I'm really sorry. You know that I killed the last batch of wizards in the City of Sighs. At the same time, I also obtained an extremely important Information that would allow the Monarch of Mourning to eliminate all wizards in the entire Kingdom of Death in one fell swoop.

At that time, it will be King Ergos who assists the Death Lords in wiping out the Wizards Guild... and it will also be King Ergos who gets the support of the entire Death Kingdom. "

Having said this, Daliang stood up and assumed a condescending posture, and finally said: "King Misuka, King Ergus said that only the hell lords and kings can be stronger if they unite together, and King Angela has responded to Ergus The king's summons led him to join the army of the Dread Lord.

They all hope that you can become a member of the Dread Lord's army. Your joining will make us stronger. "

Misuka finally understood the purpose of this human being coming to see him. It was not to greet him or show off, but to surrender.

Originally, he was wondering how Angela could get together with Ergos, but it seemed that he was drawn into it this way.

If you can get the public support of the Death Lord, you may be able to form an army of death and become the first hell lord king with powerful military power. Naturally, you can ignore Ergos and Angela, and even treat them Recruit his own subordinates.

But now it seems that Ergus's development in the Kingdom of Death is smoother than his own. Not only are they about to get the substantial support of a Death Lord, they are even making plans for the Monarch of Mourning and other Death Lords.

The Wizards Guild that denies the divine right has always been a serious problem for the Death Monarchs. Whoever can help the Death Monarch completely eliminate the Wizards Guild will definitely get the full support of the Kingdom of Death. Therefore, Michuka has been helping the Death Monarchs attack the Wizards Guild and has achieved great results.

Now... it seems Ergos wants to pick the last of the fruits.

Michuka already knows what the information Daliang mentioned is.

He assisted Monarch Aiyin and was fully responsible for attacking the wizards' guild. Of course he knew something about the wizards gathering to rebel with force. It seemed that the angels of Yunzhong City were also involved.

However, Misuka concealed this matter from the Monarch of Ayin, and emphasized that the wizards in Eternal Night City had become homeless dogs, and it was only a matter of time before they were annihilated. In fact, he was waiting for the Wizards Guild to rebel.

A war breaks out between the Wizards Guild and the Death Lord, and Michuka can take advantage of it. The Wizards Guild with the support of Yunzhong City must be very powerful, and in the entire Kingdom of Death, there is probably no undead who has more combat experience against the Angel Legion than Misuka.

At that time, Misuka would have the opportunity to take control of part of, or even command, all the Death Lord's armies.

Then raising the thief to respect himself is Misuka's plan.

But now Ergos suddenly intervened, causing Misuka's plan to come to nothing.

Ergus knew that the Wizards' Guild was gathering, and even had information on where they were gathering. As long as they can confirm the location where wizards gathered to prepare for rebellion, they can inform the Monarch of Mourning, and then suddenly surround and attack when the wizards have just gathered and have not yet completed their formation.

Wipe out all wizard guilds in one fell swoop.

At that time, all of Misuka's achievements will be stolen by Ergus. The Death Lords support Ergus, and he, Misuka, will be a laughing stock.

Ergos's plan quickly took shape in Michuka's mind, and there was a deep sense of crisis in her anger.

He must immediately give up his original plan and report the gathering point of the Wizards Guild to the Monarch of Mourning before Ergos.

Just where is this location?

What is certain is that the envoy from the City of Sighs is visiting Eternal Night City at this time, and the gathering point of the Wizards Guild is within the territory of the Monarch of Sighing. Moreover, according to recent sporadic information, some lords in the south of Eternal Night City are relatively active, and there seems to be some. Troops are gathering.

So judging from that, the location should also be in the south.

However, the territory of the Aiyin Lord is too vast. There are thousands of cities where the undead are stationed, and there are countless deserted cities. If the wizards gather in a wilderness or barren mountain that doesn't even have a name, there is no way to find it.

The undead do not need supplies, and they are very quiet when they gather, making them very difficult to find. Even if a large number of undead are found, it cannot be judged that they are rebels from the Wizards Guild. They may also be wandering undead without owners.

In short, without knowing the location of the Wizards Guild's rebellion in advance, finding them would undoubtedly be like looking for a needle in a haystack.


Misuka looked at Daliang. The slaves of Ergos came to surrender with such confidence. They must know the location of the Wizards Guild's rebellion, or have a way to know the location.

He said to Daliang: "I already know your purpose of coming. Please tell Ergus that I very much agree with his proposal. The Lord King of Hell can only regain Hell by uniting, but not under his leadership.

As for who can get the support of the death monarchs, it will be revealed soon. I am very much looking forward to the moment when Ergus and Angela come to the kingdom of death to serve me. "

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