Start with an Archangel

Chapter 658 Lure the snake out of its hole

In an atmosphere of smiling faces on the surface but quarrels with each other in reality, Da Liang left Misuka's room.

What needs to be said has been said, and what needs to be revealed has been revealed. I hope Misuka can live up to his title as the second think tank in hell and understand what needs to be understood. Otherwise, if there is something that cannot be figured out, the entire arrest plan will not be implemented.

After leaving the main hall, Daliang returned to the castle where the Sigh City envoy was stationed.

The undead have no concept of rest. When nothing happens, they just stand there motionless in a daze. As long as they don't take the initiative to talk to them, they generally won't pay attention to others.

Da Liang walked slowly in the gloomy castle, his footsteps echoing in the empty space. He walked to his room on the third floor, opened the window and began to practice his ship design skills facing the silent ghostland below.

The low voice of the priest chanting the Immaculate Doctrine floated in from the window, which really gave people a creepy feeling.

To follow the undead mission process, you really need a big heart!

Da Liang let out a sigh and devoted his attention to the design of the ship. Geese has already shown him the reason for promotion to senior ship designer, and his pirate status has been registered. As long as the matter in the Kingdom of Death comes to an end, he will take time to complete the promotion of senior ship designer.

Both the Blackfire Territory's defense and sea trade are in great need of three-masted ships.

At this time, in the sky facing the bright window, Misuka was standing in the sub-space monitoring his every move.

Daliang revealed some information in the conversation with Mixiuka. Mixiuka used his brain to know what information Daliang said about the Wizards Guild.

No matter what plans Michuka had before, as long as he could figure out what Daliang was referring to about the gathering of the Wizards Guild, he would have to be pulled onto the racing track.

If Misuka wants to gain the support of the Death Monarch and prevent his previous investment from being in vain, he must tell the Monarch of Mourning where the Wizards Guild gathers in front of Daliang.

And does Michuka know where the Wizards Guild gathers?

I know... His preemptive report only allowed Lord Aiyin to know about the Ashes City alliance a few days in advance. By the time the Death Lord prepared his troops, the alliance between the cyan coalition forces had already ended, and it did not have much impact on the entire war.

If Misuka doesn't know the location of the Guild, then he must find the location before Ergos. And if Michuka wants to find there as soon as possible, monitoring Daliang is undoubtedly the most effective method.

"At this time, Michuka will never believe the undead in Eternal Night City. This is the most critical intelligence. Any slight mistake will cause him to lose all operations in the Kingdom of Death. Michuka will definitely monitor me personally, as long as he follows me Once we leave Yongye City, we have a chance to catch him."

This is the plan that Daliang told Lucas when he was in Ashes City. Although there are many places where luck is needed, if he can catch Michuka and eliminate this threat, Lucas feels that some risks are still worth taking.

The key to the entire plan is to prevent Michuka from having any doubts about Daliang's identity. He is very careful now and will never stay away from the protection of the Monarch of Mourning unless necessary.

And when Da Liang took out the "Erges Gaze", Lucas decided to implement the plan to hunt Michuka immediately.

Daliang left Ashes City and returned to Yongye City. Inside the pyramid, a hunting team composed of all level 15 heroes was summoned by Lucas, and then an ambush circle was quickly set up.

There was nothing wrong with Daliang's meeting with Michuka. He used "Erges' Gaze" to gain the upper hand from the very beginning, pressing forward step by step without giving Michuka a chance to test him. Finally, he allowed him to focus all his attention on the wizard. The guild ignored the suspicious nature of Daliang's identity and had no doubts about Daliang's identity as Ergos's agent.

Now it's just a matter of waiting.

The breeze outside the window carried the rotten atmosphere unique to the kingdom of death. Da Liang didn't know if Michuka was nearby. All he had to do was to continue the scene.

The day passed, and the sun again illuminated the gray sky here.

Da Liang found Will and said: "I left a code at the location designated by the Wizards Guild yesterday according to the information from the Wizards Guild. I should get a reply today. Now I will go over to see them and see where their alliance is. .”

Hearing that Daliang was going to the hinterland of the Wizards Guild alone, Will couldn't help but worry a little. He said, "Do you really want to go alone? They are all wizards who hate the Unsullied Priests. It's too dangerous. I'll go with you..."

Daliang said: "I am a human race. Those wizards will never think that I am also a priest. If you follow me, it will arouse their suspicion. Don't worry, as long as I can reach their alliance location, I will immediately return to see the monarch. .”

Will also knows that his identity is very sensitive, and there may not be any wizards who will recognize him. At that time, it would be self-defeating and cause trouble for the sad monarch. Visiting the Wizards Guild Alliance, the Eviscerate Pope could really only go there alone.

"Okay... be careful yourself," Will took out a one-time scroll and handed it to Da Liang: "This contains a space positioning magic. Use it if you encounter danger, and we will jump through space to support you."

Da Liang put away the spatial positioning scroll, then said goodbye to Will and left the castle and walked outside the cathedral.

And all his conversations with Will were heard by Michuka who was hiding in the subspace.

"Sighing City sent a mission to Eternal Night City not only to report that all the wizards in Sighing City were wiped out. They have the contact information of the Wizards Guild and are about to pretend to be wizards and sneak into the guild location. As long as they can By knowing the exact location, they can claim credit from Lord Aiyin.

But... I blame you for being too complacent..."

Michuka knew that Will was a die-hard loyalist to the Melancholy Monarch. His conversation with Daliang confirmed that they had a way to find the location of the Wizards' Alliance, and planned to notify the Monarch to send troops to encircle and suppress them after knowing the location.

This dispelled the little suspicion that Misuka had, and he knew that he had to be one step ahead in intelligence.

So when he saw Da Liang leaving the cathedral and preparing to meet with the liaison of the Wizards Guild, he immediately followed him in stealth.

Da Liang walked out of the cathedral, immediately changed into an ordinary smock, covered his face and walked slowly along the corner with his head lowered, looking back from time to time and using detection magic to test the surroundings. He didn't know if Michuka was following, but he had to act cautiously according to the script. If Michuka followed at this time, any drama might cause him to leave.

This situation really tests my acting skills. Fortunately, my acting skills are always online.

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