Start with an Archangel

Chapter 659 Ambush Point

Michuka hid in the subspace and followed closely behind, and then watched the humans being monitored comically use some methods to escape possible tracking.

Demons are born with the ability to move in sub-space. In addition to causing spatial fluctuations when moving, they are difficult to detect when stationary. It is a higher-level hiding method than "stealth". Unless a powerful hero can detect the demons hiding in the nearby subspace due to lack of strength, it will be difficult to find them.

Although Misuka is in a weak stage at this time, his strength is still at the level of a level 15 hero. Therefore, if he hides deliberately, it will be almost impossible to find him without knowing his existence in advance.

Therefore, in Misuka's eyes, Daliang's anti-tracking methods are nothing more than clown-like tricks.

Misuka followed Daliang less than ten meters away and came to an abandoned cemetery on the edge of Yongye City.

There are undead monsters wandering in the cemetery. Daliang uses magic to clear a path among the undead monsters and enter the depths of the cemetery.

After realizing that he had arrived at the contact point, Michuka rose into the air and looked down from the air. The entire cemetery was within his sight.

This is a cemetery with a radius of 1 kilometer. Ownerless undead monsters are wandering around the outer edge of the cemetery, but the inside is very empty. Except for the collapsed grave pits, not a single undead can be seen.

Under Misuka's gaze, Da Liang walked to the front of a tomb, then took out a cane and gently tapped the half-broken stone tablet in front of him.

"I am a lost traveler. I feel the call here. The words on the stone tablet are blurred. Can you help me read the history recorded on it?"

A voice came from inside the tomb: "The history on the stone tablet is also my history. If you are willing to listen, I can tell you about it for ten years."

"The time of the dead is endless. As long as the god of death does not call me, I am willing to listen to your story forever."

The codes matched, and a bat flew out of the tomb, then turned into a vampire and stood in front of Da Liang, and then asked rather puzzledly: "I saw the code you left yesterday, but I didn't expect it." It will be a human being."

"The pursuit of higher power, the exploration of God, this noble cause should not be affected by race. I am a human and a wizard. I received the call from the guild and am willing to fight for the survival of wizards. I contribute to the war."

The vampire said: "Okay. Please come with me. This war requires the power of every wizard."

At this time, a giant bat flew in front of Da Liang. The vampire turned into a bat and flew into the sky first. Da Liang rode on the giant bat and followed closely.

Michuka on the side also followed.

In another collapsed tomb, a pair of eyes saw extremely subtle spatial fluctuations in the sky: "Inform Elder Anthony that a demon is following Elder Eviscerate. A very powerful demon. I can hardly see him clearly next time." Traces of space operations.

Now they were flying towards the ambush circle. "

In an abandoned city of the undead 30 kilometers south of Eternal City, Anthony was checking the magic circle that had been arranged. At this time, the observation post of the contact point transmitted the news that the fish had been hooked.

Anthony said to a ghost hero beside him: "Vice-Elder Motuo, Misuka should have been lured out by Elder Eviscerate, and they are flying here. This time we are hunting a hell lord king, a man who lived in ancient times. A hero who reached level 16 during the period. Although his current strength is at level 15, we must not take it lightly. Let our wizards prepare. We must not let Michuka notice our existence before he finally steps into the trap."

In order to hunt Michuka, Lucas not only sent his deputy, Elder Anthony, but also the strongest assassin of the Wizards Guild, "Death Tentacle" Murto, to assist in the ambush. The other wizards involved in the ambush also had deputy Elders, elites with the title of elder.

It can be said that the Wizards Guild is determined to capture Michuka.

Motto has been at the forefront of the confrontation with the Unsullied Holy See since the establishment of the Wizards Guild. He has killed many bishops, and ordinary battles have long been unable to make him have too many emotions. But this time their target is a Hell Lord King, a demon who led the hell army to sweep across all major planes in ancient times.

This made Murtaugh a little excited: "Elder Anthony, please rest assured. This ambush plan was formulated by Elder Eviscerate. He once led the wizards in the City of Sighs to successfully assassinate Frank. As long as we act according to the plan, we will definitely succeed."

Anthony nodded and said: "Yes! Elder Eviscerate is a magical person. The last time I went to the City of Sighs, he told me too many incredible things. But this time I really can't figure out how he entered the Cathedral of Eternal Night City. , and it is almost impossible to lure Misuka out alone, just like he saved me in the City of Sighs.

But he did it. "

Motto, who knew Daliang's identity, smiled and said: "Yeah, many things he did surprised me too. Now let's start hunting Michuka. This is definitely an ambush that can leave our name in history." .”

After saying that, Motuo's figure quickly faded until it disappeared.

Anthony no longer thought about the evisceration and ordered the wizards involved in the ambush to hide themselves.

Da Liang flew quickly through the air with the vampire, and the scenery on the ground flew backwards quickly. When a pile of bone fragments with code words flashed on the ground, Da Liang knew that the ambush circle had been prepared.

"Where is the alliance's location? We shouldn't just fly there, right?"

The vampire leading the way knew that this was a code to enter the ambush circle. He said: "The location of the alliance is in a southern city. Let's go to a transfer point outside Yongye City first and teleport directly from there."

When he heard that teleportation was needed, Michuka immediately flew closer. He needed to enter the teleportation array at the moment it started, so that he could know where the other side of the teleportation array was.

Soon an abandoned undead town appeared in front.

The vampire and Da Liang began to descend, and Michuka, who could not miss the teleportation time, approached again.

After bypassing a ruin, a teleportation array appeared on a wasteland below. The vampire and Da Liang landed on the teleportation array, and the teleportation magic was activated by the vampire. The brilliance of space ability quickly enveloped the vampire and Da Liang inside. It's just that in addition to their two apertures on the teleportation array, another one appeared next to them, and a demon showed up inside.

Misuka stood on the teleportation array the moment it was activated, and then came out of the subspace to receive the teleportation of space magic. At this time, the teleportation has begun, and the entire teleportation process takes a few seconds. Michuka uses the space power he has mastered, and some image fragments on the other side of the teleportation array flash quickly.

The assembled army of death, the bone dragons, ghost dragons and heroes flying all over the sky, and the flag set up like a forest...the pyramid.

At this moment, Misuka knew what was on the other side of the teleportation array, the City of Ashes, the city of Death Lord Boswell.

Misuka knew the location of the wizard guild alliance, and now he was breaking away from the teleportation magic, and then returned to Eternal Night City to report to the Monarch of Mourning. As for that hateful human race, he didn't have the strength or skill to break free from the teleportation magic, so he could only be teleported over, waiting for him to find a way to come back...

It's too late for anything.

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