Start with an Archangel

Chapter 672 Display

Lucas burst out with the momentum of a veteran level 16 hero, instantly covering the entire pyramid, letting Holy Blanca and all the heroes know that he was able to command the entire Wizards Guild not because he had a good temper.

At this time, Anthony had already landed at the venue carrying a coffin.

After getting the time for the alliance to start, Anthony left the escort team and flew to the Ashes City alone with the coffin. With the support of his profound magic power, he finally appeared at the venue in time, otherwise I really don’t know what the alliance would have turned into.

The exhaustion of magic power caused Anthony to shrink after landing. He put the coffin down, sat aside and entered meditation without saying anything.

Da Liang immediately took Minia to protect both sides of the coffin, and Holy Bella also flew over and stopped on top of the coffin.

Whether it was Elder Anthony who sent it in such a hurry or the City of Sighs branch's strict protection, all the heroes in the venue became extremely curious about the contents of the coffin.

Daliang asked Lucas for instructions: "President, should we open the coffin now?"

Lucas stood up from his seat and said, "Open it and let this farce end as soon as possible."

Da Liang stretched his hand towards the coffin lid and slowly opened it.

Everyone stared at his movements, the gap became wider and wider, and then a sealed demon was revealed.

who is he?

While most of the heroes were guessing the identity of the demon, Holy Blanca had already rushed over to snatch the coffin.

And Lucas and Boswell stopped him at the same time.

Holy Blanca stared at the demon in the coffin, and her voice became trembling: "You must hand him over to me. Cloud City is willing to agree to any of your conditions."

Boswell had recognized the demon in the coffin, and to be honest he never expected to see him here and in this condition. He even suspected that this demon was an impostor, but his aura couldn't be faked.

But this demon is in the hands of the Wizards Guild. Whether it is handed over to Yunzhong City or not is a matter for the Wizards Guild. His mission is to control the entire venue and prevent his hopes from going to waste.

As for Holy Brandon's request, Lucas said: "I'm sorry, this was caught by the City of Sighs branch. Even if I am the president of the Wizards Guild, I cannot dispose of the branch's private belongings at will. Now are you right? Do you have any doubts about the strength of the Sighing City branch?”

City of Sighs Chapter! Do you have such strength? Do you know how many angels and fallen angels are looking for them in the whole plane now? How could a small wizard branch catch one of them?

But Lucas would never lie on this issue, and Holy Brandon couldn't help but begin to re-examine the wizard elder in front of him who had never shown his appearance.

Holy Brandon said to Daliang: "I hope you hand him over to me now. Yunzhong City will give you generous rewards. Don't think about mastering him. You don't have the ability to master him. He will only bring you endless benefits." Endless trouble.”

Daliang said: "Don't worry... I will definitely give him to Yunzhong City, but not to you. Because... it made me very unhappy just now."

At this time, Daliang was very proud.

Who just said "What's going on with the Sighing City branch?" What's going on with the "Sighing City branch" on the right? "Sighing that the City branch is messing with you!"

I regret it now...

Wow ha ha ha ha……

The arrogance shown by the elders of the Sigh City branch made Holy Brandon very uncomfortable. He wanted to snatch it, but found that not only could he not be able to get past the obstruction of Lucas and Boswell, but he was also no match for that powerful angel.

At this time, a voice sounded in the venue, and a Death Lord recognized the identity of the demon in the coffin.

He had completely lost his composure, without the stability of the undead, and shouted loudly: "It's Misuka, the greedy demon king Misuka, the fourth-ranked Lord King of Hell. Didn't he disappear ten thousand years ago? Why is he here? Here! Is he really sealed?"

Misuka, the demon king in ancient times, when he led the army of hell to sweep across the major planes, most of the undead who participated in the alliance had not yet been born. Many books even questioned whether the five missing hell lord kings were Really exists.

No undead would have thought that a legendary Hell Lord King would appear in this place, placed in front of everyone in a sealed state like an exhibit.

Is he real or fake?

All undead heroes are looking forward to someone who can give the correct answer.

Misuka's name was called out, which made Holy Brandon, who wanted to take Misuka away in time, very anxious. The Wizards Guild has broken away from the control of Yunzhong City. He has not completed the task given to him by Gabriel. If he can take away the Hell Lord King Misuka, he will be able to make up for his fault.

The matter of the alliance is irreversible, but the unity of the Blue Alliance must be maintained. Being sent by Gabriel to participate in the alliance, Holy Blanca is definitely not a reckless angel.

After calming down, Brandon knew that he had made a huge mistake by interfering with the alliance from the City of Sighs branch. He immediately corrected his mistake, lowered his posture, showed the unique holiness and temperament of an angel, and said to Daliang : "I apologize to the elders and the wizards of the City of Sighs for my inappropriate words towards the City of Sighs Chapter. As President Lucas said, the City of Sighs Chapter did something that all the heroes present could not do.

I still can't believe what I saw.

But it will have no effect in your hands. Instead, it will bring you endless trouble. As long as you hand him over to me, I guarantee that Cloud City will fully support the City of Sighs branch. You will soon be as powerful as before and have a large piece of land of your own in the future wizard's territory. "

Daliang said impatiently: "Didn't I tell you? I will definitely give it to Yunzhong City, but not to you."

"Who can you give it to? The only angels in the Kingdom of Death are the angel legions commanded by Lord Gabriel. If you give him to me, you are giving it to Lord Gabriel."

"The angels in the Kingdom of Death are not just Lord Gabriel's angel army, there is one beside me.

I'm really sorry, this one has already been reserved.

Next time I catch another one, I will consider giving it to you first..."

After that, Daliang waved his hand and closed the coffin again.

Catch another one next time. Did the Hell Lord King let you catch it so casually? Holy Brandon did not believe Daliang's lies. He said to Holy Bella above: "Who are you? Since you are an angel affiliated with Cloud City, you should know that all the angels in the Kingdom of Death belong to Gabai. Lord Lie is in charge.

Show your face and say your name. "

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