Start with an Archangel

Chapter 673 It’s a foregone conclusion

Holy Bella didn't make any move. She said in a very calm tone: "You don't need to know who I am for the time being. Lord Gabriel's mission is to support the Wizards Guild in the war against the Death Lord and escort Michuka back to Cloud City. It’s not your job, it’s mine.”

Misuka's name was once again spoken by the wizard of the City of Sighs branch, confirming that the person in the coffin was the real Lord King of Hell.

A demon king who once dominated the world was captured and sealed by the City of Sighs branch.

While all the undead heroes were extremely shocked by the strength of the City of Sighs branch, they were also deeply proud to have witnessed all this. This is definitely the most exciting event in this alliance. If a Hell Lord King can be captured, then the Death Lord of the same level as the Hell Lord King is no longer invincible.

At this time, the cyan coalition was full of confidence, high in fighting spirit, and had unprecedented cohesion.

And Holy Brandon's behavior of asking for Misuka was naturally not recognized by the undead hero.

Look at the elders of the Sighing City Chapter, the powerful and mysterious angels, Lucas, Boswell and the talked about undead heroes. Holy Brandon discovered that Michuka's capture by the Wizards Guild was changing the balance point of the Cyan Alliance.

At the beginning of the alliance, the Angel Legion of Yunzhong City was the solid backing of the Cyan Alliance, and it was the courage of the Cyan Alliance to challenge the Lord of Death. Therefore, although the Cyan Alliance was dominated by the undead, Yunzhong City had a great say. , and can even indirectly control the cyan coalition through the conflict between the Death Lord and the Wizards Guild.

And at this critical moment of alliance, when all the main heroes of the Cyan Alliance were present, a captured Hell Lord King had united the Death Lord and the wizards. The strength shown by the Wizards Guild brought the Death Lord down from the altar. As the undead heroes gained confidence in their own strength, their dependence on Yunzhong City would be greatly reduced.

In the kingdom of death, Yunzhong City is an outsider after all.

Looking at Boswell's attitude, you can tell that from the moment Michuka appeared, his and Lucas' actions were very consistent.

Although they still need Yunzhong City, the Angel Legion is no longer a necessity for the Blue Alliance.

This is definitely a very bad change.

Holy Brandon quickly analyzed the changes taking place in the cyan coalition and knew that it was absolutely impossible for the wizards to hand over Misuka at this moment. It would only show flattery to Yunzhong City and destroy the situation that had been created.

"Since you are also an angel of Yunzhong City, anyone can send Misuka back, but I still have to report this matter to Lord Gabriel, because this matter is of great significance to Yunzhong City and the whole plane. It’s really…amazing.”

Holy Blanca retreated to his seat. Some things happened that were irreversible. Making a fuss now would only weaken the influence of Cloud City on the Blue Alliance Army again. What he has to do now is to complete this alliance on behalf of Yunzhong City, maintain this state first, not intensify conflicts and maintain the unity of the cyan coalition, and then find a way to reverse it.

Anyway, the strength of Yunzhong City is there, and the expanded confidence and unity of these undead are only temporary.

Brandon pretended that nothing unpleasant had happened, and he continued: "We should complete this alliance as soon as possible. We must launch an offensive before the Monarch of Lamentation reacts."

Lucas and Boswell also knew that the alliance was the most important thing now, so they also returned to their seats and presided over the meeting to continue.

Lucas then said: Michuka is the culprit of the Death Lord's large-scale attack on the Wizards Guild. If he were by the side of the Mourning Lord, not to mention his terrifying strength, just making suggestions would be enough to cause harm to the cyan coalition. An immeasurable loss.

The undead heroes who attended the meeting finally understood why Lucas said that no one could achieve the contribution of the City of Sighs branch to the Blue Alliance even by the end of the war.

This is indeed impossible.

The alliance finally took shape as it should, and Lucas was undoubtedly elected as the commander of the army of death by all the undead.

Boswell became the deputy commander. He was not dissatisfied at all. He was convinced that the Wizards Guild could capture Misuka. The cyan coalition was ultimately weak against the Death Monarchs. No matter what, it was something to be happy about when the allies were strong.

Moreover, Boswell has no fundamental conflict of interest with the Wizards Guild. If the Wizards Guild is a land where he can study witchcraft without worrying about the Unsullied Holy See, he just wants to be a ruler. In his land, wizards and death lords can coexist.

The coffin containing Michuka was placed on the side of the rostrum. When all the undead souls looked at it, their eyes were full of strong soul fire. They actively discussed every detail of the war and took the initiative to undertake various war tasks.

All attack targets are quickly assigned, and all responsibilities are assigned to corresponding heroes.

Da Liang also returned to his seat.

The crisis in the alliance is now in the past. Yunzhong City failed to intervene in the army of death. Yunzhong City will not be easily influenced by what the Blue Alliance wants to do. The only disappointment was that Holy Brandon was not angered by him.

If Holy Brandon leaves the alliance in anger, or becomes angry and takes action directly, it will greatly weaken the influence of Yunzhong City on the cyan coalition.

And Holy Brandon has not said a word since the alliance started again. He shows the self-cultivation of the angels in Cloud City, and at the same time makes all the undead heroes unable to ignore his existence.

"Then there is the Sad Lord of the City of Sighs." The blue coalition's combat arrangements were ordered by Boswell. The Death Lords are indeed experienced in such large-scale operations. No matter how much Daliang promoted himself, Lucas knew what he could do. In private exchanges, Lucas gave Boswell the combat command of the Army of Death, while he controlled the overall direction.

After Boswell completed the combat arrangements for the Eternal Night region, he began to open other wars for the Death Lord. These battlefields played a auxiliary role to the main battlefield. They did not seek to capture much territory by conquering the city, but only sought to expand the influence of the Wizards Guild and inspire The conflict between those death lords and the Unsullied Holy See. Create some trouble for the Death Lords so that they cannot send too many troops to support the Mourning Lords.

These tasks of opening up separate battlefields were quickly taken over by the five main city branches of the Wizards Guild, and then the City of Sighs was mentioned.

The City of Sighs Chapter really impressed the entire Cyan Alliance and won the respect of all heroes, including Boswell.

But being able to capture Misuka does not mean that we can stop the army of Sighing City. This has nothing to do with a few powerful wizards. What is needed is overall strength and enough heroes and troops.

However, what the City of Sighs branch lacks is manpower.

The City of Sighs branch does not have the ability to contain the Sad Lord, but the status of the City of Sighs branch in the Cyan Alliance has greatly changed.

Therefore, when the topic was about how to open a battlefield in the City of Sighs, many wizard branches and the Death Lord expressed their willingness to send people into the territory of the Melancholy Lord to assist the City of Sighs branch in opening a battlefield.

"The City of Sighs branch has done enough for the Cyan Coalition. Their contribution to the Cyan Coalition is something we will never be able to achieve. The friends of the City of Sighs branch no longer need to worry about this war. They have the qualifications."

But how could Daliang allow the cyan coalition forces to cause trouble on his own territory? He stood up and raised his voice and said: "The Sighing City branch does not need any help. I guarantee that the Sighing City's army will not appear on the land of Yongye City..."

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